Ruth Abbey 1999-00 POL Universalism of Human Rights The Ethics of Cooperation in Warfare between Enemies Henry Abelove 1995-96 LIT George Berkeley: British Philosophy and Colonialism during the Long Eighteenth Century Thomas Abercrombie 1989-90 ANT Carnival Dance-Dramas and the Presentation of Indian and National Identities in Oruro, Bolivia Nadia Abu El-Haj 2001-2002 ANT Genomic Evidence, Historical Quests and the Politics of Identity at the Turn of the Millenium Lila Abu-Lughod 1987-88 ANT Feminist Theory and Middle East Ethnography 2022-23 [V] ANT/GEND STU Acknowledgments: Making an Anthropologist Musa Abutudu 1997-98 POL The Limits of Globalization: Culture, Poverty and Identity Politics in Nigeria Ari Ackerman 1996-97 [RA]; 1997-98 [RA]; 1998-99 [RA] POL Jewish Philosophy Lahouari Addi 2002-03 ANT North African Anthropology Richard Adelstein 1994-95 ECO Constructing the Twentieth Century: Political Economy in the Age of Concentration Najwa Adra 2019-20 [V] (2) SOC Tribal Dynamics and Nation Building in Yemen Ari Adut 2015-16 SOC The Terror, 1793-4: A Tragedy of Distrust
Angel Aedo 2015-16 ANT Life on the Edge: An Ethnography of Immigrant Squatter Camps on the Northern Border of Chile Daniel Agbiboa 2021-22 SOC #EndSARS: Police Brutality and Youth Protest in Nigeria Felipe Agüero 1993-94 POL Parties of the Right in the Transition from Authoritarian to Democratic Regimes Robert B. Adhieh 2008-09 [V] Law The New Regulation Akbar S. Ahmed 1980-81 SOC Tribal Social Structure and Organization
Yasmine Moataz Ahmed Summer Program 2018-19 Andrew Aisenberg 1991-92 [RA] HIS Contagious Disease and Healthy Politics in Paris, 1860-1902 George A. Akerlof 1983-84 ECO [V] Integration of Sociological Theory, Psychological Theory and Economics Ala Alazzeh Summer Program 2015-17 Anthony Alessandrini 2021-22 LIT Community Education as Political Mobilization: The Solidarity Academies of Turkey
Jeffrey C. Alexander 1985-86 SOC Watergate and the Crisis of Civil Society Kamran Ali 1998-99 ANT Regulating Bodies, Organizing Selves: Planning the Family in Egypt Zahra Ali 2021-22 SOC The Iraqi uprising and the feminist imagination Ayten Alkan 2017-18 POL Revisiting the Right to the City from the Perspective of the Non-Human: The Case of Stray Animals Lori A. Allen 2016-17 ANT A Genealogy of Political Proof: Making Facts Through Investigative Commissions In Palestine, 1919-2009 Svetlana Alpers 1979-80 ART Northern European Art, 17th Century Lorenzo Alunni 2022-23 ANT Odysseus' Scar: Bodies and Borders in the Mediterranean
Hector Amaya 2018-19 PHI Publicity, Violence, and Technological Mediation Attila Ambrus 2006-07 ECO Marriage Markets Robert Amdur 1985-86 POL Theory of Freedom of Expression Lalaie Ameeriar 2016-17 ANT Saving Muslim Women: Forced Marriage and Honor Killing among Muslim Immigrants in London, United Kingdom Nikhil Anand 2013-14 ANT Infrapolitics: Public Systems and the Social Life of Water in Mumbai
Barbara Anderson 1973-74 (II) SOC Demographic History of 19th-Century Russia Lisa Anderson 1993-94 POL Political Liberalization in the Arab World Warwick Anderson 2005-06 HIS The Possession of Kuru Hillary Angelo 2022-23 SOC Power and Light: Public Lands and the Energy Transition Gil Anidjar 2010-11 REL A Critique of Christianity
Valeria Añón Summer Program 2018-19 Arjun Appadurai 1989-90 ANT Alternative Modernities: The Construction of the Indian Consumer David Apter 1972-73 (II);1974-75 (I) POL Modernization and Political Change Persio Arida 1978-79 [RA] ECO Conceptual Preconditions of Technological Change
Dan Ariely 2005-06; 2006-07 [V] PSY The Psychology of Labor Sumedha Gupta Ariely 2005-06 [V]; 2006-07 [V] PSY Philanthropy and the Motivation for Giving Minou Arjomand 2021-22 [V] ENG Radio Publics Said A. Arjomand 1984-85 SOC State, Religion and Revolution in Iran Caroline Arni 2004-05 HIS Beyond Disciplines: Challenging Biological Determinism in Discourses on Gender and Modernity Jeremiah O. Arowosegbe 2019-20 POL Autochthony, Line Systems and State Building in Nigeria Celeste Arrington 2011-12 POL What is Fair? The Moral Politics of Victim Redress Solomon Asch 1969-70 PSY Theories of Learning and Cognition Eric Ashby 1969-70 [V] (II) SOC Comparative Study of American and English Universities Adam Ashforth 1997-98 POL "Witchcraft" and Democracy in the New South Africa [Visiting Faculty]: 1999-00 (II), 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06 Paul Attewell 2009-10 SOC The Other 75%: Government Policy and Mass Higher Education Robert Audley 1970-71 (I) PSY Models of Perception and Decision-Making R. Keith Aufhauser 1975-76 ECO Technology and Social Change Leora Auslander 1992-93 HIS The Historical Logic of Style: The Social Life of Furniture in Paris,1750-1930 Barbara A. Babcock 1979-80 ANT Reading Culture: Anthropology and the Uses of Literary Theory Keith M. Baker 1979-80 HIS Ideological Origins of the French Revolution Shaul Bakhash 1981-82 HIS Institutional Change in Iran,1921-1941 Lawrie Balfour 2020-21 POL SCI Imagining Freedom: Toni Morrison and the Work of Words Asli Bâli 2011-12 [V2] LAW Subordination by Law? Discretion and Discrimination Against U.S. Muslims Beyond September 11th Sandeep Baliga 2000-01 ECO Mechanism Design Approach to Organizational Theory Fadi A. Bardawil 2016-17 ANT In Marxism's Wake: The Disenchantment of Levantine Militant Intellectuals Banu Bargu 2020-21 POL SCI Corporeal Politics: Violent Uses of the Body in the Present Diana (Barkan) Kormos-Buchwald 1992-93 HIS The Anxiety of Influence and Scientific Transcendence Joshua Barkan 2020-21 GEO Political Territory and the Corporate Control of Land: A Legal Geography of Land Concessions Barry Barnes 1976-77 SOC Sociological and Historical Studies of the Natural Sciences Ava Baron 1993-94 SOC Men's Work and the Woman Question: The Transformation of Gender and Work in the Printing Industry,1830-1920 Andrew Barshay 1997-98 HIS Science and Culture in Japanese Capitalism, 1945-2000 Tugba Basaran 2014-15 [V]; 2015-16 [V] POL Securing Indifference Keith Hamilton Basso 1975-76 ANT Cultural Anthropology Kaushik Basu 1985-86 ECO Power and Inequality, Industrial Organization Theory Marco Battaglini 2012-13 [Visiting Faculty] ECO Economics and Politics Alyssa Battistoni 2022-23 POL SCI Freedom without the Free Gift: Beyond Necessity Rainer Bauböck 1998-99 POL Liberal Pluralism and Cultural Diversity: Assessing the Claims of Migrants and Minorities Alton L. Becker 1981-82 ANT Southeast Asian Aesthetic Systems Gail Bederman 2011-12 HIS The Worst Sort of Property: Population, Marriage and Sexual Radicalism in England, 1793-1803 Mark R. Beissinger 2004-05 POL Contemporary Empires: Imperialism and the Politics of Identity in a World of States
Dorian Bell 2018-19 LIT Planetary Prejudices: Race, Migration, and Technology in the New Global Order Robert N. Bellah 1972-73 SOC Comparative Religion, Japan and the United States Cristina Beltrán 2013-14 POL Latino Conservatives: Racial Shame, Racial Success, and the Politics of Transformation Roland Benabou 2002-03 ECO Self-serving Beliefs, Attachment and Behavioral Political Economy Hagit Benbaji 2006-07 [V] PHI Phenomenal Dispositionalism Yitzhak Benbaji 2000-01 [RA]; 2001-02 [RA] PHI Ethics, Political Philosophy and Jewish Political Thought 2006-07 Defending and Improving the Traditional War-Convention Joseph Ben-David 1976-77 (I) SOC Sociology and History of Science Regina Bendix 1992-93 OTH The Discourse on Authenticity: A History of a Concept and Its Impact on Theory and Practice in Folklore Studies Reinhard Bendix 1971-72 SOC Social Stratification Ruha Benjamin 2016-17 OTHER Provincializing Science: Mapping and Marketing "Difference" After the Genome Elchanan Ben-Porath 2004-05 ECO Rationalizable Expectations
Naor H. Ben-Yehoyada 2019-20 ANT Getting Cosa Nostra: Inquiry, Justice, and the Past in Southwest Sicily
Mabel Berezin 2018-19 SOC Security Crises: Populism, Nationalism and Threats to Democracy in Europe Tsehai Berhane-Selassie 1994-95 ANT African Sociology of Conflict and Conflict Resolution: Women's Role and Position in Ethiopia Elizabeth Popp Berman 2013-14 SOC Thinking Like an Economist: The Normative Impact of a Positive Science on U.S. Public Policy
Sheri Berman 1997-98 POL The Primacy of Politics versus the Primacy of Economics: Social Democracy and the Political Dynamics of the Twentieth Century Elizabeth Bernstein 2011-12 SOC Brokered Subjects: Sex, Trafficking, and the Politics of Freedom Daniel Bertaux 1984-85 SOC Reorientation of Social Mobility Research through Life Histories
Céline Bessière 2016-17 SOC The Patrimonial Government of Families: How Family Justice Contributes to Wealth Inequality in France Lucas Bessire 2012-13 ANT Where the Black Caiman Walks: Legacies of Violence and Life against Culture among Ayoreo-speaking People of the Gran Chaco Magali Bessone 2021-22 PHL The Moral Economy of Antiracism in France Gurminder Bhambra 2014-15 [V] SOC Comparative Historical Sociology Venkataraman Bhaskar 2012-13 ECO Matching, Investments, and Learning in Marriage and Labor Markets Debaditya Bhattacharya 2021-22 HIS The Ethics of Unreason: Situating Indian Social Movements from Rohith Vemula to Shaheen Bagh João Biehl 2002-03 ANT Pharmaceutical Governance 2012-13 [V] Patient-Citizen-Consumers: An Anthropological Study of Right-to-Health Litigation in Brazil Henry S. Bienen 1984-85 POL Income Distribution and Political Stability in Developing Countries
Anat Biletzki 1999-00 PHI Religion and the Universalism of Human Rights - a Hobbesian Reading Kenneth Binmore 2001-02 [V] (I) ECO Evolution of Fairness Norms Norman Birnbaum 1975-76 SOC The Marxist Legacy in Modern Social Thought David Bjelajac 1980-81 [RA] HIS American History Painting: Presidency Symbolism
Max Black 1970-71 PHI Philosophy and Linguistics Keisha Blain 2021-22 HIS “East Unites with West”: Black Women, Japan, and Visions of Afro-Asian Solidarity Joseph Blasi 1995-96 SOC The Social Transition from Communism to Privatization in Russia 2002-03 [V] (II) Economic Sociology Ruth Bloch 1985-86 [V] HIS History of Early American Marriage Karen I. Blu 1976-77;1978-79 [V] ANT Ethnicity and Race in Southern U.S. Andreas Blume 2011-12 ECO Communications Strategies with Imperfectly Shared Meanings
Johanna K. Bockman 2017-18 [V] SOC Socialist Globalizations Paul Boghossian 2004-05 [V] PHI The Nature and Status of Epistemic Reasons for Belief Luc Boltanski 1991-92 SOC The Sociology of the Critical Sense
David Bond 2018-19 ANT Environment: A Disastrous History of Our Hydrocarbon Present 2022-23 [V] ENV Climate Colonies: A Caribbean Parable of the American Empire of Oil George C. Bond 1983-84 ANT Religious and Ideological Change in Northern Zambia Philip Bond 2002-03 ECO Corruption and the Legal System James Bono 1990-91 OTH History of Science after "The Linguistic Turn" James A. Boon 1973-74 [RA];1974-75 ANT Cultural Analysis of Social Organization in Indonesia Michael Bordo 2014-15 [V 2] ECO Financial Globalization, Financial Development, Financial Crises and Economic Growth in the Golden Age 1870-1914
