IAS Computing
Computing, the Institute’s information technology department, is composed of the following units:
Information Technology Group
The Information Technology Group provides support to School of Historical Studies, School of Social Science, Administration and programs under the Director's Office.
Mathematics Computing Department
Computing support for the School of Mathematics is provided by the Mathematics Computing Department.
Natural Sciences Computing Department
Computing support for the School of Natural Sciences is provided by the School of Natural Sciences Computing Department.
Network Administration
Network connectivity and infrastructure services for the Institute are provided by Network Administration.
Network Security
The Office of Information Security provides tips, resources and other information to further user education and safe computing. Available from campus only.
High-Performance Computing
High Performance Computing resources at IAS. Typhon CPU Cluster, Apollo GPU nodes, Parallel File System, Compute servers, Globus.
Digital Scholarship@IAS
Resources and training opportunities for digital scholars.
Media Technology Services (A/V)
The Media Technology Services group provides audio-visual services to the campus.
Telecommunication Services
Telecommunication services provides telephone service for campus and member housing.
Resetting Your Passphrase
Instructions for resetting your IAS passphrase.
Service Catalog
An annotated listing of services provided by IAS Computing.
Read and send email in your browser.
IAS Computer Training
Links to the computer trainings held on-campus, free online self-paced trainings and various training videos and tutorials.
IAS Mailing Lists
Mailing lists for communicating with the entire campus, special groups, and schools.
Computing Annual Report
Read about the Computing groups goals and objectives for the coming year.
Proofpoint Email Digests
Read more about how to access the list of spam (fake or unsolicited email) we are blocking for you.
OpenVPN Installation Guide
Connect to IAS when abroad to protect your traffic and access campus resources, such as file servers, Princeton University Library electronic resources, and internal web pages.
IAS Wireless Guide
Overview of the wireless networks at IAS. Installation guides for the authenticated IAS wireless networks eduroam.
WPAD Setup Guide
Web proxy setup required to access PU Library resources on personal and wireless devices while on campus.
Dropbox Transfer
Dropbox Transfer allows you to share files with other people both inside and outside of Institute for Advanced Study. It is a temporary and secure storage system for sharing files and data.
Computing Policies
IAS Computing security policies and guidelines
Travel Guidelines
Guidelines and Best Practices for information security safety while traveling.
Library Resources
While on campus, access to Princeton Univeristy Library databases and ejournals are available through Princeton University Library Catalog. To access these resources on wireless devices, join the wireless network/SSID "eduroam" using IAS provided login credentials (username and password) and make the following modification to your browser settings.