Purchasing Policy

The Purchasing Department is responsible for procuring equipment, goods and services for the Institute at the most competitive rates available. All purchases from sources outside the Institute should be coordinated with the Purchasing Department. In general, Staff and faculty should only contact outside vendors to discuss technical support or product specifications. Exceptions to this rule include food purchases by our dining department, book purchases by our libraries, and computer software and licensing purchases authorized by the Institute Computing Manager.

The Purchasing Staff will reach agreements with vendors concerning price, delivery, quantity, quality, and all other matters that belong in a purchasing agreement. Purchases related to government grants must comply with the grant guidelines and any relevant statutes, regulations or policy statements. Accordingly, requisitions for grant-related products or services should also be referred to Purchasing in order to make use of the Department’s expertise.

Faculty members and departmental supervisors have authority to submit purchase requisitions. Each department head should notify the Purchasing Department and the Comptroller of other designated Staff members who also have signature authority to submit purchase requisitions. Capital purchases above a specified dollar limit may require approval by the Associate Director for Finance and Administration. In instances where Staff or faculty work directly with a vendor to procure goods or services, that Staff or faculty member is responsible for reviewing and monitoring the relationship with this vendor to ensure that the Institute’s standards are being met (i.e., competitive bidding, fair and ethical negotiations, etc.).

Persons engaged in procurement, whether or not they are members of the Purchasing Department, may not accept gifts or gratuities from vendors, and must avoid conflicts of interest. (For more information see the policies on Standards of Personal Conduct, Conflicts of Interest and Gifts and Gratuities.) Institute policy prohibits the purchase of any equipment, good or service through the Purchasing Department for the personal use of any member of the Institute, faculty, Staff, or faculty or Staff member’s family.