Amy Borovoy 2006-07 ANT Japan Studies and the Anthropology of the Self 2016-17 [V] Aging Bodies and the Redefinition of Kinship Obligations Through Live Kidney Donation in Japan Charles Bosk 2003-04 SOC Official Ethics Experts: The Institutionalization of Bioethics Linda Bosniak 2015-16; 2016-17 [V] LAW Justifying Immigrant Justice: Wrongs, Rights and the Liberal National Imaginary Pierre Bourdieu 1972-73 SOC Economy of Symbolic Goods Philippe Bourgois 2003-04 ANT Confronting the Diseases of Civilization: The Moral Economy of Addiction and the Ethics of Public Medicine Julien Brachet 2021-22 [V] INT DEV Under cover of crisis: sovereignty and mobility at the Saharan edge of Europe Serguey Braguinsky 2015-16 ECO The Making of a Globally Competitive Industry: The Case of Meiji Japan Lakhdar Brahimi 2006-07 [Dir V]; 2007-08 [Dir V] POL
Rosi Braidotti 1994-95 PHI Women, Monsters and Machines: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in the Age of Bio-Technology
Carolina Branco Ferreira Summer Program 2018-19 Benjamin Braun 2019-20 POL Asset Manager Capitalism
Denise Brennan 2018-19 ANT Undocumented: Criminalizing Everyday Life in the United States Suzanne Brenner 1995-96 ANT The Domestication of Desire: Women and the Cultural Politics of Modernity in Java,Indonesia Robert Brenner 1973-74 HIS Agrarian Development in European Economic Growth Susan Brison 1997-98; 1998-99 [V] PHI The Aftermath of Violence: Traumatic Memory and the Politics of Forgetting James F. Brooks 1998-99 HIS Nations, Tribes, and Colours: Violence, Kinship, and Community in Comparative Pastoral Borderlands Benjamin Brower 2007-08 HIS The Mediterranean Hajj under French Rule, 1798-1962
M. Brady Brower 2004-05 [RA] HIS The Fantasms of Science 2014-15 Animal Republic: Social Biology and the Evolution of French Republicanism, 1870-1939 Michael Brown 2001-02 ANT Who Owns Native Culture? Prospects and Dilemmas of Heritage Protection Wendy Brown 1992-93 [V] POL The Gender of Political Power in the Late Modern Nation State 2001-02 Tolerance in the Age of Identity Yitzhak Brudny 1987-88 [RA] POL Contemporary Russian Political Thought Markus K. Brunnermeier 2010-11 [V] ECO Macroeconomics with a Financial Sector Stephen Brush 1992-93 HIS Dynamics of Theory-Change in Science Rebecca Bryant 2005-06 ANT Memories in Conflict, Memories of Peace Arief Budiman 1977-78 [RA] ANT Politics and Social Structure in the Third World Ergin Bulut 2019-20 [V] MEDIA STUDIES Turkey’s Transnational TV Series Industry
Edmund Burke, III 1989-90 HIS Collective Action in the Making of the Modern Middle East 2006-07 [V] (I); 2007-08 [V] (I) France and the Sociology of Islam, 1798-1962 Ian Burney 1992-93 [RA] HIS Medicine and the Disciplining of the English Inquest System, 1870-1930 Judith P. Butler 1987-88 PHI Gender, Identity and Desire: Foundations of Philosophical Feminism
Manduhai Buyandelger 2014-15 ANT One Thousand Steps to Parliament: Elections, Women's Participation, and Gendered Transformation in Postsocialist Mongolia William Callison 2021-22 POL SCI The Market for Revolt: Origins and Far-Right Appropriates in Neoliberalism Michel Callon 1992-93 SOC Integrating a Sociology of Technosciences and an Economics of Technical Change: The Dynamic Analysis of Socio-Technical Networks Milton Cameron 2013-14 [V] PHI Albert Einstein and the Validation of Modern Architecture Başak Can 2019-20 ANT Documenting Bodies: Evidence-Making and Human Rights in the Post-Truth Authoritarian Turkey Brandice Canes-Wrone 2013-14 POL Political Uncertainty and Economic Outcomes Kathleen Cannings 1989-90 ECO Organizational Commitment in Managerial Bureaucracies: Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. Enrique Cárdenas 1981-82 [RA] ECO Economic History of Mexico Fernando Cardoso 1974-75 (II);1975-76 (II);1977-78 (II) POL State and Civil Society in Brazil Joseph H. Carens 1983-84 POL The Morality of Bureaucracy Cathryn Carson 1998-99 HIS Heisenberg in West Germany: Culture, Politics, and a Role for the Physicist Erica A. Cartmill 2020-21 [V] PSY Evolutionary Origins and Socio-Cognitive Foundations of Human Language and Social Cognition Alessandra Casella 2004-05 ECO Two Applications of Storable Votes: Protecting Minorities and Improving Referenda Steven C. Caton 1998-99 ANT "Anger be now thy song": The Study of and Event of War and Mediation in Yemen Jessica R. Cattelino 2008-09 ANT Citizenship and Territorialization in the Florida Everglades Jonathan Caverley 2011-12 [V] POL Death and Taxes: The Political Economy of Democratic Militarism
Robin Celikates 2018-19 PHI Democratizing Disobedience: Towards a Critical Theory of Political Protest Filippo Cesarano 2013-14 [V1] ECO Intangible Money and the Evolution of Banking Patrick Chabal 2006-07 POL What is "Scientific" about the Social Sciences? Gilbert Chaitin 1999-00 LIT Fictions of Universal Education in the French Third Republic Brenda Chalfin 2002-03 ANT Subversion, Sovereignty and State Survival Tod Chambers 2003-04 REL Outsider Bioethics Nahum Chandler 1998-99 LIT Force of the Double: W.E.B. DuBois and the Question of African American Subjection Eric Chaney 2012-13 ECO Ethnic Cleansing and the Long-Term Persistence of Exploitative Institutions: Evidence from the Expulsion of the Moriscos Louis C. Charland 2003-04 PHI A Moral Eclipse: Moral Responsibility and Recovery from Depression Kalyan Chatterjee 2014-15 ECO Constrained Economic Interactions: Networks and Inference Complexity in Games Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez Summer Program 2015-17 Nick Cheesman 2016-17 POL The Constitution of Torture in Asia Lian Cheng 2001-02 PHI The Nature of Political Obligation Rita Chin 2010-11 HIS The European Left and Postwar Immigration Yvonne Chiu 2013-14 POL The Ethics of Cooperation in Warfare between Enemies 2017-18 [V] Soft Authoritarianism in East Asia: Public Freedom and Private Submission In-Koo Cho 2006-07 ECO Learning, Testing and Model Uncertainty in Complex Economic Systems
Hae Yeon Choo 2018-19 SOC The Paradox of Democratic Citizenship: The Politics of Land Ownership in South Korea Nitsan Chorev 2013-14 SOC Pharmaceuticals in the Global Periphery Nusrat Chowdhury 2020-21 ANT Mobs and Megaprojects: Rumor as Surveillance in Bangladesh
Lucas G. Christel Summer Program 2018-19 Julia Chuang 2019-20 [V] (2) SOC Beneath the China Boom: Labor, Citizenship, and the Making of a Rural Land Market Wendy Hui Kyong Chun 2011-12 New Media Studies Imagined Networks, Glocal Connections Paul M. Churchland 1982-83 PHI Cognitive Science: Evolutionary Epistemology Patricia Smith Churchland 1982-83 [V] PHI Cognitive Science: Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind Jiwei Ci 1996-97 PHI Chinese Moral Culture in Transition David Ciepley 2015-16 POL Our Corporate Civilization and its Neoliberal Crisis Alev Çinar 2012-13 POL The Particularism of Political Theory: Globalized Intellectual Traditions meet Islamic Knowledges in Turkey Julia A. Clancy-Smith 2009-10 HIS From Household to School Room to Post-Colonial State: Educating Muslim Girls in North Africa, c. 1840-1970 Gregory Clark 1983-84 [RA] ECO Economic Performance in Mature Economies Timothy J. Clark 1979-80 ART Relations between Art and Society in19th-Century France Patricia Ticineto Clough 2004-05 SOC The Chimera Project
Daniel Aldana Cohen 2018-19 POL SOC Street Fight: Inequality and Climate Change in the 21st Century City Ed Cohen 2019-20 MOD THOUGHT Healing Tendencies: At the Limits of What Medicine Knows Mitchell Cohen 1993-94 POL Nationalism and Democracy S. Marshall Cohen 1981-82 PHI Law, Morality, and International Relations Oluwole Coker Summer Program 2015-17 Forrest D. Colburn 2006-07 POL Poor Countries in Search of a Place in the World Joshua Cole 1989-90 [RA] HIS The Power of Large Numbers: Population and Politics in Late 19th Century France Stephen Cole 1992-93 SOC Social Influences on the Evaluation of Scientific Knowledge
Charly Coleman 2017-18 HIS Transmutations: Economic Theology and the Catholic Origins of Capitalism E. Gabriella Coleman 2010-11 ANT Coding Freedom: The Pleasures and Ethics of Hacking David Collier 1975-76 [V] (I) POL Social and Political Change in Latin America Irwin L. Collier 1980-81 [RA] ECO Comparative Economic Systems and Econometrics Stefan Collini 1994-95 LIT Intellectuals and Public Debate in Britain,1992-1963 Randall Collins 1974-75 SOC Historical/Comparative Sociology of Science Harold Conklin 1971-72 (II) ANT Language and Social Organization in the Philippines Brian Connolly 2005-06 [RA] HIS Domestic Intercourse 2014-15 [V] Sacred Kin: Religion, Kinship, and Modernity 2015-16 Sacred Kin William E. Connolly 1986-87 POL Interpretation and Genealogy in Political Thought Marianne Constable 2005-06 LAW The New Unwritten Law: Chicago Husband-Killing 1895-1930 James W. Cook 2010-11 [V] HIS The Lost Black Generation: African-American Performers and the Making of Global Mass Culture Eugene Cooper 2006-07 ANT The Market/Temple Fairs of Jinhua Julie E. Cooper 2009-10 POL Modesty and Dignity in Modern Political Theory Robert D. Cooter 1977-78 ECO Welfare Economics Rodrigo Cordero 2018-19 SOC Giving Society A Form: Constituent Moments and the Force of Concepts Angela B. Cornell 2021-22 [V] LAW The Cambridge Handbook of Labor and Democracy Drucilla Cornell 1991-92 LAW Sexual Difference, Politics and the Law Paula Cossart 2002-03 [RA]; 2003-04 [RA] HIS Participation in Political Meetings in France, 1789-1900
Peter Coviello 2017-18 ENG The Mormon Century: Sex, Sovereignty, and the Unfinished Business of American Secularism Aurelian Craiutu 2008-09 POL Faces of Moderation in Modern Political Thought: An Intellectual History Diana Crane 1976-77 SOC Sociology of Culture: Science, Art, and Religion
Alice Crary 2017-18 PHI Moral Visibility Angela Creager 1996-97 [V] HIS of SCI The Biography of a Virus: Laboratory Practice and Disciplinary Transformation in Postwar California Lee Cronk 2008-09 ANT Meeting at Grand Central: Culture and the Evolution of Cooperation Christina Crosby 1990-91 LIT The Commodification of "History" Thomas Csordas 2011-12 ANT Moral Subjectivity, Moral Economy, and the Struggle for Biographical Coherence in the Experience and Treatment of Adolescent Psychiatric Disorder Randall Curren 2012-13 PHI Education and the Human Good Emilia da Costa 1989-90 HIS The Strange Career of John Smith: The Demerara Slave Rebellion of 1823 E. Valentine Daniel 1986-87 ANT The Semiosis of "Collective Violence": Sri Lanka's Tamils Robert Darnton 1979-80 (I);1980-81;1981-82 HIS Rise of the Intelligentsia,18th Century Roumen Daskalov 1995-96 SOC Meanings and Experiences of Modernization on the Balkans Mrinal K. Datta-Chaudhuri 1980-81 ECO Political Economy of Development Alastair Davidson 1999-00 POL The New Civics: Civic Virtues in the Age of Difference Elizabeth Anne Davis 2013-14 ANT “The Only Terrorist is the State”: Secrecy and Evidence in the Cyprus Conflict Heather Davis 2022-23 HUM Petro-time: on the temporal politics of climate change Joseph E. Davis 2003-04 SOC Psychopharmacology and the Expansion of Mental Illness Kathleen Davis 2010-11 LIT Periodization and Sovereignty Natalie Z. Davis 1977-78 (II) HIS Social and Religious History of 16th-Century France Richard H. Day 1978-79 ECO Adaptive Economics José Murilo de Carvalho 1980-81 POL Adaptation of Imported Ideas in 19th-Century Brazil Antonio Barros de Castro 1978-79 ECO Technological Progress in 19th-Century Brazil Marcello de Cecco 1983-84 ECO International Financial Interdependence Geoffroy de Clippel 2010-11 ECO Social Choice under Incomplete Information John M. de Figueiredo 2012-13 ECO The Political Economy of Regulation and Public Sector Agencies Michela De Giorgio 1993-94 [V] HIS Marianne de Laet 1992-93 [RA] ANT Controversies in Anthropology Marc de Leeuw 2019-20 [V]; 2021-22 [V 1] PHL and LAW Biolegality, Hybrid Life, Nature Rights Raymond De Vries 2003-04 SOC The Ascendance of Bioethics: The Form and Substance of a New Profession Marielle Debos 2021-22 POL SCI Biometric elections: the invention of the African market Anne-Claire Defossez 2009-10 [RA] (II) 2015-16 [V]; 2016-17 [V]; 2017-18 [V]; 2018-19 [V]; 2019-20 [V]; 2020-21 [V]; 2021-22 [V] SOC Women in Politics: Why Do They Run? At What Cost? For Which Change? 2022-23 [V] Julia Dehm 2022-23 (2) LAW Accounting for Carbon: Targets, Inventories and Risks Manuel DeLanda 2000-01 PHI The New Philosophy of Economics and the Internet Gregory Dening 1988-89 HIS Prophets and Priests: A Book of Voyages James Der Derian 2000-01 POL Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial-Media- Entertainment Network Omar Dewachi 2013-14 [V1] ANT Ungovernable Life: War and Mandatory Medicine in Iraq Summer Program 2015-17 Pierre Deyon 1971-72 (II) HIS French Urbanization in 18th and 19th Centuries
