Events and Activities

Explore current and upcoming events and activities happening at the Institute for Advanced Study.


IAS Physics Group Meeting

Bulk Volume Differences as the Holographic Dual of the Index of Boundary Algebra Inclusions
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Abstract: In the AdS/CFT correspondence, it is of great importance to understand the emergence of bulk geometry from quantum mechanical degrees of freedom on the boundary. Volumes of spatial subregions are key quantities characterizing the bulk...


IAS Informal Physics Seminar

Symmetry Topological Field Theory for 1+1d Lattice Models and 2+1d Gapped Phases with Categorical Symmetries
Apoorv Tiwari
1:30pm|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Abstract: Non-invertible categorical symmetries have emerged as a powerful tool to uncover new beyond-Landau quantum phases and phase transitions. The general theory of such phases and transitions has been studied systematically primarily in (1+1)d...


Special Year Seminar I

Toric Vector Bundles
2:00pm|Simonyi 101

This will be an expository talk on the structure and classification of equivariant vector bundles on toric varieties. I will emphasize Klyachko's classification results from the 1980s and 1990s and discuss more recent re-formulations of this...


Special Groups and Dynamics Seminar - Part 2

Spectral Gap of the Laplacian for Random Hyperbolic Surfaces
Nalini Anantharaman
2:30pm|Rubenstein Commons | Meeting Room 5

Although there are several ways to ''choose a compact hyperbolic surface at random'', putting the Weil-Petersson probability measure on the moduli space of hyperbolic surfaces of a given topology is certainly the most natural. The work of M...


Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) Colloquium

Six years of Parker Solar Probe: The emerging scenario of solar wind energization and heating
Stuart Bale
4:00pm|Virtual Meeting

The NASA Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission was launched in 2018 and has made 20 orbits of the Sun with perihelion altitudes down to 10.3 solar radii. After a Venus Gravity Assist in November of this year, perihelion will reach 8.8 solar radii above...


Special Year Seminar II

Tropical Vector Bundles
10:00am|Simonyi 101

In this talk, I will describe a new definition, joint with Bivas Khan, for a tropical toric vector bundle on a tropical toric variety. This builds on the tropicalizations of toric vector bundles, and can be used to define tropicalizations of vector...


Institute for Advanced Study Astrophysics Seminar

From Kepler to the Habitable Worlds Observatory: The Emerging Picture of Planet Populations
Jessie Christiansen
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall

In this talk I will review the current state of and future prospects for exoplanet demographics. I will walk through the latest understanding of the frequency of Earth-like planets from Kepler, and their implications for NASA’s next flagship mission...


Princeton University Thunch Talk

Too Big to Be?: Searching for the Most Massive Galaxies in the Distant Universe
Jacqueline Antwi-Danso
12:00pm|Princeton University, Peyton Hall, Grand Central

One of the unsolved problems in extragalactic astronomy is understanding the physics of how the most distant massive galaxies grow their stellar mass over cosmic time. Large-scale hydrodynamical simulations have been largely successful in matching...


Princeton University Donald R. Hamilton Colloquium Series

Visualizing Strongly Interacting Quantum Phases of Matter from the Wigner Crystal to Topological Phases for Building Next Generation Qubits
Ali Yazdani
4:00pm|Jadwin Hall A-10

Abstract: When electrons are forced to interact strongly with each other, some of the most exotic electronic phases and novel quasiparticles may emerge. A key approach to force electrons to strongly interact with one another is to confine them to...


History of Modern Mathematics: A Conversation

Alma Steingart, Volker Remmert, Rebecca Waldecker, Helmut Hofer and Akshay Venkatesh
11:00am|Simonyi Hall 101 and Remote Access

September 20, 2024 at the Institute for Advanced Study and by Zoom. 

11:00am (ET) Introduction   Karen H Parshall (University of Virginia)...