Institute Scholars Give Talks at Strings 2019
The Strings 2019 conference, which convened international experts and researchers to discuss string theory, took place from July 9–13, 2019, in Brussels, Belgium. The annual international Strings conferences, which have been held every year since 1995, are focal points in the field, with scientists from around the world presenting new work and reviewing the most recent developments.
Many Institute scholars past and present, including a number of Faculty in the School of Natural Sciences, participated in the conference. View their talks at the links below.
Comments on the Hartle-Hawking Wave Function of the Universe
by Juan Maldacena
JT Gravity and Random Matrix Ensembles
by Edward Witten
Vision session
with David Gross (chair), Nima Arkani-Hamed, Nathan Seiberg, Luis Fernando Alday, Daniel Harlow, and Douglas Stanford
Panel discussion: "Gravity in Dance"
moderated by Robbert Dijkgraaf
Unitary Semiclassical Black Hole Evaporation
by Ahmed Almheiri
Vertex Algebras and Superconformal Field Theories in Four Dimensions
by Christopher John Beem
Orbital Dynamics for LIGO/Virgo from the Double Copy and EFT
by Zvi Bern
Sewing Entanglement Wedges
by Jan de Boer
Unreasonable Simplicity of AdS5xS5 Correlators
by Simon Caron-Huot
Generalized Particles and Strings from Combinatorial Geometry
by Song He
Holographic Entropy Relations
by Veronika Hubeny
Extremal Correlators in Four Dimensions
by Zohar Komargodski
’t Hooft Anomaly, Symmetry Breaking, Gaplessness
by Kantaro Ohmori
Bounds on Mellin Amplitudes
by Hirosi Ooguri
Moduli Spaces in Heterotic String Theory
by Xenia de la Ossa
The Swampland Program
by Matthew Reece
Analyticity Properties of Superstring Loop Amplitudes
by Ashoke Sen
Black Holes, Random Matrices, Baby Universes, and D-Branes
by Steve Shenker
Critical Theory and Interferometric Observation of the M87 Photo Ring
by Andrew Strominger
Developments in Scrambling and Chaos
by Brian Swingle
Near-Extremal Black Holes and the Jackiw-Teitleboim Model
by Sandip Trivedi
Progress in Horizon Thermodynamics
by Aron Wall
Progress on AdS Black Holes in String Theory
by Alberto Zaffaroni
Find more information, along with lecture notes, at Strings 2019.