Chitralekha Dhamija 2017-18; 2018-19 [V] SOC Reflexive Radicalism: Mapping the New Militancy in Kashmir Amrita Dhillon 2010-11 ECO Informal Institutions and Contract Enforcement Maria Pia Di Bella 1993-94 [V] (II) ANT Sociology and History of Banditism in Sicily Marcello Di Bello 2016-17 PHIL Guilty on Numbers Alone: Do Statistics and Probability Threaten the Fair Trial? Laurence Dickey 1983-84 HIS The "Doctrine of Indirection" and the Division of Labor in European Thought,1767-1840 Andrew Dilts 2016-17 POL Subjected to Freedom: The Chicago School, Neoliberal Domination, and Abolitionist Insurgency
Paul DiMaggio 2017-18 SOC Cognitive Approach to the Sociology of Culture Dan Diner 2004-05 HIS The History of the Jews as a Paradigm of European History Abdulhaï Diouri 1995-96 [RA] ANT Medical Anthropology Nicholas Dirks 1989-90 HIS The Colonial Construction of Identity in India Jeremiah Dittmar 2011-12 ECO Ideas, Technology and Economic Change: The Impact of the Printing Press Avinash K. Dixit 2010-11[V] ECO Governance Institutions, International Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment
Jacob S. T. Dlamini 2017-18 HIS Safari Nation: A Transnational History of the Kruger National Park
Gregor Dobler 2018-19 [V] ANT Being at Liberty: Otium, Experience and Critique Herbert Docena 2019-20 SOC Guilt and Innocence in International Relations: The Moral Sources of Global Domination Pınar Doğan 2013-14 [V]; 2014-15 [V] ECO Access Policies and Competition in Network Industries
Sylvester Dombo Summer Program 2018-19 Michael Donnelly 1990-91 SOC The Culture of Social Statistics in 19th Century Europe Ronald P. Dore 1969-70 SOC Social Implications of Worker-Management Relations in the United Kingdom and Japan Beshara Doumani 2018-19 HIS Of Limestone, Sandstone, and Cinderblock: A Critical History of the Palestinians David Dowty 1974-75 LIN Linguistic Theories of Richard Montague James Doyle 2008-09 [V 1]; 2009-10 [V 2]; 2010-11 [V 2]; 2011-12 [V]; 2012-13 [V]; 2013-14 [V]; 2014-15 [V] PHI Plato's Gorgias Michael W. Doyle 1982-83 ECO Diplomacy and Political Economy in North-South Relations Vincent Dubois 2012-13 POL Controlling the Poor: Welfare Fraud Enforcement in the Contemporary Social State
Mary L. Dudziak 2007-08 LAW How War Made America: A Twentieth Century History
Sarah E. Duff Summer Program 2015-17
Louis Dumont 1971-72 (I) ANT Individualism in India and Europe Jean Paul Dumont 1987-88 ANT Toward an Anthropological Understanding of Insularity Christina Dunbar-Hester 2022-23 SCI & TECH "Productive Nature”? Quantifying Habitat on the California Coast
Susana Durão Summer Program 2015-17 Deborah Durham 1997-98 ANT Citizenship and Cultural Performance in an African Democracy Leslie Dwyer 1997-98 [RA] ANT Cultural Anthropology Paulla A. Ebron 2004-05 ANT Making Tropical Africa in the Georgia Sea Islands
Andreas Eckert 2018-19 HIS Histories of Work and Non-Work: Twentieth-century African Labor History in a Global Perspective Souad Eddouada 2008-09 [V 1] ANT & LAW Moroccan Women and the State in the Wake of Reform Marc Edelman 1997-98 ANT Transnational Peasant Politics Sara Edenheim 2014-15 [V 2] Umeå University HIS Tolerance as Concept and Praxis in Swedish Public Late-Modernity--A Genealogical Study Richard C. Edwards 1976-77 ECO Theory of the Firm
Bregje van Eekelen 2017-18 ANT Brainstorms: A Cultural History of Undisciplined Thought Stefan Eich 2022-23 POL SCI The Price of Democratic Time: Keynes, Credit, and Carbon Dale F. Eickelman 1976-77 ANT The Social Role of Traditionally Educated Elites in North Africa John R. Eidson 1982-83 [RA] HIS Intellectual and Institutional History of Local Government Christiane Eisenberg 1987-88 HIS Sports and the Middle Classes: A Comparative Study of England and Germany 1890-1936 Hassan El boudrari 1991-92 [RA] ANT Symbolic System of Sainthood in Islam
Dana El Kurd Summer Program 2018-19 Adam Elga 2014-15 PHI Risk Pollution and Cascading Failures
Tamer ElGindi Summer Program 2015-17 Carl Elliott 2003-04 [Visiting Faculty] PHI Bioethics Elisabeth H. Ellis 2006-07 POL Provisionality and Politics Glenn Ellison 2003-04 ECO The Internet Retail Environment Sara Fisher Ellison 2003-04 ECO Industrial Organization of Internet Industries Jean Bethke Elshtain 1981-82 POL The Family and Politics, with Emphasis on Moral and Political Education Abdurramane El-Moudden 1987-88 [RA] ANT Near Eastern Studies Abdul H. el-Zein 1977-78 ANT An Analysis of Mythical Studies in the Middle East Donald K. Emmerson 1988-89 POL Competing Interpretations of a Regime: Culture, Leadership, Economy and Organization in Indonesia,1965-1988 Anver Emon 2014-15 LAW Sharia and the Rule of Law Jody Enders 1996-97 [V] LIT Medieval Literature David L. Eng 2012-13 LIT Reparations and Human Rights Laura Engelstein 1989-90 [V] HIS The "Sexual Question" in Late Imperial Russia Karen Engle 2016-17 LAW Carceral Human Rights: A Critical Genealogy of Anti-Impunity Neil Englehart 2002-03 POL The Rational Legal State and Human Rights Ruben Enikolopov 2012-13 ECO Effect of Development Program on State-building: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan Yasmine Ergas 1987-88 SOC Equality and Difference in Contemporary Politics as Viewed through Feminisms of the United States and Italy Shelly E. Errington 1977-78 ANT Anthropological Studies in Southeast Asia Tanya E. Erzen 2010-11 REL Faith-Based Prisons and the Politics of Transformation Samera Esmeir 2022-23 LAW & POL The Struggle That Remains: Between World and International John Evans 2001-02 SOC How Does Commodification Work? The Pricing of Human Organs William B. Ewald 1988-89 PHI The Laws of Nations: Aspects of Cultural Relativism Elieth Eyebiyi Summer Program 2015-17 Paulina Faba 2015-16 [V] ANT Forms of Commemoration and Visibilization of the Past in Chile
Jean-Louis Fabiani 2017-18 SOC The Disunity of the Social Sciences: Dreadful or Fruitful? Wolfgang Fach 1986-87 POL The Pursuit of Happiness: On the Revival of Pre-Welfare Ideology Henry S. Farber 2006-07; 2010-11 [V] ECO Four Projects in Applied Economics Sara R. Farris 2012-13 SOC The Political Economy of Femonationalism 2017-18 [V] The Corporatization of Care Gillian Feeley-Harnik 1983-84 ANT Culture and Development in Madagascar Steven Feierman 2006-07 HIS Social Medicine in Africa Crystal Feimster 2009-10 [V2] HIS Sexual Warfare: Rape and the American Civil War Ilana Feldman 2015-16 ANT Life Lived in Relief: Palestinian Experiences with Humanitarianism Leonard C. Feldman 2007-08 POL Governed by Necessity
Stefano Fenoaltea 1987-88 ECO Transaction Cost Analysis of Socio-Economic Institutions James W. Fernandez 1988-89 ANT An Ethnography of the Transformation of Cattlekeepers into Miners in Northern Spain Mayanthi L. Fernando 2010-11 ANT Reconfiguring France: Muslim Citizens in the Shadows of Secularism Franco Ferraresi 1985-86 POL Radical Right: Administrative Rationality and Policy Making 1991-92 [V] SOC The Radical Right in Italy after World War II Alexander J. Field 1979-80 ECO European Economic History and Thought in the 19th Century Erica Field 2006-07 ECO Understanding Marriage Institutions in Developing Countries Dalson Figueiredo Summer Program 2015-17 Gary Alan Fine 2014-15 SOC Political Commitment and Group Culture Graham Finlay 2009-10 PHI Education for Cosmopolitan Citizenship in the Republic of Ireland Wolfram Fischer 1975-76 HIS World Economic History 1880-1914 Peter Fishburn 1970-71 OTH Utility Theory,Models of Choice Joshua A. Fishman 1975-76 SOC Sociology of Language Jeffrey Flynn 2013-14 PHI Saving Distant Strangers: Humanitarianism in History, Morality, and Contemporary Practice Thomas Flynn 1998-99 PHI Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, vol. 2: A Post-Structuralist Mapping of History Andreas Folkers 2022-23 SOC Fossil modernity. A natural history of the present Tanisha Ford 2021-22 HIS Our Secret Society: America’s Forgotten Black Philanthropists for Racial Justice Carlos Forment 1996-97 POL Democracy in Spanish America: Civil Society and the Invention of Politics -- Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Cuba, 1780's-1880's Kim Fortun 2000-01 [V] (II) ANT Interoperability: Information Technology and the Environment Michael Fortun 2000-01 ANT Promising Genomics: Information Technologies, Genetic Information, and their Fissure Thomas Fossen 2020-21 PHL Facing Authority: A Theory of Political Legitimacy Jacob Gates Foster 2020-21 SOC Understanding Science and Society through Computational Thinking Marion Fourcade 2019-20 [Visiting Faculty] SOC Ordinal Citizenship Richard Fox 1971-72 ANT American Urbanization in 18th and 19th Centuries Genevieve Fraisse 1990-91 PHI By What Necessity Does History Permit a Philosophical Interrogation of Sexual Difference? Jill Frank 2021-22 POL SCI The Beauty of Equality Joseph Frank 1986-87 (I);1987-88 [V] (I) LIT Biography of Dostoevsky Francine Frankel 1975-76 (II) POL The Political Economy of India's Development Rebecca French 1991-92 LAW The Social Construction of Law in Tibet Paul Friedland 1997-98 HIS Revolution and Representation: The Theatricality of Politics and the Politics of Theater in France, 1789-1794 Lee Ann Fujii 2016-17 POL Show Time: The Logic and Power of Violent Display Joan Fujimura 1999-00; 2000-01 [V] SOC Culture of Transnational Genomics: An Ethnography of Genomic Practices and Discourses in Japan and the United States Duana Fullwiley 2004-05 ANT Rationales of Tailored Medicine Albrecht Funk 1991-92 POL Privacy and Freedom of Information in Democratic Societies François Furet 1968-69 HIS Eighteenth-Century French Social History Ariel Furstenberg 2006-07 [RA]; 2007-08 [RA] POL Jewish Political TraditionChristopher Fynsk 1990-91 PHI Language and History Elisabetta Galeotti 1985-86 [V] (II) PHI Individualism and Political Theory 1991-92 Political Toleration in Pluralistic Democracies Peter Galison 1994-95 [V] PHI Role of Experiments in Modern Physics M. Catherine Gallagher 2001-02 LIT The Shared Premises of Economic and Literary Discourse in 19th-Century Britain Alexander R. Galloway 2019-20 MEDIA STU The Crystalline Medium: Computation and Its Consequences Chaim Gans 2015-16 POL Cosmopolitanism, Ethno-Cultural Nationalism, and the Distribution of Cultural Rights Yaakov Garb 1994-95 OTH Representing Earth? The Limits of Western Environmental Discourse David J. Garrow 1979-80 [RA] HIS The Civil Rights Movement under Martin Luther King, Jr.
