ARSHEEF is a collaborative project and a website that makes
available up-to-date guides to libraries and archives across North
Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and South Asia, as well as
digital options for those who cannot travel.
Will future large-scale water resources plans make compelling
arguments for including the reduction of the loss of biodiversity
across scales in fluvial landscapes? Is the structure of river
networks a template for the large-scale spread of...
How did dogs become scientific beings? Although it is now widely
understood that a Border Collie or a Golden Retriever is a
cognitively complex creature meriting advanced nutrition and
monthly pharmaceuticals, this way of thinking about dogs was
The lecture introduces the audience to the process of
interaction of one of the most important Middle Eastern Church
traditions, Syriac Christianity, with the Holy City and the Holy
Land. Even if scholars have often argued that the late
The astral sciences and early cultures: why do we study
them, and how do we share our interest with the public?Alexander Jones (ISAW, NYU) in conversation with Sonja
Brentjes (IAS, MPIWG)
Alexander Jones will present a brief survey on his...