News of the School
Former Member Rubina Raja (2019) Secures Major Grant for Groundbreaking Ancient Portrait Study
Former Member Eric Palazzo (2018-2019) named Medieval Academy of America Corresponding Fellow
American Musicological Society Honors Ellie M. Hisama
Member SherAli Tareen's book, Perilous Intimacies: Debating Hindu-Muslim Friendship After Empire (Columbia University Press), has been selected as a finalist for the 2024 American Academy of Religion book awards
Journal Celebrates Caroline Walker Bynum Across the Disciplines
The School of Historical Studies selects Members for the 2024-25 academic year
Former Member Asheesh Kapur Siddique (2021-2022) Wins HFA College Outstanding Teaching Award
Professor Emeritus Jonathan Israel interviewed by BirgunTV in a discussion of the Western Enlightenment
Former Member Anne-Valérie Pont (2019-2020) awarded ERC Consolidator Grant.
Member Wang Hui Named to Prospect Magazine's list of Top Thinkers.
Former Member Karen Graubart (2021) awarded Transatlantic Studies Association Book prize.
Former Member Rubina Raja (2019) was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm von Bessel Award of the Akexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Former Member Philip van der Eijk (2006) was elected Associé étranger of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris, for his work on the history of medicine and philosophy in the Graeco-Roman world.
Member Christopher Bonura wins 2023-2024 Rome Prize from the American Academy in Rome.
Former Member Grigory Kessel's (2021-2022) research used UV light to uncover a long-lost “hidden chapter” of Biblical text.
Member Elizabeth Bearden awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship.
Former Member Roland Betancourt (2016-2017) awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship.
The Royal Academy of Belgium, Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques, elected Angelos Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics, Associate Member in recognition of his outstanding scientific work.
Professor Angelos Chaniotis was appointed member of the National Council of Research, Technology, and Innovation in Greece.
Professor Caroline Bynum awarded Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Catholic Historical Association
Professor Myles Jackson elected to German National Academy of Science and Engineering
Former Member Marga Vicedo Castello (2015 - 2016) wins 2022 Watson, Helen, Miles, and Audrey Davis Prize from the History of Science Society.
Howard Chiang, Member in the School of Historical Studies, receives 2022 Bonnie and Vern L. Bullough Book Award from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality for his book, Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific, Columbia University Press, (April, 2021)
Member Ana Lucia Araujo named Getty Research Institute Scholar for 2022-2023
Member Peter Christensen (2021-2022) named Humanities Center director at the University of Rochester
IAS School of Historical Studies Page on the War in Ukraine
Roundtable discussion - The Uses and Abuses of History: Responding to the War in Ukraine
Resources for the Lunaape/Delaware Living Land Acknowledgement supporting the intellectual inquiry of the indigenous Lunaape and IAS communities, including announcements of upcoming collaborations, recordings of past events, readings, maps, and podcasts.