Claudia Gastrow Summer Program 2018-19
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 2003-04 [V] HIS Race, Reason and Writing in the Enlightenment
Carmen S. Geha Summer Program 2018-19 Kenneth George 1999-00 ANT Signed: A.D. Pirous - The Dilemmas of an Indonesian Muslim Artist Olakunkle George 1995-96 LIT The Modernity of Anglophone African Fiction John Gerring 2002-03 POL The Politics of Corruption Alexander Gerschenkron 1968-69 ECO The Process of Industrialization in Europe 1971-72 European Economic History Gary Gerstle 1990-91 HIS Class and Race in American Liberal Thought and Politics,1917-1970 | Aisha Ghani 2020-21 ANT Prosecuting Terror, Regulating Islam: An Ethnography of Islam in American Secularity Maitreesh Ghatak 2000-01 ECO Heterogeneity, Cooperation and Development Zouhair Ghazzal 2008-09 LAW Law in Action and the Making of Law in Contemporary Syrian Society Kristen Ghodsee 2006-07 ANT The Miniskirt or the Veil Thomas Gieryn 1996-97 SOC Building Social Structure: Designer Space for a New Science Alan Gilbert 1992-93 [V] POL Realism versus Democratic Internationalism: Epistemology and Change in the Study and Practice of International Politics Martin Gilens 2010-11 POL A More Perfect Union: Economic Inequality, Democratic Responsiveness, and Electoral Institutions Michael Gilsenan 1979-80 ANT Changes in Ideology and Culture in Middle Eastern Societies since the 18th Century Herbert Gintis 1977-78 ECO Development of Capitalism and Parliamentary Democracy Michelle Girvan 2008-09 PHYSICS Complex Networks and Social Norms Dru Gladney 1989-90 ANT State Definition and Self Construction, The Dialogics of Muslim Nationality Identity in the Chinese Nation-State Lawrence B. Glickman 2021-22 [V 1] HIS How Backlashes Have Shaped American Politics, 1865-present
Valentina Glockner Fagetti Summer Program 2018-19 Alice Goffman 2015-16 SOC The Origins of Attachment: A Theory of What Binds Us to People and Things Kian Goh 2022-23 URB STU Urbanizing Climate Justice Saygun Gökariksel 2022-23 ANT Moral Autopsy: A Critical Anthropology of Reckoning with the Communist Past in the European East Jessica Goldberg 2012-13 HIS Geographies of Trade and Conceptions of Economic Space: Comparing Genoese and Geniza Merchants in the Twelfth Century Victor P. Goldberg 1978-79 ECO Relational Exchange Claudia Goldin 1982-83 ECO Economic Change and Its Impact on the Role of Women Jan Goldstein 2002-03 [V] HIS Competing Conceptions of the Self in France 1750-1900
Judith L. Goldstein 1982-83 ANT Iranian Social Structure Paul Gootenberg 1986-87 HIS Commercial Policies and the State in 19th-Century Peru and Latin America David M. Gordon 1987-88 ECO Importance of Institutional Linkages between Power Relations and Macroeconomic Outcomes Neve Gordon 2012-13 POL The Political Economy of Governance and Resistance: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as a Case Study Sarah Barringer Gordon 2020-21 LAW and HIS Freedom’s Holy Light: Disestablishment in America, 1776-1876 Manu Goswami 2010-11 HIS Between Empire and Nation: Internationalism in Interwar India and Britain Piero Gottardi 2007-08 [V] ECO Markets and Contracts under Asymetric Information and with Endogenous Information Acquisition Carol C. Gould 2015-16 POL/PHI Motivating Solidarity with Distant Others: The Role of Empathy across Borders
Joanne Gowa 2008-09 POL International Institutions and Outcomes: The GATT/WTO and Postwar Trade Heba Gowayed 2022-23 SOC The Cost of Borders Paul Gowder 2014-15 LAW The Law of Equal Citizenship Miroslawa Grabowska 1993-94 POL The Sociologies and the Politician Diana Graizbord 2019-20 SOC Indications of Democracy: Evaluation Expertise and the Politics of Accountability in Mexico Mark S. Granovetter 1981-82 SOC Sociological and Economic Approaches to Income Inequality Bruce Grant 2004-05 ANT The Gift of Empire David Grazian 2013-14 SOC Metropolitan Zoos and the Culture of Nature Philip Green 1981-82 POL Egalitarianism in Political Theory Vera Mae Green 1981-82 ANT Heterogeneity and Poor Populations/Intra-Cultural Variations Liah V. Greenfeld 1989-90 SOC Nationalism: The Origins of Modern Reality Linda Gregerson 1993-94 LIT The English Subject, 1533-1674 Mark Greif 2013-14 LIT The Rhetorics of Nonhuman Morality, 1870 to 2010 Philip J. Greven,Jr. 1974-75 HIS Social Sciences in Early American History Wendy Griswold 2013-14 SOC American Cultural Regionalism
Jens Großer 2012-13 POL Electoral Competition and Existing Markets: Theory and Laboratory Experiments
Ana Grondona Summer Program 2018-19 Atina Grossmann 1997-98 HIS Victims, Victors, and Survivors: War's End and Postwar Reconstruction, Berlin 1945-1949 Howard E. Gruber 1982-83 PSY Psychology of Creative Thinking Stephen F. Gudeman 1978-79 ANT Anthropological Analysis of Distribution Patterns Isabelle Guérin 2019-20 ECO Unpayable Debts, Emancipatory Debts: The Political and Moral Economies of Debt and Women's Bodies Alexander A. Guerrero 2014-15 PHI The Lottocratic Alternative Abdoulaye Gueye 2015-16 OTH Race Literacy: Boundaries of Blackness in Twentyfirst Century France
Nicolas Guilhot 2017-18 POL Rational Choice as Cold War Constitutionalism Mauro F. Guillén 1998-99 SOC Developing Difference: Organizations, Globalization, and Development in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain John J. Gumperz 1980-81 ANT Anthropological Linguistics Hugh Gusterson 2014-15 ANT Lie Detection in the United States: An Ethnographic History Amy Gutmann 1981-82 [V] POL Political Philosophy: The State and Education Charles M. Haar 2008-09 [V] LAW The Inspiration and Implementation of Cooperation in The Great Society Ian Hacking 1986-87 PHI The History of Categorization Sherine F. Hamdy 2011-12 ANT Recalibrating Life: The Social Lives Around Prenatal Genetic Testing in Saudi Arabia and Egypt Tod G. Hamilton 2015-16 OTH The Health of Black Immigrants in the United States: The Relative Importance of Country of Origin, Cohort of Arrival, Assimilation, and Selective Migration Evelynn Hammonds 1994-95 HIS (In)visibility/Exposure: Black Feminism, Black Women and AIDS Abdellah Hammoudi 1984-85 ANT Moroccan Rituals and View of Christianity Vanja Hamzić 2016-17 LAW Interruption: Muslim Subjectivities Beyond Law Enze Han 2015-16 POL State and Nation Making in the Multi-ethnic Borderlands between China and Southeast Asia Michael Hanchard 2014-15 POL The Spectre of Race in Comparative Politics Joseph D. Hankins 2013-14 ANT The Labor of Multiculturalism: Making Leather, Making Multicultural Japan Abdelmajjid Hannoum 1996-97 [RA] ANT Near Eastern Studies Donna Haraway 1987-88 HIS Cultural and Historical Studies of Science, Feminist Theory Bernard E. Harcourt 2016-17 [Visiting Faculty] LAW Law and the Social Sciences Susan Harding 1988-89 ANT The Revival and Rhetoric of Jerry Falwell's Fundamental Baptist Community Angel L. Harris 2009-10 SOC Perceptions of Opportunity and Schooling among Adolescents Christopher Harris 2001-02 ECO Designing Incentives for Investment Managers Henrietta Harrison 2001-02 HIS Morality, Power and Modernity in Rural North China: The Story of Liu Dapeng (1857-1942) Kimberly Hart 2010-11 ANT Rural Islam, State Power and the Efficacy of Practice
Martin Hartmann 2018-19 PHI Inequality, Empathy Gulfs, and Social Critique Adil Hasan Khan 2022-23 [V] (2) LAW Learning International Laws of the South Jennifer Hasty 2002-03 ANT Corruption and the Politics of Indigeneity in Ghana Victoria Hattam 2000-01 POL Ethnicity, Racial Discourse, and Coalition Politics Daniel M. Hausman 1983-84 PHI The Philosophy of Economics William Haver 1996-97 HIS Inventions of the Social: On the Practical Constitution of Being David Hawkins 1969-70 PHI Comparative Learning and Cultural Relations in American, English and African Primary Schools Geoffrey P. Hawthorn 1979-80 SOC Counterfactuals and Possible Social Worlds: Rural India Maira Hayat 2022-23 ANT The Material Foundation of Authority: Bureaucracy and Water Clarissa Hayward 2005-06 POL Cities and Citizens
Rowena Xiaoqing He 2018-19 SOC/China A Rising China and Chinese Student Nationalism Abroad Susanna Hecht 2006-07 GEO Bad Latitudes Robert W. Hefner 1981-82 [RA] ANT Javanese Culture and Society
Johan Heilbron 2017-18 SOC The Social Sciences in a Globalizing Age Ronald A. Heiner 1984-85 ECO Foundations of Behavior under Uncertainty
Julia C. Hell 2017-18 [V] GER The Conquest of Ruins: European Empires and the Fall of Rome, 146 BC to 1945 Jeffrey R. Henig 2009-10 EDU The Political Economy of Contracting Regimes in Urban Education Robin Marantz Henig 2009-10 [V] OTHER Bottling Normal: How America Discovered Valium and Redefined Mental Health Emmanuel Henry 2020-21 SOC How Scientific Knowledge and Ignorance Build Non-issues. The Non-emergence of Environmental and Occupational Health Issues Elbaki Hermassi 1973-74 SOC Problems of Nation-Building in the Arab-Speaking World Karen Hermassi 1973-74 SOC Study of Tragic Drama and its Relation to State Formation Asli Iğsiz 2021-22 LIT Fascist Utopias
Dora Isabel Herrador-Valencia 2018-19 [V] (2) HUM GEO Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change by Small-scale Farmers in El Salvador Dagmar Herzog 2002-03 HIS Sex and Memory in Postfascist Germany 2013-14 [V 2] With History In Mind: Psychoanalysis in a Postwar World
Donald Herzog 1982-83 [RA] POL Strategies of Justification in Political Theory Mark Hewitson 2010-11 HIS The People's Wars: German Images and Experiences of Conflict, 1806-1968 Alexander L. Hinton 2011-12; 2012-13 [V] ANT Transitional Slippages: Power, Politics and the Moral Economy of Justice at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Alexander V. Hirsch 2012-13 POL Competitive Policy Entrepreneurship in Legislatures Albert O. Hirschman 1972-73 ECO Contemporary Expectations from the Industrial Revolution Nancy Hirschmann 1998-99 POL The 'Subject' of Liberty: Toward a Feminist Theory of Freedom Jennifer Hochschild 1991-92 [V] POL Race, Class, and the American Dream 1996-97 [V] Education Policy and Desegregation Kristin Hoganson 2006-07 [V] HIS Prairie Cosmopolis Stephen T. Holmes 1978-79 PHI Benjamin Constant and Political Theory John Holmwood 2014-15 SOC Equality and Inequality as a Problem of Public Reason Kiaran Hondrich 1994-95 ECO Entrails and Ticker Tape: Exporting the Authority of the Stock Market
