Why a Top Mathematician Has Joined Emmanuel Macron's Revolution

Former Member and 2010 Fields Medalist Cédric Villani sat down with Science Magazine's Elisabeth Pain to discuss his involvement in French President Emmanuel Macron's centrist and reformist party, La République En Marche!

Q: What do you hope to achieve in the National Assembly—in general, and for science?

A: I hope to participate in making France feel confident again—in its government, in its own abilities, and in the future. As to science, that’s a complex ecosystem, and the issues in France are well known. The efficiency of the competitive research funding agencies is one issue. How to reward researchers with significant achievements is another. How to organize the governance of universities. University entrance selection. The ratio of public and private investment in R&D. Patenting scientific discoveries and bringing products to market. And so on. There isn’t one particular topic I want to be associated with; I intend to push for the improvement of the science system as a whole.

Read more at Science Magazine.
