In this talk I will describe a real-variable method to extract
long-time asymptotics for solutions of many nonlinear equations
(including the Schrodinger and mKdV equations). The method has many
resemblances to the classical stationary phase method...
In the talk, I will describe recent attempts to understand the
mysterious and beautiful geometry of nodal lines of random
spherical harmonics and of random plane waves. If time permits, I
will also discuss asymptotic statistical topology of other...
The cd-index is a noncommutative polynomial which compactly
encodes the flag vector data of a polytope, and more generally, of
a regular cell complex. Ehrenborg and Readdy discovered the
cd-index has an inherent coalgebraic structure which...
This will be an introduction to special value formulas for
L-functions and especially the uses of modular forms in
establishing some of them -- beginning with the values of the
Riemann zeta function at negative integers and hopefully arriving
Let p and l be two distinct prime numbers, and fix a positive
integer d . I will explain how the F_l-cohomology complex of the
Lubin-Tate tower of height d of a p-adic field K realizes mod l
versions of both the semi-simple Langlands correspondence...
we will describe various models of sparse and planar graphs and
the associated distributions of eigenvalues (and eigenvalue
spacings) which come up. The talk will be light on theorems, and
heavy on experimental data.
Let p be an odd prime number and let F be a totally real field.
Let F_cyc be the cyclotomic extension of F generated by the roots
of unity of order a power of p . From the maximal abelian extension
of F_cyc which is unramified (resp. unramified...