Axel Honneth 2018-19 [Distinguished Visiting Faculty] PHI/SOC Crisis and Critique Istvan Hont 1987-88 POL Histories and Theories of International Political Economy and Distributive Justice Anthony G. Hopkins 1974-75 HIS Economic History of the Underdeveloped World M. Keith Hopkins 1969-70 SOC Resource Mobilization in the Roman Empire 1974-75 Ancient Economic History 1983-84 (I) Chastity and Sexuality in Ancient Rome Dan Horowitz 1988-89 POL The Road to Communal Conflict: A Comparative Examination of Cases of Decline of State Authority in Deeply Divided Bi-Communal and Multi-Communal Polities Janet Hoskins 1990-91 ANT The Play of Time: Kodi Perspectives on History, Temporality and Exchange Peter H. Huang 2005-06 LAW Law and Human Flourishing A. B. Huber 2006-07 [RA]; 2007-08 [RA] LIT War's Production Evelyne Huber 1998-99 POL Globalization and the Future of National Welfare State Regimes Mark Huddle 2000-01 [RA] HIS Towards a New American Identity: Mixed Race Americans and the Burden of History Liam Hudson 1974-75 PSY Personality Characteristics and Learning Toby E. Huff 1978-79 SOC Science, Faith, and Rationality in Islam Lynne Huffer 2022-23 PHL Inhuman Time: The Ethics of Extinction in the Anthropocene Lynn Avery Hunt 1988-89 HIS Patriarchalism, Pornography, and Political Discourse in Revolutionary France Francis G. Hutchins 1973-74 POL Modernization in India Jonathan Hyslop 2007-08 HIS The Rule of Law and Imperial Citizenship in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century South Africa
Gubad Ibadoghlu 2017-18 [V] ECO Escaping the Middle-Income Trap in Resource Rich Post-Soviet Countries: Case of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan
Murad Idris 2018-19 POL Islam in Language: Political Order and Linguistic Disorder Sarah E. Igo 2004-05 HIS America Surveyed Eiko Ikegami 1990-91 SOC The Taming of Samurai: Honor, Aggression Control and State-Making G. John Ikenberry III 1987-88 [V] POL Explaining the Transmission of Ideologies of Political Economy 2007-08 Liberal Leviathan: The Future of Rule-based Order in the American Unipolar Era Eva Illouz 2018-19 SOC A Post-Normative Critique of Emotional Authenticity Ronald B. Inden 1977-78 HIS Kingship and Ritual in India Tarow Indow 1971-72 PSY Mathematical Models of Learning and Memory Frederick C. Inglis 1988-89 EDU Political Narratives: The Cold War as History and Fiction Alex Inkeles 1974-75 SOC Sociology of Economic Development, World Social Structures Stephen Isard 1972-73 (I) PSY Formal Linguistics Natasha Iskander 2022-23 SOC Power made concrete: The labor politics of decarbonization
Sheena S. Iyengar 2005-06 PSY Incentivizing Choice Gabrielle Benette Jackson 2013-14 [V] PHI Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, and Phenomenology Walter Jackson 1992-93 HIS American Intellectuals and the Civil Rights Movement,1954-1968 Rahel Jaeggi 2018-19 PHI/SOC PHI Crisis, Social Transformation and the Erosion of Forms of Life Amen Jaffer Summer Program 2018-19 Beth Kiyoko Jamieson 2011-12 [V] Complicated Bodies: Feminism, Freedom, and Fixing Gender Dale Jamieson 2013-14 Environmental Studies/PHI Ethics for the Anthropocene Florence Jany-Catrice 2020-21 ECO A Political Economy of Economic Indicators: Measuring Macroeconomic Values, Quality and Impacts Rania Jawad Summer Program 2015-17 Philippe Jehiel 2000-01 ECO Limited Forecast in Games Christopher Jencks 1985-86 SOC Economic Equality and Economic Growth Janis H. Jenkins 2011-12 ANT Moral Subjectivity, Moral Economy, and the Struggle for Biographical Coherence in the Experience and Treatment of Adolescent Psychiatric Disorder Yuval Jobani 2008-09 [RA]; 2009-10 [RA] Hebrew Culture The Jewish Political Tradition Fleur Johns 2019-20 LAW Piecemeal Populations, Digital Data, and the Global Economy of Sense Eric Johnson 1995-96 HIS The Nazi Terror Philip Johnson-Laird 1971-72 PSY Understanding, Memory and Reproduction of Sentences Andrew Johnston 2011-12 [V] Architecture Quicksilver Landscapes: Space, Power, and Ethnicity in the Mercury Mining Industry in California and the West, 1845-1890 William Johnston 2002-03 POL Corruption, Democratization, and Security in a Globalizing World Caroline Jones 1994-95 ART Gender Issues in Postwar American Art Eric L. Jones 1985-86 ECO Global Economic History Stephen R. G. Jones 1986-87 ECO The Nature of Unemployment Aravind K. Joshi 1971-72 LIN Relationships of Natural and Computer Language Jacques Julliard 1980-81 HIS French Society and Gaullism Courtney Jung 2001-02 POL The Politics of Ethnicity and Class Among the Mexican Zapatistas Moon-Kie Jung 2012-13 SOC & Asian American Studies Denaturalizing Racism Ben Kafka 2009-10 HIS The Demon of Writing: Paperwork and the Making of Modern France Sudhir Kakar 1983-84 PSY Masks of Desire: Sexual Passions as Represented in Eastern and Western Literature, Mythology and Clinical Case History
Emery Masua Kalema Summer Program 2018-19 Otto Kallscheuer 1993-94 POL From State Religion to Religious Pluralism: Difficulties of Transition Ravi Kanbur 2019-20 [V] (2) ECO The Place of Economics and Economists in Social and Governmental Practices
Myung-Koo Kang 2009-10 [V 2] POL Two Diverging Paths of Financial Globalization: A Comparative Study on Japan and South Korea Sheena Kang 2010-11 [A]; 2011-12 [A]; 2012-13 [A] POL Amy Kaplan 2011-12 American Studies American Zionism
Jerome Karabel 1993-94 SOC From the Prague Spring to Perestroika: Intellectuals in Eastern Europe and the Breakdown of Communism Michael Mousa Karayanni 2007-08 LAW Religious Communities and Multiculturalism in the Middle East David Karen 2009-10 SOC Does Democracy Matter?
Shachar Kariv 2005-06 ECO Behavioral Aspects of Economic Dynamics in Social Networks Rasma Karklins 2002-03 POL Comparing Corruption in Postcommunist States Robert Karl 2019-20 HIS State of Impunity: Injustice and Legal Exception in Modern Colombia Navin Kartik 2007-08 ECO Informational Momentum in Dynamic Elections: Theory and Experiments Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet 2015-16 HIS Tales of Trespassing: Borderland Histories of Iran and the Middle East
Riva Kastoryano 1997-98 [V] (I) POL Changing Concept of Nationalism Michael B. Katz 1973-74 HIS Demographic and Social History, 19th-Century Canada Stanley N. Katz 1981-82 [V] HIS History and Role of Philanthropic Organizations 1991-92 [V] (II) Constitutionalism in Comparative Perspective: Are Human Rights Absolute? and Philanthropy and Public Policy Formulation in the Twentieth Century United States Mary Fainsod Katzenstein 2009-10 [V] POL How Liberal Ideas Frame Incarceration Policies in the US Peter J. Katzenstein 2009-10 POL American Soft Power and Foreign Policy Robert R. Kaufman 1980-81 POL Origins and Dynamics of Bureaucratic-Authoritarian Regimes in Latin America Suzanne Kaufman 1995-96 [RA] HIS Women's History Doris Kaufmann 1992-93 HIS Enlightenment, Bourgeois Identity, and the Invention of Psychiatry in Germany,1770-1840 David Kazanjian 2016-17 OTHER Adam and Juan Patricio, Dis/Possessed Michael Kazin 2018-19 HIS Making Democrats: From Jackson to Obama and Beyond
Webb Keane 1997-98 ANT Outer-Island Modernities in Indonesia 2019-20 Hard Cases: Studies in Ethical Conflict, Moral Relativism, and Critique Debra Keates 1994-95 [RA]; 1996-97 [RA]; 1997-98 [RA] LIT Comparative Literature Ward W. Keeler 1983-84 ANT Southeastern Asian Anthropology R. Daniel Kelemen 2007-08 POL Suing for Europe: The Rise of Adversarial Legalism in the European Union
Evelyn Fox Keller 1987-88 OTH Gender and Science George Armstrong Kelly 1979-80 POL Citizenship in Contemporary Western Democracies Steven E. G. Kemper 1981-82 ANT Philosophic Foundations of Anthropological Interpretation Ellen Kennedy 2007-08 POL Economic Emergency and the Rule of Law
Susan Kent 1993-94 HIS Loss and Identity in Twentieth-Century Britain Nannerl O. Keohane 2014-15 [V]; 2015-16 [V] (I) POL Challenges and Opportunities of Leadership in a Democratic Polity Robert O. Keohane 2008-09 [V] POL Multilateral Institutions and Cooperation: Theory and Institutional Design Martina Kessel 1996-97 HIS The History of Boredom in Germany in the Nineteenth Century Clive S. Kessler 1972-73 ANT Islam and Politics in Malaya Ravindra S. Khare 1974-75 ANT Social Anthropology of South Asia
Munira Khayyat 2018-19 ANT A Landscape of War: Ecologies of Survival in South Lebanon Jan Kiely 2022-23 [V] (2) MOD CHINESE HIS Claire Jean Kim 1999-00 POL The Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans Jaeeun Kim 2016-17 SOC Seeking Asylum, Finding God: Asylum-Seeking on Religious Grounds and the Politics of Deservingness in Contemporary America Monica Kim 2015-16 HIS Humanity Interrogated: The Global Crisis of Warfare in the Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War Charles P. Kindleberger 1976-77 (II) ECO Comparative Economic History in Western Europe,18th and 19th Centuries
Miriam Kingsberg Kadia 2017-18 HIS The Field Generation: Japanese Human Scientists in the Transwar World Jennet Kirkpatrick 2005-06 [V] POL Political Friendship Eben Kirksey 2019-20 ANT CRISPR: A Hope Technology Alan Kirman 2005-06 ECO Individual and Aggregate Behavior Christiane Klapisch-Zuber 1995-96 HIS Representing Kinship and the Family Tree Baruch Knei-Paz 1993-94 POL Doomed vs. Imperfect Transitions: The Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Limits of Politics 2003-04 [V] Contemporary Politics: A Guide for the Perplexed Israel Knohl 1988-89 [RA] POL Separation from Impurity Karin Knorr-Cetina 1992-93 SOC Epistemic Cultures 2012-13 [V] The Architecture and Social Organization of Global Financial Markets Ann Hibner Koblitz 1984-85 HIS Outstanding Women of the1860s in Russia: A Group Biography Grazyna Kochanska 1982-83 PSY Psychology of Mass-Movement Participants Jacek Kochanowicz 1990-91 HIS Modernization from Above Madeline Kochen 2002-03 [RA]; 2003-04 [RA]; 2004-05 [RA] POL Beyond Gift and Commodity: A Theory of the Economy of the Sacred Biko Koenig 2021-22 POL SCI Social Identity & Right-Wing Populism in Landscapes of Despair Julilly Kohler-Hausmann 2014-15 HIS Tough Politics: Building the Carceral State in 1970s America Martin Kohli 1984-85 SOC The Life-course of a Social Institution Junji Koizumi 1996-97 ANT Cultural Hermeneutics and Writing Ethnography on Central America Nancy Kokaz 2003-04 POL Fairness in International Relations Dorinne K. Kondo 1987-88 ANT Crafting Selves: Work and Personhood in a Japanese Family Enterprise Eugene Kontorovich 2011-12 LAW Justice at Sea: Piracy and the Limits of International Criminal Law Ted Koontz 1980-81 [RA] POL Political Science János Kornai 1983-84 ECO Theory of Socialist Economic Systems, Comparison of Different Socio-Economic Systems Nikolas Kosmatopoulos 2020-21 ANT Master Peace: Violence and Experts in Lebanon Rachel Kranton 2001-02 ECO Buyer-Seller Networks & Identity and the Economics of Education and Organizations Vijay Krishna 2006-07 ECO Mechanism Design with Imperfect Commitment
