Events and Activities

Explore current and upcoming events and activities happening at the Institute for Advanced Study.


Princeton University Donald R. Hamilton Colloquium Series

Visualizing Strongly Interacting Quantum Phases of Matter from the Wigner Crystal to Topological Phases for Building Next Generation Qubits
Ali Yazdani
4:00pm|Jadwin Hall A-10

Abstract: When electrons are forced to interact strongly with each other, some of the most exotic electronic phases and novel quasiparticles may emerge. A key approach to force electrons to strongly interact with one another is to confine them to...


Princeton University High Energy Theory Seminar

Exploring Thermal CFTs from a Bootstrap Perspective
Alessio Miscioscia
11:00am|Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407

Abstract: In this talk, I will present recent developments in the study of Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) at finite temperature. The motivation for this work is different applications to holography, black holes in AdS as well as statistical physics...


Princeton University High Energy Theory Seminar

Sea Storm as a Problem in Field Theory
Gregory Falkovich
2:30pm|Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407

Abstract: I shall describe the recent theoretical advances in the description of turbulence in different media.

An important point is how different the meaning of renormalization in turbulence is from what we used to know in the field theory.
