Eve Marder Elected to IAS Board of Trustees
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The Institute for Advanced Study has appointed neuroscientist Eve Marder to its Board of Trustees. Nominated by the Institute’s School of Natural Sciences, she succeeds Ewine F. van Dishoeck as Academic Trustee. Her appointment was unanimously adopted by the Board on May 6, 2023.
Marder, University Professor and Victor and Gwendolyn Beinfield Professor of Neuroscience at Brandeis University, has made important contributions to the understanding of how neuronal circuits work with electrophysiological, computational, anatomical, and molecular methods.
Among her many breakthroughs, she has showed that neuronal circuits are not hard-wired, but that neuromodulatory substances and neurons reconfigure circuits for appropriate behavior. With Larry Abbott, she developed the dynamic clamp and produced the first models of homeostatic regulation of intrinsic excitability. Most recently, her studies of the resilience of individual animals has revealed that extreme environmental experiences can produce long-term changes in circuit performance that can be hidden, or “cryptic,” unless the animals are again challenged or perturbed.
Her work today is designed to understand differential resilience in natural, wild-caught animals in response to climate change. She now argues that neuromodulation functions both to promote circuit flexibility and to enhance robustness and resilience in response to perturbation.
Marder, who grew up in New York and New Jersey, attended Brandeis University when it was then newly established. She went on to graduate school at the University of California, San Diego, before returning to Brandeis in 1978 to join the faculty.
She has been recognized with memberships in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as fellowships from the Biophysical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Additionally, she has received many awards including the Kavli Prize, the George A. Miller Award from the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, the Gruber Award in Neuroscience, and the Women in Neuroscience Mika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award, to name a few.
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The Institute for Advanced Study has served the world as one of the leading independent centers for theoretical research and intellectual inquiry since its establishment in 1930, advancing the frontiers of knowledge across the sciences and humanities. From the work of founding IAS Faculty such as Albert Einstein and John von Neumann to that of the foremost thinkers of the present, the IAS is dedicated to enabling curiosity-driven exploration and fundamental discovery.
Each year, the Institute welcomes more than 200 of the world’s most promising post-doctoral researchers and scholars who are selected and mentored by a permanent Faculty, each of whom are preeminent leaders in their fields. Among present and past Faculty and Members there have been 35 Nobel Laureates, 44 of the 62 Fields Medalists, and 23 of the 26 Abel Prize Laureates, as well as many MacArthur Fellows and Wolf Prize winners.