Meet the newest members at the Institute for Advanced Study and discover their unique passion for curiosity-driven research. Learn why free-floating, open-ended research is more important than ever as the world seeks new solutions and breakthrough ideas.
Join Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director and Leon Levy Professor, as he opens the jewel box of scholarship at the Institute to explore what drives its talented members. Learn why free-floating, open-ended research is more important than ever as the world seeks new solutions and breakthrough ideas.
Meet the newest Members at the Institute for Advanced Study and
discover their unique passion for curiosity-driven research in the
Scholar Spotlight video series.
In today’s episode, we asked our Members to talk about famous
films that intersect...
Meet the newest Members at the Institute for Advanced Study and
discover their unique passion for curiosity-driven research in the
Scholar Spotlight video series.
In today’s episode, Søren Fournais, Member in
the School of Mathematics, discusses...
Meet the newest Members at the Institute for Advanced Study and
discover their unique passion for curiosity-driven research in the
Scholar Spotlight video series.
In this episode Jeffrey Fung, Member in the School of Natural
Sciences, details his...
Meet the newest Members at the Institute for Advanced Study and
discover their unique passion for curiosity-driven research in the
Scholar Spotlight video series.
In this video, we ask IAS Members in each of our Schools to
describe the legacy they...