Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2015

Prospects in Theoretical Physics is summer program designed for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars considering a career in theoretical physics. First held by the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study in the summer of 2002, the PiTP program provides lectures and informal sessions on the latest advances and open questions in various areas of theoretical physics.

Introduction to Topological and Conformal Field Theory (Part 1) by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Institute Director and Leon Levy Professor

Fermion Path Integrals and Topological Phases by Edward Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor in the School of Natural Sciences

Introduction to Topological and Conformal Field Theory (Part 2) by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Institute Director and Leon Levy Professor

Fun with Free Field Theory by Nathan Seiberg, Professor in the School of Natural Sciences

Topological Phases of Matter and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect by Nicholas Read

Quantum Symmetries and the 10-Fold Ways (Part 1) by Greg Moore

Category Theory and the Kitaev 16 Fold Way by Bogdan Bernevig

Topological Superconductors, Majorana...and Interactions by Bogdan Bernevig

Anyon Condensation by Bogdan Bernevig

Quantum Geometry in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect by Duncan Haldane

A Theory of Symmetry Protected Topological Order (Part 1) by Xiao-Gang Wen

Quantum Symmetries and the 10-Fold Ways (Part 2) by Greg Moore

Generalized Global Symmetries by Nathan Seiberg, Professor in the School of Natural Sciences

A Theory of Symmetry Protected Topological Order (Part 2) by Xiao-Gang Wen

Conformal Field Theory Methods and Effective Field Theory by Nicholas Read

A Theory of Symmetry Protected Topological Order (Part 3) by Xiao-Gang Wen

Hall Viscosity, Central Charge and Entanglement by Nicholas Read