Earlier Highlights (1)
In May 2001, I gave an invited talk at the Human Person workshop, organized by Science and the Spiritual Quest and held in Paris, on the topic In Search of Stepping Stones.
In March 2001, I organized a workshop at NOAO in Tucson, together with Dave De Young, George Djorgovski, and Alex Szalay, on Large-Scale Simulations and Virtual Observatories.
Also in March, David Waltz and I concluded a series of lunch meetings at IAS with a one-day workshop with Brian Smith and Robert Sokolowski, to discuss their books "On the Origin of Objects" and "Introduction to Phenomenology", respectively.
In February 2001, I gave an invited talk at the 31th annual meeting of the Husserl Circle in Bloomington, IN, on the topic The Role of Husserl's Epoche for Science.
In December 2000, I gave a public lecture at the General Theological Seminary in New York City, with the title One Reality, in the Light of Science and Other Ways of Knowing.
<- In October 2000, I was invited to talk about cosmology, from a methodological point of view, as part of the Workshop on the Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable, sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
In September 2000, I gave the closing talk at the Future Visions conference in New York City, as part of the meeting of the State of the World Forum in tandem with the United Nations Millennium Summit.
Also in Septermber, on a lighter note, I noticed that in the September issue of Discover Magazine, in an article about `twenty ways the world could end,' I was connected with 4 of the 20 options. I was quoted twice, for options 3) and 4) and for option 20), though option 1) is actually the area in which I have made the most significant contributions.
In August 2000, I taught part of the third annual Kira Summer School on Ways of Knowing.
<- In June 2000, our first GRAPE-6 boards became operational. See abcnews and slashdot for some news stories, or go directly to the GRAPE website. For the latest news, here is our first GRAPE newsletter.
Also in June, I was a member of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the conference on Stellar Collisions at the Rose Center of the American Museum of Natural History.
In March 2000, I was a member of the Scientific Organizing Committee for the conference on Dynamics of Star Clusters and the Milky Way, held in Heidelberg, Germany.
<- In January 2000, I was invited to become a Fellow of the World Economic Forum. I gave several talks at their meeting in Davos, on topics ranging from cosmology to the scientific study of consciousness. One of the highlights for me was a stimulating dinner debate with E.O. Wilson.