Events and Activities

Explore current and upcoming events and activities happening at the Institute for Advanced Study.


IAS CMP/QFT Group Meeting

A Non-Semisimple Categorical Symmetry
Matthew Yu
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Abstract: I will explain how to realize a gapped Hamiltonian for a (1+1)d system on the lattice which has a categorical symmetry given by the modules of the 4-dimensional Taft algebra. This category is finite but not a fusion category, a fact that...


Focus Meeting on de Sitter, SYK, and Matrix Models

Focus Meeting on de Sitter, SYK, and Matrix Models
9:00am|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5

This will be a relaxed, informal gathering with only 2–3 talks each day, allowing ample time for in-depth discussions and collaborative exploration.

With recent developments in the field, we hope this meeting will serve as a valuable opportunity to...


IAS Physics Group Meeting

Equivalence Proof of Pure Spinor and Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz Superstring Amplitudes
Nathan Berkovits
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Abstract: A new manifestly spacetime-supersymmetric prescription for superstring amplitude computations is given using the pure spinor formalism which does not contain subtleties from poles in the pure spinor ghosts. This super-Poincare covariant...


Focus Meeting on de Sitter, SYK, and Matrix Models

Focus Meeting on de Sitter, SYK, and Matrix Models
9:00am|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5

This will be a relaxed, informal gathering with only 2–3 talks each day, allowing ample time for in-depth discussions and collaborative exploration.

With recent developments in the field, we hope this meeting will serve as a valuable opportunity to...


Focus Meeting on de Sitter, SYK, and Matrix Models

Focus Meeting on de Sitter, SYK, and Matrix Models
9:00am|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5

This will be a relaxed, informal gathering with only 2–3 talks each day, allowing ample time for in-depth discussions and collaborative exploration.

With recent developments in the field, we hope this meeting will serve as a valuable opportunity to...