Events and Activities

Explore current and upcoming events and activities happening at the Institute for Advanced Study.


Princeton University Gravity Initiative Spring Seminar Series

Modeling Relativistic Jet Emission Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Joana Anna Hoellmer
12:30pm|Jadwin Hall, Princeton Gravity Initiative, 4th Floor

Abstract: We focus on understanding how the synchrotron emission morphology of astrophysical jet phenomena is influenced by physical properties of the relativistic plasma within the jet stream. To achieve this, we compare observational data in multi...


Joint IAS/PU Arithmetic Geometry

Local Monodromy of constructible sheaves
Deepam Patel
3:35pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access

Let X be a complex algebraic variety, and X à D a proper morphism to a small disk which is smooth away from the origin. In this setting, the higher direct images of the constant sheaf form a local system on the punctured disk, and the Local...


Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II

“Sharp” Selector Processes
10:30am|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access

Positive selector processes are natural stochastic processes driven by sparse Bernoulli random variables. They play an important role in the study of suprema of general stochastic processes, and in particular, Talagrand posed the selector process...


Symplectic Geometry Seminar

On certain $C^0$-aspects of contactomorphism groups
Vukašin Stojisavljević
1:00pm|Simonyi 101 and Remote Access

We will explore certain $C^0$-rigidity and flexibility phenomena in the study of contact transformations. In particular, we will show how the dichotomy between contact squeezing and non-squeezing is reflected in the group of contact homeomorphisms...


Analysis and Mathematical Physics

On Minkowski's Monotonicity Problem
Ramon van Handel
2:30pm|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

More than 120 years ago, Minkowski published a seminal paper that laid the foundation for the field of convex geometry (as well as several other areas of mathematics). Despite numerous advances in the intervening years, there are fundamental...


Joint IAS/PU Groups and Dynamics Seminar

Minimum Entropies of Braids
Chi Cheuk Tsang
4:30pm|Simonyi 101

Every braid can be thought of as a homeomorphism of a punctured disc. Morally, the more complicated a braid is, the more dynamics is contained in the corresponding homeomorphism, which one can quantify using topological entropy. In particular, one...