Special Year Research Seminar

The celebrated product theorem says if A is a generating subset of a finite simple group of Lie type G, then |AAA| \gg \min \{ |A|^{1+c}, |G| \}. In this talk, I will show that a similar phenomenon appears in the continuous setting: If A is a subset...

Sets with small l^1 Fourier norm

Thomas Bloom

A famous conjecture of Littlewood states that the Fourier transform of every set of N integers has l^1 norm at least log(N), up to a constant multiplicative factor. This was proved independently by McGehee-Pigno-Smith and Konyagin in the 1980s. This...

Linear equations in smooth numbers

Lilian Matthiesen

A number is called y-smooth if all of its prime factors are bounded above by y. The set of y-smooth numbers below x forms a sparse subset of the integers below x as soon as x is sufficiently large in terms of y. If f_1, …, f_r \in Z[x_1,…,x_s] is a...