Video Lectures

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Fireball in Fast Radio Bursts

Kunihito Ioka

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are the brightest radio transients in the universe. Since the unexpected discovery in the 21st century, their extreme nature is one of the biggest mysteries of astrophysics. FRBs are also unique probes of the universe...

One of the strongest predictions of the standard cold dark matter paradigm is the hierarchy of structure down to Earth-mass scales.  However, individual self-bound clumps of dark matter--"halos"--are difficult to detect directly.  Instead, we use...

Brave New World of Numerical Relativity

Deirdre Shoemaker

After decades of preparation, the era of gravitational wave astronomy has begun. The gravitational wave detectors, LIGO and Virgo, have published a catalog of 90 events of coalescing compact objects including black holes and neutron stars. I will...