An Improbable Movement? Macron's France and the Rise of the Gilets Jaunes

Didier Fassin, James D. Wolfensohn Professor in the School of Social Science, and Anne-Claire Defossez, Visitor in the School since 2015, are coauthors of an article titled “An Improbable Movement? Macron's France and the Rise of the Gilets Jaunes,” published in the January/February edition of the New Left Review, writing:

“By claiming that they are the people and by contesting the legitimacy of the elite, the yellow vests are arguably placing themselves in the populist tradition. However, not all populisms are identical. No one knows whether this movement will evolve toward a more recognizable form, but it has at least reminded French politicians of the existence of a category that had disappeared from their vocabulary: les classes populaires.”

Read more at the New Left Review.


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