Former Visitor Juliette Kennedy (2019) wins Guggenheim Fellowship
Former Member Katja Guenther (2018-2019) wins Guggenheim Fellowship
Former Member Aaron Butts Named Andrew W. Mellon Chair of Early Christian Studies at The Catholic University of America
Professor Emeritus Jonathan Israel interviewed by The Oxonian Review
Professor Suzanne Conklin Akbari Elected as Fellow of Medieval Academy of America
Iris Montero-Sobrevilla, Member in the School of Historical Studies, wins the 2021 American Society for Ethnohistory Robert F. Heizer Award for her article, "The Disguise of the Hummingbird: On the Natural History of Huitzilopochtli in the Florentine Codex" published in Ethnohistory, Volume 67, Number 3
Diana S. Kim, Member in the School of Historical Studies, receives APSA 2021 Charles Taylor Book Award Honorable Mention for her book Empires of Vice: The Rise of Opium Prohibition across Southeast Asia, Princeton University Press (February, 2020)
Diana S. Kim, Member in the School of Historical Studies, Wins the APSA Giovanni Sartori Book Award for her book Empires of Vice: The Rise of Opium Prohibition across Southeast Asia, Princeton University Press (February, 2020)
Diana S. Kim, Member in the School of Historical Studies, receives 2021 SSHA Allan Sharlin Memorial Book Award Honorable Mention for her book Empires of Vice: The Rise of Opium Prohibition across Southeast Asia, Princeton University Press (February, 2020)
Professor Francesca Trivellato wins the 2021 Jordan Schnitzer Book Award for best book in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History and Culture
Douglas Flowe, Member in the School of Historical Studies, awarded Littleton-Griswold Prize from the American Historical Association for his book Uncontrollable Blackness: African American Men and Criminality in Jim Crow New York (Univ. of North Carolina Press)
Former Member W. Anthony Sheppard wins the 2021 Irving Lowens Book Award from the Society for American Music for his book, Extreme Exoticism: Japan in the American Musical Imagination (Oxford University Press, 2019)
Sabine Schmidtke elected corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Francesca Trivellato Awarded Jacques Barzun Prize for “Promise and Peril”
Former Member Margaret Graves wins the 2021 Karen Gould Prize in Art History from the Medieval Academy of America for her book Arts of Allusion: Object, Ornament, and Architecture in Medieval Islam (Oxford University Press, 2018)
Professor Myles W. Jackson gives the Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung of Heidelberg University
Myles W. Jackson was the keynote speaker in a virtual lecture to the chiefs of staff of the members of the German Parliament (Bundestag)
Myles W. Jackson, historian of science, was featured in a new exhibition, "Fascination with Science," created by Herlinde Koelbl
Former member Kathleen Coleman elected Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy
A Hebrew translation of Glen Bowersock's Empires in Collision in Late Antiquity is published in Israel under the imprint of The Historical Society of Israel
Former Member Matthew P. Canepa Awarded 2020 James R. Wiseman Book Award
Former Member Roberto Tottoli Named Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Fellow
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Supports Membership for Greek Citizens at the Institute for Advanced Study
Former Member Father Columba Stewart (2016/17), executive director of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, was named by the National Endowment for the Humanities the 2019 Jefferson Lecturer in the Humanities. This is the highest honor bestowed by the federal government for contributions to the humanities.
Former Member Bonnie Effros (2015/16) has been awarded the 2018 Alf Andrew Heggoy Book Prize by the French Colonial Historical Society for her book Incidental Archaeologists: French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa (Cornell University Press), on which she worked during her membership at the IAS.
Former Member Hartwin Brandt (2017/18), has been awarded a major grant from the German Research Council for his project “Die Römische Kaiserzeit (31 v.Chr.-284 n.Chr.) und ihre Kaiser", which stems from the research that he carried out at the IAS.
Celestial Bodies, written by Jokha Alharthi and translated by Marilyn Booth, Willis F. Doney Member in the School of Historical Studies, has been awarded the Man Booker International Prize 2019
Sabine Schmidtke, Professor at the School of Historical Studies was elected correspondant étranger of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Paris
Former Member William J. Connell (2002-2003) awarded a 2019 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship
Visions of Medieval Studies Conference Honors Patrick Geary
Patrick Geary Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Angelos Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics in the School of Historical Studies, was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa by the Ionian University for his contribution to the study of Greek and Roman History in a ceremony in Corfu
Irving Lavin (1927–2019), Iconic Art Historian, Dies at 91
Maurice Pomerantz (Historical Studies Member, 2015-2016) Wins Islamic Republic of Iran’s World Award for Book of the Year
Professor Nicola Di Cosmo's book “Empires and Exchanges” Recognized as Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Wall Street Journal mentions Professor Schmidtke's Zaydi Manuscript Tradition Project as a glimmer of hope in preserving Yemeni cultural heritage.
