ARSHEEF is a collaborative project and a website that makes
available up-to-date guides to libraries and archives across North
Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and South Asia, as well as
digital options for those who cannot travel.
Will future large-scale water resources plans make compelling
arguments for including the reduction of the loss of biodiversity
across scales in fluvial landscapes? Is the structure of river
networks a template for the large-scale spread of...
How did dogs become scientific beings? Although it is now widely
understood that a Border Collie or a Golden Retriever is a
cognitively complex creature meriting advanced nutrition and
monthly pharmaceuticals, this way of thinking about dogs was
The astral sciences and early cultures: why do we study
them, and how do we share our interest with the public?Alexander Jones (ISAW, NYU) in conversation with Sonja
Brentjes (IAS, MPIWG)
Alexander Jones will present a brief survey on his...