Institute Scholars Give Talks at Strings 2018
The Strings 2018 conference, which convened international experts and researchers to discuss string theory, took place from June 25–29, 2018, in Okinawa, Japan. The annual international Strings conferences, which have been held every year since 1995, are focal points in the field, with scientists from around the world presenting new work and reviewing the most recent developments.
View the talks by Institute Faculty, including Carl P. Feinberg Professor Juan Maldacena, Professor Nathan Seiberg, and Charles Simonyi Professor Edward Witten, as well as past and present Members and Visitors.
Review Talks
Dualities and dynamics in 2+1 dimensions by Francesco Benini
What's new with Q? by Clay Cordova
Quantum entanglement in holography by Xi Dong
Bounds on energy, entropy, and transport by Thomas Hartman
Three roads to 4D supersymmetric physics by David Morrison
Developments in string field theory by Ashoke Sen
Developments in the conformal bootstrap by David Simmons-Duffin
Plenary Talks
Calabi-Yau fibrations, finiteness, and string dualities by Lara Anderson
Coulomb branches of 4d QFTs by Philip Argyres
Introduction to stringy moonshine by Tohru Eguchi
Modular flow for bulk reconstruction and the QNEC by Thomas Faulkner
Topological holography by Davide Gaiotto
Umbral and penumbral moonshine by Jeffrey Harvey
Some elementary but surprising properties of quantum field theories by Simeon Hellerman
Inside the walls of positive geometry: the space of consistent QFTs by Yu-tin Huang
Tensor quantum mechanics at N large and small by Igor Klebanov
The vacua of some 2+1 dimensional gauge theories by Zohar Komargodski
Nonplanar correlators in N=4 SYM from integrability by Shota Komatsu
Traversable wormholes by Juan Maldacena
Global anomalies in six-dimensional supergravity by Gregory Moore
M-theory S-matrix from 3d SCFT by Silviu Pufu
Eternal traversable wormhole in two dimensions by Xiaoliang Qi
SCFTs in 6d and IR symmetry enhancement in 4d by Shlomo Razamat
Beyond symmetry: Topological lines in 2D by Shu-Heng Shao
A semiclassical ramp in SYK and in gravity by Douglas Stanford
Progress in soft physics by Andrew Strominger
de Sitter holography and entanglement entropy by Eva Silverstein
Cosmology and the string swampland by Cumrun Vafa
Monotonicity of relative entropy in quantum field theory by Edward Witten
Integrable field theories from 4d Chern-Simons theory by Masahito Yamazaki
Golden Jubilee of String Theory
50 years of string theory by Michael Green
Of crises and revolutions by Gabriele Veneziano
50th anniversary of string theory by Juan Maldacena
Two questions about gravity by Shiraz Minwalla
50th anniversary of ST by Eva Silverstein
Black holes as normal quantum systems by Douglas Stanford
What is perturbative string theory? by Xi Yin
The future of string theory conferences chaired by David Gross