
Didier Fassin Awarded Huxley Medal

Didier Fassin, James D. Wolfensohn Professor in the School of Social Science, has received the Huxley Memorial Medal from the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, the highest British distinction in anthropology. Fassin, who will also deliver the Huxley Memorial Lecture, was recognized “for his outstanding contribution and conceptual leadership in Medical Anthropology, including global inequalities in health in the context of HIV and AIDS politics, the Anthropology of the State (police, justice and prisons), Humanitarian and Critical Moral Anthropology.”

Delving Deep into Quantum Complexity

In August, 157 participants from 10 countries gathered at the Institute for the initial focus weeks of a workshop on Quantum Information and Physics. The workshop, which will continue through October 31, 2024, considers the relation of quantum complexity to physical systems such as many-body problems in quantum simulators, condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, and quantum gravity.

Institute Letter Spring 2024

Explore how collaborative efforts have maximized mathematicians’ knowledge of minimal surfaces. Join a group of historians, theologians, and other scholars as they think together about the co-production of three religious traditions. Discover how real-life experiences of making and performing music have inspired research into a unique electronic instrument. Dine out on our archivist’s insights into achieving intimacy, illumination, and understanding over dinner.

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