Kristoffer Kropp 2017-18 SOC Producing Europe: The Contribution of the Social Sciences Alan B. Krueger 2007-08 ECO The Payoff to Attending an Elite University
Barbara Krug-Richter 1993-94 POL The Role of Private--Economic and Political--Collective Action in the Transformation of Former Socialist Economies Thomas S. Kuhn HIS [Long-term Member] 1972-73 (I);1973-74;1974-75 History of the Development of Quantum Mechanics 1975-76; 1976-77; 1977-78; 1978-79 History of Modern Physics Dharma Kumar 1980-81 HIS British Imperialism in India in Comparative Perspective Krishan Kumar 2004-05 SOC Nations, Empires, and Identities Adam Kuper 1994-95 ANT Culture: A Cultural History Timur Kuran 1989-90 ECO Institutional Inertia and Social Evolution James R. Kurth 1976-77 POL Industrial Structure and Comparative Politics Lilia Labidi 1995-96 ANT Death, Hudud, and Modernity in the Arab-Muslim World Cécile Laborde 2010-11 POL Religion in the Republic Ernesto Laclau 1995-96 POL The Political Dimension of Modernization Greta LaFleur 2019-20 EARLY AM STUD A Feminist History of Sexual Violence
Michéle Lamont 1996-97 [V] (II) SOC Exclusion Across Nations: Race, Class, and Culture in France and the United States
Nicolas Langlitz 2017-18 ANT How Chimpanzees and their Ethnographers Make Pan/Homo Cultures J. Stephen Lansing 1976-77 [RA] ANT Cultural Anthropology
Lisa J. Laplante 2007-08 LAW Victor or Violator? Peru and its War against Terrorism Dalenda Largueche 2009-10 HIS Behind the Veil of History, Muslim Women in Action
Rachel Laudan 1992-93 [V] (II) HIS Arguing the Case for Science: Histories of Scientific Progress,1750-1950 Larry Laudan 1992-93 PHI The Crisis of Empiricism: The History, Current State and Provenance of the Argument from Underdetermination Lena Lavinas 2019-20 ECO The Collateralization of Social Policy: Turning Entitlements into Assets
William Lazonick 1989-90 ECO Capitalist Transformations in the Twentieth Century: Social Institutions and Economic Performance in Britain, the United States, and Japan Philippe Le Billon 2022-23 POL ECO Green Extractivism and the Climate Crisis Francisco Leal-Buitrago 1978-79 POL Political Parties and the Origin of the State in Colombia Stanley Lebergott 1973-74 ECO Economic History of 19th-Century America Michael LeBuffe 2006-07 [V] PHI Spinoza's Moral Theory
Jean Leca 1988-89 POL The Politicization of Communal Identities and the Future of Citizenship in Western Democracies Ching Kwan Lee 2006-07 REL Contentious Transition Jennifer Lee 2022-23 SOC Reclaiming Narratives of Asian Americans: Immigration, Discrimination, and Affirmative Action Robert Lee 1973-74 SOC Social Change in Modern Japan Beth L. Leech 2008-09 [V] POL Cooperation as Coordination: Collective Action in Society and in Science Jacques Leenhardt 1979-80 SOC Sociology of Art and Literature in 19th-Century France Harvey Leibenstein 1978-79 ECO X-Efficiency, Sociobiology, and Public Enterprise Axel Leijonhufvud 1983-84 ECO Economic Theory and Monetary Economics Gérard Lemaine 1976-77 SOC Sociology of Science, Nature of Intelligence Trudo Lemmens 2003-04 LAW The Governance of Research: From Research Ethics to Research Regulation Benjamin Lemoine 2019-20 SOC Sovereignty in the Courtroom: Financial Law and the Moralization of Nation States Katherine Lemons 2021-22 [V] ANT Traveling for Justice Gertrud Lenzer 1977-78 [V] SOC Sociology of Knowledge Wolf Lepenies SOC [Long-term Member] 1979-80; 1982-83 Changing Relations Between the Sciences Since the 18th Century 1983-84 Literary and Social-Scientific Intelligentsia in England, France and Germany 1999-00 [V] (I) What Does a Sociological Theory Need to Become a Social Movement? 2002-03 [V] (I); 2003-04 [V] (I); 2004-05 [V] (I) Overestimating Culture: The Predicament of German Politics M. Rainer Lepsius 1973-74 SOC Political and Social Breakdown of the Weimar Republic Jocelyn Létourneau 1997-98 HIS Globalization and the Historical Identity of Nation-Regions: The Case of Quebec Willem J. M. Levelt 1971-72 PSY Sensory Perception Giovanni Levi 1983-84 HIS Land Transactions in Mediterranean Peasant Communities Simon A. Levin 2008-09 Visiting Professor ECOL Social Norms and Cooperation Andrew Levine 1985-86 PHI The Withering Away of the State Bernard M. Levinson 1997-98 REL Imagining Sinai: Revelation and Textuality in Ancient Israel Mark Levinson 1983-84 [RA] POL The Decline of Classical Political Economy Sanford V. Levinson 1986-87 LAW Interpreting Legal Texts Beth Lew-Williams 2015-16 HIS The Chinese Must Go: The Violent Birth of American Border Control
Bernard Lewis HIS [Long-term Member] 1968-69 (II) Political Development in Turkey and Egypt 1974-75; 1975-76; 1976-77;1977-78; 1978-79; 1979-80 Islamic Studies 1980-81;1981-82;1982-83; 1983-84; 1984-85;1985-86;1986-87 Islamic History
Ji Li 2018-19 LAW The Power Logic of Justice in China Xiaorong Li 1999-00 PHI Human Rights: Interplay of East-West Culture and International Politics in Contemporary China Zhiping Liang 1999-00 LAW Towards a Theory of Law
Donald W. Light 2016-17 [V] (I) LAW Challenging the Legal Hegemony of Patent-Driven Research to Develop Better Medicine for Humanity 2020-21 [V] (1) HEALTH Creating Public Health Markets for New Medicines: Theory and Practice Jennifer S. Light 2011-12 HIS Junior Republics, Juvenile States, and Youth Cities: Simulating American Society, 1895-1945 Mark Lilla 1997-98 POL Religious Reactions to Modernity: Political Theology and Its Modes Chun Lin 1990-91 POL From History to Theory: An Inquiry into Contemporary Socialism 2004-05 [V] Poverty and Human Rights Minhua Ling 2022-23 ANT The End of the Chinese Village? Juan J. Linz 1973-74 SOC Political Sociology, Spanish Society and Politics Sida Liu 2016-17 SOC The Ecology of Lawyer Activism in China Ofrit Liviatan 2002-03 [V] POL Intra-State Religious-Secular Conflicts Humberto Llavador 2009-10 ECO Global Justice in a Warming Planet Jill Locke 2014-15 POL Hannah Arendt and the Political Lives of Children: Heroism, Responsibility, and Equality in the US Civil Rights Movement George F. Loewenstein 1984-85 [RA] ECO An Economic Theory of Expectations and Desires Jennifer A. London 2011-12 [V]; 2014-15 [V] POL Autocracy and the Foreigner: The Political Thought of Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ Menachem Lorberbaum 1989-90 [RA]; 1990-91 [RA] PHI Jewish Political Thought 1999-00 POL A Jewish and Democratic State: A Constitutional Theory for Israel Yair Lorberbaum 1993-94 [RA]; 1994-95 [RA]; 1995-96 [RA] POL Jewish Political Thought Glenn C. Loury 1985-86 ECO Social Structure and Group Economic Disparities Paul Lucas 1975-76 HIS Private Property and Political Obligation in Early Modern Europe R. Duncan Luce 1969-70 PSY Theory of Psychological Measurement 1970-71; 1971-72 Utility Theory Steven Lukes 2011-12 SOC Sociology of Morals Charles J-H Macdonald 2008-09 ANT Cooperation in Small-Scale Communities John MacDougall 2000-01[RA] ANT The Anthropology of Indonesia Patrick Macklem 2007-08 LAW Humanitarian Intervention and the International Rule of Law W. Bentley MacLeod 2011-12 ECO Incentives and Economic Organization
Kristie Macrakis 1993-94 HIS Political Transitions and Science in Twentieth Century Germany Malgosia Madajewicz 2002-03 [V] ECO Collective Action or Outside Intervention? Responses to the Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh Magdalena Malecka 2020-21 PHL Beyond the Illusion of Behavioural Public Policy: Feminist Philosophy of Science Perspective on the Behavioural Sciences in Policymaking Zachariah Mampilly 2021-22 POL SCI Protesting Democracy in Africa JoAnne Mancini 2009-10 [V] HIS Destructive Creation: Instrumental Aesthetics, Geopolitical Relations, and the American-Occupied Philippines Anandi Mani 2014-15 ECO Mind Over Matter? Behavioral Impacts of Poverty, Social Exclusion and Gender on Decision-Making, Productivity and Life Outcomes Bernard Manin 1985-86 POL Montesquieu and the Origins of Liberalism and Pluralism François Maniquet 2001-02 ECO Equitable Resource Allocation Jane J. Mansbridge 1985-86 POL Envy and Inequality Karuna Mantena 2011-12 SOC Gandhi's Realism: Means and Ends in Politics Frank E. Manuel 1976-77 HIS Sociology of Science Robyn Marasco 2021-22 POL SCI Else Frenkel-Brunswik, The Authoritarian Personality and the Emancipatory Horizon of the Social Sciences Aldo Marchesi 2018-19 (2) HIS Toward a Political and Intellectual History of Poverty in Contemporary Uruguay (1950-2010) George E. Marcus 1982-83 ANT Ethnographic Perspective on Dynastic Families in American Culture Sharon Marcus 2001-02 LIT Between Women: Female Desire and the Victorian Social Fabric Howard Margolis 1982-83 POL Logic, Interests and Cognition Pascal Marichalar 2016-17 [V] SOC Managing Toxic Hazards in an Industrial Community: A Moral Sociology of Avoidable Disease Patchen Markell 2012-13 POL The Architecture of The Human Condition Emily Martin 1992-93 ANT Flexible Bodies: An Ethnography of Culture, Science, and Power in the U.S. Masao Maruyama 1975-76 POL Comparative Study on the Idea of History and Politics Joseph Masco 2013-14 ANT Engineered Worlds: Cultures of the Anthropocene Eric Maskin Albert O. Hirschman Professor, 2000-2011; 2011-12 [V 2] ECO
Tomaž Mastnak 2017-18 [V I] HIS Social Sciences and the Crisis of Liberalism Tomoko Masuzawa 2010-11 HIS Promise of the Secular: William Robertson Smith and the Historical Constitution of Biblical Studies Nayanika Mathur 2022-23 ANT Beastly Tales from the Indian Himalaya: an Anthropology for the Anthropocene