Patrick Geary is interviewed about his ongoing project that uses DNA analysis to study 6th Century communities
Former Member Despina Stratigakos (2016-2017) appointed Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence at the University of Buffalo
Former Member Maria de Lurdes Rosa is awarded a 2018 ERC Consolidator Grant for a new phase of research closely related to the project she pursued during her 2015 Historical Studies membership
Current Member Sabine Go awarded grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research to support her current research project, titled 'Risky Business: pricing, governance, and integration in European insurance markets (c. 1400-c. 1870)'
Former Member Muriel Arruebo Debie (2016-17) awarded the Prix de la Dame à la licorne for her recent book on the Syriac world
The Zaydi Manuscript Tradition Project, under the direction of Professor Sabine Schmidtke, to digitize Leiden University's Yemeni manuscripts
Christian Mauder, Member in the School of Historical Studies, awarded two separate 2018 dissertation prizes. The 2018 Christian-Gottlob-Heyne-Preis, from his university, and the Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award from the Middle East Studies Association
Former Members, Roberto Tottoli (2016-17) & Mercedes García-Arenal (Visitor 2008, Member 1988-89), are half of the team receiving a 2018 ERC Synergy Grant for the project "The European Qur'an", which is offered as an example of what such grants should be
Michelle Armstrong-Partida, Member in the School of Historical Studies, has won the Premio del Rey for a distinguished book in English in the field of early Spanish history
Former Member Axel Körner (2006-07) awarded Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize by the American Historical Association
Karina Urbach, long-term Visitor, awarded the Crime Cologne Award 2018, for her novel 'Cambridge 5'
Former Member Gil Renberg (2011-12) awarded the 2018 Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit by the Society of Classical Studies for his new book
Former Member Muriel Arruebo Debie (2016-17) awarded the French 2018 Grand Prix des Rendez-vous de l'Histoire du Monde arabe for her recent book on the Syriac world
National Science Foundation lists Professor Patrick Geary's project on ancient DNA among the top 4 "Awesome Discoveries "of the week
Professor Myles Jackson appointed Research Associate of the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Human History
Professor Emeritus Christian Habicht (1926–2018), Leading Expert on the Hellenistic Period, Dies at 92
Member Cynthia Hahn named Fellow of the Medieval Academy
Symposium in London to honor Professor Yve-Alain Bois' book, 'Painting as Model'
Historian of Science Myles W. Jackson Appointed to the Faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study
Van Leer Jerusalem Institute to Host Workshop on Near Eastern Studies after Patricia Crone
Professor Sabine Schmidtke awarded NEH grant for Zaydi Manuscript Tradition project
Professor Yve-Alain Bois conferred 'CHUN-TU HSUEH Chair Professor' by Nanjing University
In a ceremony held at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on March 7, 2018, Professor Angelos Chaniotis received the title of Doctor honoris causa for his contribution to the study of the Ancient World
The exhibition "A World of Emotions: Greece 700 BC-200 AD", co-curated by Professor Angelos Chaniotis, won the audience award "Youniversal Award" of the Global Fine Art Awards 2017
Prof. Schmidtke's Zaydi Manuscript Tradition project, and collaborating institutions, announces online availability of digital copies of collections of Yemeni manuscripts
IAS Trustee Lorraine Daston awarded Dan David Prize
Former Member Amy Singer named to Chair of Islamic Studies at Brandeis University
Former Member Yitzhak Hen appointed Director of Israel Institute for Advanced Studies
"A World of Emotions: Ancient Greece 700 BC-200 AD", co-curated by Professor Angelos Chaniotis, is a candidate for the 2017 Youniversal Award
Early Modern Historian Francesca Trivellato Appointed to the Faculty
The exhibition "A World of Emotions: Ancient Greece 700 BC-200 AD", co-curated by Professor Angelos Chaniotis, has been nominated for the Global Fine Arts Award in the category "Ancient Art"
Glen Bowersock Designated Honorary Life Fellow of the American Numismatic Society
Jonathan Israel's recent interview with the Tel Aviv Review about his new book
Jonathan Israel's, the 'Expanding Blaze' listed as book of the week in the Times Higher Education Supplement
Former Member Ittai Weinryb Receives Book Prize from International Center for Medieval Art
Caroline Walker Bynum and former Members Elected to British Academy
Jonathan Haslam Launches New Blog to Lend Insight into Russian Affairs
History Working Group response to immigration travel ban
Recent Publications by Faculty & Members
Albert - the Institute’s open-access digital repository