Program Details (Quantum Info 2024)

Workshop on Quantum Information and Physics 
August 19 - October 31, 2024

This workshop will focus on quantum information and quantum complexity and its relation to physical systems such as many body problems in quantum simulators, condensed matter, quantum field theory, and quantum gravity. The emphasis will be on building bridges among the different disciplines. The workshop will take place in person and via Zoom.

The program will also have two focus weeks with pedagogical lectures on the various disciplines participating in the workshop. These focus weeks are intended for non-specialists, for the people working in the other disciplines, this includes professors, postdocs and graduate students (2nd year and above) with some research experience.

Zoom Link: TBA

The workshop is sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study.

Focus Weeks for the Workshop on Quantum 
Information and Physics 
August 19-23, 2024 & August 26-30, 2024

Registration for the Focus Week workshops is now closed!

The two focus weeks will feature a couple of pedagogical lectures each day. These will cover topics such as experiments in quantum information, tensor networks, quantum information theory, unitary complexity and cryptography, quantum algorithms, complexity and gravity, quantum information and gravity, chaos and gravity, entanglement and the phases of matter, quantum simulation, quantum error correction and quantum probabilistically checkable proofs, classical shadows, holography and quantum information, quantum information techniques in condensed matter physics, quantum gases, applications to quantum dynamics, and generalized symmetries. 

Registration is required to attend these Focus Weeks. The purpose of the registration is to let us know how many people to expect for organizational purposes. It is not an application, and everyone who registers is welcome to attend. 

Registration is not required for the rest of the workshop.

Speakers & Titles


Program Organizers
Ignacio Cirac, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Juan Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Study
Nathan Seiberg, Institute for Advanced Study
Umesh Vazirani, University of California at Berkeley
Avi Wigderson, Institute for Advanced Study

Contact Lisa Fleischer,, with any inquiries.