Clara Elisabetta Mattei 2018-19 ECO Economic Crisis and Technocratic Repression: On the Origins and Rationality of Austerity Bruce Mazlish 1972-73 HIS The Mills, Father and Son: A Psycho-Historical Study James McAllister 1996-97 [V] (II) PHI Laws of Nature, Natural History, and the Description of the World Duncan McCargo 2015-16 [V] POL Thai Urban Policing Nolan McCarty 2014-15 POL Political Polarization and Economic Inequality Deirdre N. McCloskey 1983-84 ECO Rhetoric of Economics and Economic History Ann McGrath 2013-14 HIS Lady Mungo and the Re-enchantment of Deep Time Patrick McGuinn 2009-10 POL Negotiated Settlement: Policy Feedback and the Implementation and Reauthorization of No Child Left Behind Ramah McKay 2013-14 [V] ANT Post-social Prescriptions: Institutional Multiplicity and Medical Welfare in Mozambique Allegra M. McLeod 2016-17 LAW Beyond the Carceral State David McNeill 1973-74;1974-75 LIN Psychological Linguistics
Anne McNevin 2018-19 POL Mobility, Membership, Movement: Horizons of the Possible Michael S. McPherson 1981-82 ECO Morality and the Useful Economist Michael Meeker 1991-92 ANT Social Reformation in Provincial Turkey: The Reworking of Ottomanist and Islamist Tradition in the Republic of Turkey Jens Meierhenrich 2012-13 POL Toward an Anthropology of International Law: The Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court Maurizio Meloni 2014-15; 2015-16 [V] (I) SOC Blurring the Boundary Between Social and Natural Inequalities? Social and Political Implications of Molecular Epigenetics Emily Merchant 2021-22 HIS Molecular Eugenics
Roger Merino Summer Program 2018-19 Francesca Merlan 2015-16 ANT Dynamics of Difference: Indigenous-Nonindigenous Relationality Maria Gabriela Merlinksy Summer Program 2015-17 Elizabeth Mertz 2016-17 [V] (I) ANT Recentering Jurisprudence for a New Legal Realism Heiner Meulemann 1985-86 SOC Life Planning, Life Career and Inequality Sophie Meunier 2016-17 [V] OTHER Invested in Integration: The European Union and International FDI Policy John M. Meyer 2004-05 POL Environmentalism as Social Criticism Peter Alexander Meyers 2014-15 [V] POL Civic Inquirer Pascal Michaillat 2019-20 ECO The Unemployment Gap: Theory, Measurement, and Applications to Policy Stelios Michalopoulos 2010-11 ECO The Economic Origins of Islam: Theory and Evidence Joel S. Migdal 2009-10 POL Creating the Public in the United States Danica Mijovic-Prelec 2005-06 [V] PSY Neuro-behavioral Bases of Self-deception Gwendolyn Mikell 1991-92 ANT Assault on Matriliny: Changing Ghanaian Policy and Development Dale Miller 2001-02 PSY The Social Psychology of Collective Life George A. Miller PSY 1970-71 Psycholinguistics - Subjective Lexicon 1971-72;1972-73 [V];1973-74 [V];1974-75 [V];1975-76 [V] Models of Language Learning 1982-83 [V] Cognitive Psychology Reuben Jonathan Miller 2016-17 SOC Halfway Home: Reentry, Redemption, and the Right to a Second Chance Jennifer Milligan 1998-99 [RA] HIS Making a Modern Archive: The Archives Nationales of France, 1865-1930 Anthony C. Milner 1989-90 HIS Conflict in Post-war Malay Political Culture Vedat Milor 1993-94 SOC The Quality of State Intervention: A Comparative Analysis of Korea, Turkey, and the Philippines Sidney W. Mintz 1974-75 ANT Caribbean Studies, Peasant Economies Luis Mireles-Flores 2020-21 [V] (2) ECO Opening the Policy Black-Box in Evidence-Based Policy: Towards a Philosophical Framework for Assessing Interactions between Economics and Policy Making Edward J. Mitchell 1968-69 ECO Comparative Studies in Land Distribution and Political Stability Timothy Mitchell 2022-23 [Visiting Faculty] POL/HIS The Future of Growth James H. Mittleman 1998-99 POL At the Mercy of Globalization: The Deeds of Our Discontents
John Lardas Modern 2017-18 REL The Religion Machine, or: A Particular History of Cognitivism Darrel Moellendorf 2008-09 PHI Morality and Climate Change Seth Moglen 2009-10 LIT Bethlehem: American Utopia, American Tragedy Virag Molnar 2019-20 SOC Marketing Radical Nationalism in Contemporary Hungary
P. Read Montague 2005-06 PSY The Neural Basis of Valuation Laura B. Montes De Oca Barrera Summer Program 2015-17 T. Dunbar Moodie 1972-73 SOC Colonialism and Industrialization: Comparison of Portuguese and South African Cases Jeremy Moon 1999-00 [V] (II) POL Democratic Leadership Andrew Moravcsik 2011-12 [V] POL Democracy-enhancing Multilaterlism in Europe and the World
Ewa T. Morawska 1988-89 SOC Insecure Prosperity: Jews in Small-Town Industrial America, 1880-1940
Álvaro Morcillo-Laiz 2017-18 POL International Authority and Philanthropic Domination: External Donors and Local Organizations in Latin American Social Sciences (1945-1973) Jonathan Morduch 2016-17 ECO Markets and Social Action 2022-23 [V] Economists' Conceptions of Poverty Massimo Morelli 2001-02 ECO Fair Outcomes and Fair Procedures in Institutional Choice Jennifer L. Morgan 2014-15 HIS Accounting for the Women in Slavery: Gender, Race, and Demography in the Early English Atlantic World Ryo Morimoto 2020-21 ANT Nuclear Ghost: Atomic Livelihood in Fukushima’s Gray Zone Morris D. Morris 1968-69 ECO Economic Growth and Stagnation in India Rosalind C. Morris 2006-07 ANT Accidental Histories Margaret Morse 2000-01 DIGITAL MEDIA Collective Imaginings Michael A. Mosher 1998-99 POL Communicable Cultures and Illusions of Public Mastery: Dilemmas of Globalization from Tokyo to Paris Chantal Mouffe 1988-89 PHI Citizenship in a Pluralistic Society 1995-96 [V] Politics and Passions: The Stakes of Democracy Ibrahim B. Mouliom Moungbakou Summer Program 2015-17 John Mowitt 2004-05 OTH The Object of Radio Studies Sharun Mukand 2014-15 ECO The Political Economy of Nation Building and Conflict Steven Mullaney 1993-94 LIT Affective Domains: The Symbolic Economy of the Early Modern Subject Nicholas C. Mullins 1976-77 SOC Sociology of Science Nancy Munn 1972-73 ANT Studies in Cultural Symbolism Catalina Muñoz 2022-23 (1) HIS Historical Thinking and Transitional Justice: Perspectives from Colombia Fernando Muñoz León Summer Program 2015-17 Sherally K. Munshi 2016-17 [V] LAW Immigration and Imperialism Laure Murat 2005-06 SOC The Third Sex John V. Murra 1974-75 ANT Andean Ethnology and Ethnohistory Sankar Muthu 2002-03 POL Contesting Commerce and Civilization: Globalization in the Age of Enlightenment Kenda Mutongi 2004-05 HIS "Coming for to Carry Me Home": Commuters, Organized Crime, and Popular Transportation in Nairobi, Kenya Fred Myers 1995-96 ANT Framing Aboriginal Art: The Pursuit of Alternative Modernities Mohamed Nachi 2010-11 SOC Islamic Theories of Justice Mohammed Naciri 1996-97 HIS The Making of Territory, Socio-Political Reforms and Consensus in Morocco Mitali Nagrecha 2019-20 [V] (2) LAW Analyzing the Criminal Justice Reform Agenda in Light of Growing Awareness of Inequality Afsaneh Najmabadi 1994-95 HIS Female Sun and Male Lion: The Gendered Tropes of Iranian Modernity John Napora 1989-90 [RA] ANT Weavers and Saints: The Dynamics of Prestige in Northern Morocco Terry Nardin 1991-92 [V] POL The Philosophy of International Ethics Susana Narotzky 2019-20 ANT Valuations of Life: Struggling for a Future in Southern Europe | Basile Ndjio 2015-16 ANT "We don't admit gays in our midst": National Community, Sexual Citizenship and the Homosexual-Other in Cameroon Klaus Nehring 2003-04; 2004-05 [V] ECO Measuring and Valuing Diversity Federico Neiburg 2019-20 ANT Economic Emergencies and the Real Economy Susan Neiman 2006-07 PHI Moral Clarity Matthew J. Nelson 2009-10 POL Religious Education and the Politics of Pluralism in Pakistan Andrew Newman 2002-03 ECO Interference, Contracting and Corruption Catharine Newbury 1989-90 POL Peasants, Politics, and Food Production in Eastern Zaire Mae M. Ngai 2009-10 HIS Yellow and Gold: The Chinese Mining Diaspora, 1850-1910 Muriel Niederle 2005-06 ECO The Causes and Effects of Gender Differences Miglena Nikolchina 2001-02 HIS The Seminar: Mode d'emploi Thomas Nipperdey 1984-85 [V] HIS Social History of the Educated Classes in Germany,1970-1918 Helen Nissenbaum 2000-01 PHI Information Technology: Shaping Values, Shaped by Values 2007-08 [V 2] 2008-09 [V 1] Moral and Political Analysis of Digital Technologies and Information Systems Gérard Noiriel 1995-96 HIS The "Modernization" of the State and its Consequences for the Restructuration of Individual and Collective Identities in the 19th and 20th Centuries Anne Norton 2020-21 POL SCI The People, Steering: Politics, Economics and the Recovery of the Commons Paul C. Nugent 2015-16 POL Borderlands and State-Making in Ghana and Uganda: Centering the Borderlands Jorge Núñez 2021-22 [V] ANT Markets of Excitement: Playing with Debt in Times of Austerity in Catalonia Sten Nyberg 2008-09 ECO Social Norms, Preferences and Economic Incentives Juan Obarrio 2016-17 ANT Law in Abandonment: Citizenship Rights and Custom in Contemporary Africa Nicholas Occhiuto 2022-23 [V] SOC The Work of Federal Lobbyists in the United States
Paulina Ochoa Espejo 2017-18 POL Rights of Place: Territory, Property, and Jurisdiction in The Americas Guillermo O'Donnell 1974-75 SOC Authoritation Political Domination in Contemporary Latin America, esp. Argentina
Vanessa Ogle 2013-14 HIS Contesting Time: The Global Struggle for Uniformity and its Unintended Consequences, 1880-1930 Barry O'Neill 2008-09 POL Nuclear Prestige and the Nuclear Taboo Leslye Obiora 1997-98 [V] (II) LAW Reflections on Gender and Globalization Claus Offe 1977-78 POL Theory of State, History of Social Policy Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney 1986-87 ANT Symbolic Transformations in Japanese Culture Daijiro Okada 2007-08 ECO Scale of Social Cooperation: Markets and Law Arnaud Orain (joint Member w/SHS) 2020-21 HIS Economics before Economics
