Video Lectures

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I will review asymptotically isometric codes - a tool to take the large-N limit in holographic theories, allowing for non-trivial von Neumann algebras to act on the code as well as on the physical Hilbert space. I will then discuss a relationship...

Gauging Spacetime Inversions

Daniel Harlow

Spacetime inversion symmetries such as parity and time reversal play a central role in physics, but they are usually treated as global symmetries. In quantum gravity there are no global symmetries, so any spacetime inversion symmetries must be gauge...

Online Omniprediction

Sumegha Garg

A recent line of work has shown a surprising connection between multicalibration, a multi-group fairness notion, and omniprediction, a learning paradigm that provides simultaneous loss minimization guarantees for a large family of loss functions...

Working intrinsically on a null hypersurface, we first show that the Raychaudhuri constraint is the conservation law of a Carrollian stress tensor. After suitably dressing the diffeomorphisms with the internal boost symmetry, we derive the full...

Scramblon Loops

Shunyu Yao

Out of time ordered correlator(OTOC) is one signature of quantum chaos. In certain large N systems, emergent scramblon-exchange modes dominate, while scramblon interactions are suppressed by 1/N. However, we are going to discuss certain types of...

We discuss several different definitions of phase spaces associated with horizons in general relativity, and the associated symmetry groups and charges.  For stationary horizons we compute the symplectic form of the theory in terms of independent...