Four Lectures on Ethics

Anthropological Perspectives

Didier Fassin, James D. Wolfensohn Professor in the School of Social Science, has coauthored Four Lectures on Ethics: Anthropological Perspectives (Masterclass) (Hau, 2015), with Michael Lambek, Veena Das, and Webb Keane. Responding to the challenges from the worlds they study and reflecting critically on their own practice, the anthropologists devote new attention to ethics and morality and discuss, in a lecture format, the way in which anthropology faces contemporary ethical issues and moral problems. Rather than treating ethics as an object or as an isolable domain in moral theory, the authors explore how the ethical and the moral emerge from social actions and interactions, how they are related to historical contexts and cultural settings, how they are transformed through their confrontation with the political, and how they are, ultimately, an integral part of life.