Medieval History

Through the eyes of Maureen C. Miller, Elizabeth and J. Richardson Dilworth Member (2021) in the School of Historical Studies, explore the groundbreaking work of Caroline Walker Bynum, Professor Emerita in the School, whose scholarship has transformed medieval religious objects into central, influential players in understanding Christian devotion.

Patrick Geary is co-PI of the European Research Council funded research project HistoGenes, which uses a combination of genomic, archaeological, anthropological, and historical methods to study over six-thousand burial sites in the Carpathian Basin between the fifth and tenth centuries.

Alison Locke Perchuk, past Member in the School of Historical Studies (2018-19), has authored the first interdisciplinary account of the Monastery of St. Elijah, built circa 1122-26 near Rome. It includes archaeological and historical readings of the monastery’s architecture, frescoes, and sculpture, with an eye toward epigraphy, liturgy, theology, memory, and landscape.