Narayana Murthy Appointed to Institute Board of Trustees

PRESS CONTACT: Alexandra Altman, (609) 951-4406
The Institute for Advanced Study has appointed Narayana Murthy to its Board of Trustees, effective October 25, 2014. Mr. Murthy is the Founder of Infosys Limited, a global consulting, technology and outsourcing services company based in Bangalore.
As the CEO of Infosys for twenty-one years, Mr. Murthy designed and implemented the Global Delivery Model, which has become the foundation for success in IT-services outsourcing from India. He has led key corporate governance initiatives in India and is an IT advisor to several Asian countries.
Mr. Murthy is President of the Infosys Science Foundation, which governs the Infosys Prize, an annual award to honor outstanding achievements of researchers and scientists. In addition to his role at Infosys, Mr. Murthy serves on the boards of leading foundations including the Ford Foundation, the Rhodes Trust and the U.N. Foundation.
Mr. Murthy received his undergraduate education at the University of Mysore in India and earned his Masters of Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He has received many awards for his achievements including the Hoover Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Ernst Weber Medal from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Mr. Murthy is also a Foreign Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.
About the Institute for Advanced Study
The Institute for Advanced Study is one of the world’s leading centers for theoretical research and intellectual inquiry. The Institute exists to encourage and support curiosity-driven research in the sciences and humanities—the original, often speculative thinking that produces advances in knowledge that change the way we understand the world. Work at the Institute takes place in four Schools: Historical Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Science. It provides for the mentoring of scholars by a permanent Faculty of approximately 30, and it ensures the freedom to undertake research that will make significant contributions in any of the broad range of fields in the sciences and humanities studied at the Institute.
The Institute, founded in 1930, is a private, independent academic institution located in Princeton, New Jersey. Its more than 6,000 former Members hold positions of intellectual and scientific leadership throughout the academic world. Thirty-three Nobel Laureates and 40 out of 56 Fields Medalists, as well as many winners of the Wolf and MacArthur prizes, have been affiliated with the Institute.