Rogers Orock Summer Program 2018-19 John Orr 1979-80 [V] SOC Fiction and Mass Culture in Post-War American Society Horacio Ortiz 2019-20 ANT A Political Anthropology of Digital Payment in China Sherry Ortner 1973-74 ANT Interaction of Buddhism and Shamanism in Tibet and Nepal 1989-90 [V] The Anthropology of Class in America David Ost 2020-21 POL SCI Workers, the Neo-Fascist Allure, and the Transformation of the Left Akos Ostor 1973-74 ANT Myths, Ritual and Society in Bengal Julia Ott 2019-20 HIS Wealth Over Work: The Origins of Venture Capital, the Return of Inequality, and the Decline of Innovation Serguei A. Oushakine 2014-15 ANT Disowned History: Soviet Pasts in the Afterlives of Empire David Owen 2020-21 [Visiting Faculty] (1) PHL Nietzsche’s Social and Political Philosophy: Politics, Ethics and the Problem of Culture Timothy Pachirat 2020-21 SOC Troubling Transparency: Factory Farm Tourism and Its Discontents John Padgett 2013-14 SOC Co-evolution of Political, Economic and Social Networks in Renaissance Florence, 1282-1512 Leslie Paik 2020-21 SOC Bills of Injustice: Family and Victim Experiences with Legal Financial Obligations in Juvenile Court Cecilia Palmeiro 2021-22 LIT The Poetics and Politics of the Feminist Tide Roxanne Panchasi 1999-00 [RA] HIS Angel Adams Parham 2011-12 SOC Legacies of St. Domingue/Haiti in Louisiana: Race, Memory, and Family History In-Uck Park 2011-12 ECO Internal Organization and Stable Coalition Structures Jung Soon Park 2001-02 PHI Distributive Justice in the Liberal-Communitarian Debate: Rawls vs Walzer K-Sue Park 2022-23 LAW Homesteading and the American Dream Ayşa Parla 2016-17 ANT Anxious Hope: Bulgarian-Turkish Labor Migrants, Ethnic Privilege and Everyday Law 2017-18 [V] Politics of Emotion in Turkey Rhacel Salazar Parreñas 2015-16 SOC What is Unfree Labor? Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore and the United Arab Emirates Z. Fareen Parvez 2019-20 SOC Predatory Lending and Urban Violence in Contemporary India
Silvia Pasquetti 2017-18 SOC Citizens and Refugees: Control, Emotions, and Politics in Israeli Cities and West Bank Camps Carole Pateman 1986-87 POL The Sexual Contract: A Feminist Perspective on Liberal Patriarchy Orlando Patterson 1975-76 SOC The Theory of Slavery and Slave Society: Comparative Study Charles M. Payne 2014-15 SOC Fragile Victories: Bringing Urban School Improvement to Scale Michael G. Peletz 2005-06 ANT Diversity, Legitimacy, and Inequality Sylvain J. Perdigon 2015-16 ANT Between the Womb and the Hour: Statelessness, Obligation and the Disclosure of the World in a Palestinian Refugee Community Marie-Hélène Perey 1984-85 [RA] ANT Moroccan Ethno-epistemology
Amín Pérez 2017-18 SOC Bourdieu on Empire: The Foundation of a Postcolonial Sociology Tania Pérez-Bustos Summer Program 2015-17 Victor M. Perez-Diaz 1975-76 ECO Social and Political Change in Modern Spain
Mark Perlman 1981-82 ECO History of American Contributions to Macroeconomics,1920-1965 Joel Perlmann 1994-95 HIS The East-European Jews: Social Structure, Education and Immigration to America, ca.1900 Bruno Perreau 2007-08 POL Open Community and its Enemies: Homosexuality and the Rule of Law in Contemporary France
Charles Perrow 1995-96 [V] SOC Emergence of a Society of Organizations Nicola Perugini 2012-13 ANT Moral Economies, Legal Economies and the Settler Movement in the Humanitarian Present of Israel/Palestine Bernhard Peters 1991-92 SOC Changing Concepts of Citizenship, Community and Legal Identity in Contemporary Western Societies Stanley Peters 1972-73 (I);1973-74;1974-75 LIN Formal Linguistics Jennifer Petersen 2018-19 [V] MED STU How Machines Came to Speak: Media Technologies and Free Speech Adriana Petryna 2003-04; 2005-06 [V] ANT Ethical Variability: An Ethnographic Study of the Human Subjects Research Industry Nathalie M. Peutz 2019-20 CULTURAL ANT Gate of Tears: Migration and Impasse in Yemen and the Horn of Africa Andrew Pickering 1986-87 SOC Sociology of Scientific Knowledge Manuela Lavinas Picq 2013-14 POL Cosmopolitan Amazons: Disentangling Modernity from the State Steven T. Pierce 2010-11 HIS A Moral Economy of Corruption: State Formation and Political Culture in Northern Nigeria
Neryvia Pillay Bell 2018-19 [V] ECO Policy Interventions to Encourage Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from a South African Water Crisis Adela Pinch 2019-20 [V] LIT Victorian Fiction and the Location of Experience Jennifer Pitts 2006-07 POL Boundaries of the International Alessandro Pizzorono 1977-78 SOC Exchange Theory, Pluralist Theory of the State Constantine Pleshakov 1993-94 POL Empires and International Conflicts Carl E. Pletsch 1977-78 HIS German Nationality and Citizenship David Plotke 1987-88 POL Social Movements and Political Interest Groups in the West Thomas Pogge 1999-00 PHI Real World Justice Carlo Poni 1979-80 HIS Origin of the Factory System in Early Modern Europe Mary Poovey 1994-95 LIT Figures of Arithmetic, Figures of Speech Ralf Poscher 2007-08 LAW A General Legal Theory and Doctrine of the State of Exception
Jeffrey Prager 1984-85 SOC American Values and Racial Inclusion Drazen Prelec 2005-06 PSY Rational Models and Psychological Theory Deborah A. Prentice 2008-09 [Visiting Faculty] PSY Social Norms and Cooperation Monroe Price 2000-01 LAW Journeys in Media Space: Technology and Regulation in a Global Environment Giovanna Procacci 1986-87 SOC Government of Poverty in 19th-Century France Sara Pursley 2022-23 HIS Political Sociality in the Narrowing of Time: Hibat al-Din al-Shahrastani and the 1920 Iraqi Revolution Bambang K. Purwo 1983-84 [RA] ANT Indonesian Syntax and Pragmatics Naomi Quinn 1982-83 ANT Cultural Models of American Marriage Sarah Quinn 2019-20 SOC State Schemas and American Political Life Anson Rabinbach 1983-84 HIS Changing Perceptions of Work and the Working Body in Europe,1880-1914 Paul Rabinow 1972-73 [RA] ANT Moroccan Ethnography Jabbar Rahmani Summer Program 2015-17
Arvind Rajagopal 1998-99 SOC Non-committed Voters, Emerging Markets, and the Reconfiguration of Politics in the Wake of Globalization in India Laurence Ralph 2012-13 ANT Half Dead: Gangs, Violence, and Injury in Chicago Michael Ralph 2012-13 ANT Forensics of Capital: Debt, Sacrifice, and Democracy in Senegal
Racha Ramadan Summer Program 2018-19 Rayna Rapp 1987-88 ANT Social Impact and Cultural Meaning of Prenatal Diagnosis in American Culture Amal Rassam 1980-81 ANT Anthropology/Social History in the Middle East and North Africa Jerome R. Ravetz 1976-77 (II) PHI Sociology of Science John Rawls 1977-78 (I) PHI Moral Philosophy and Social Theory Thomas G. Rawski 2006-07 [V] (II) ECO China's Economy Meets Global Markets William M. Reddy 1975-76 HIS Modern French Social History Peter Redfield 2016-17 ANT After Utopia: Humanitarian Design and the Ethics of Small Fixes Niels Reeh 2009-10 [V] SOC The Teaching of Religion in the Danish Elementary Schools from 1700 until Today Rob Reich 2009-10 [Visiting Faculty] POL Education, Schools and the State Isteván Rév 1985-86 ECO Economic Resistance and Survival Techniques in Highly Centralized Societies
David Ricci 1990-91 POL The Rise of Washington Think Tanks: Expertise, Dissonance, Marketing, Disorder, and Progress
Eugene Richardson 2018-19 [V] MED ANT Epidemic Illusions Melvin Richter 1978-79 POL The Concept of Despotism: Its History and Political Uses Jonathan Rieder 1991-92 2008-09 [V] SOC Moral Argument in American Politics: The Social Organization of Righteous Passion Nancy Ries 2007-08 ANT Power and Potato: Public Cynicism and the Everyday Experience of the Postsocialist State
David Riesman 1971-72 SOC Social Change and Education in the U.S. Denise Riley 1986-87 [RA] HIS The Category of "Woman" in 18th and 19th Century European History J. T. Roane 2022-23 AFR STU/GEO Fire, Philadelphia Fred S. Roberts 1971-72 OTH Theoretical Models of Space Perception Kenneth M. Roberts 2021-22 POL SCI Movements, Parties, and Populism: Crises of Representation and the Democratic Dialectic Mary Louise Roberts 1988-89 [RA] HIS Bourgeois Identity and the Debate on Women 1999-00 Great Performers: The New Woman, Journalism, and the Theater in Fin-de-siècle France Pearl T. Robinson 1989-90 POL Traditional Authority and the Political Economy of Rural Development in Niger Susan Rodgers 2001-02 ANT Nation and Newspaper: Southern Batak Journalism and the Representation of Modern Indonesia Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira Summer Program 2015-17 Joy Rohde 2020-21 HIS Machines of Government: Computers, Social Science, and American Democracy since 1945 Thomas Romer 2001-02 [V] ECO Taxation, Redistribution, and the Provision of Public Services in a System of Jurisdictions with Mobile Citizens Michelle Z. Rosaldo 1975-76 ANT Ilongot Language and Culture Renato I. Rosaldo,Jr. 1975-76 ANT Ilongot Social Structure, Ilongot Social History Gideon A. Rosen 2014-15 [V] PHI Moral Responsibility Lawrence Rosen 1970-71 [RA] ANT Sociological Study of Sefrou 2017-18 [V] Tribes: Shifting the Paradigm
Tanya Rosenblat 2005-06 ECO Experiments with Large Social Networks Sophia Rosenfeld 2014-15 HIS The Choices We Make: The Roots of Modern Freedom Claude Rosental 2002-03 SOC An Historical Sociology of Forms of Demonstration Catherine J. Ross 2008-09 LAW Pluralism, Parental Values and Children's Rights in Public Schools Kristin Ross 1999-00 HIS May '68 in France and the Reprisals of Memory Gabriella Rossetti 1981-82 [V] PHI Womens' Relationship with Knowledge, Symbolic World and Language Margaret Rossiter 1996-97 HIS of SCI History of the History and Sociology of Science in the US Richard Rothstein 2009-10 [V] OTHER Defining Federal and State Roles in an Accountability System for Public Education and its Surrounding Institutions of Youth Development--Three Facets of the Problem Requiring Exploration Catherine Rottenberg 2012-13 [V] LIT Urban Space and the Racialization of Gender in the Jazz Age Ian Roxborough 2005-06; 2007-08 [V] SOC The Third World in the Worldview of American Military Strategists Daniel I. Rubenstein 2008-09 [V] ECOL Sustaining the Global Commons: Evolution of Cooperation and Social Norms Jeffrey Rubin 1997-98 POL Innovation in Grassroots Movements in Latin America Taniele Rui Summer Program 2015-17 James Rule 1992-93 SOC Theory and Progress in Sociology David Rumelhart 1970-71 (II) PSY Models of Perception and Decision-Making Teemu Ruskola 2008-09 LAW China, For Example: China and the Making of Modern International Law Michael J. Rustin 1984-85 SOC Psychoanalytical and Sociological Aspects of Shakespeare's Plays Danilyn Rutherford 1999-00 ANT Raiding the Land of the Foreigners: History and Difference in Biak, Irian Jaya, Indonesia Alan Ryan 1991-92 POL John Dewey and American Political Thought Hilda Iris Sabato 1990-91 HIS Political Participation and the Public Space in Buenos Aires,1850s-1880s Charles F. Sabel 1982-83 SOC Political Economy Elizabeth Saleh 2021-22 ANT Caring for the Discarded: Growing up at a Beirut Scrapyard
Samah Saleh Summer Program 2018-19 Matthew Salganik 2022-23 SOC The predictability conjecture Noah Salomon 2013-14; 2014-15 [V 1] REL “The People of Sudan Love You, Oh Messenger of God”: An Ethnography of the Islamic State Ricardo D. Salvatore 1988-89 ECO Trade and Proletarianization: Yankee Merchants and the Articulation of Cattle-Ranging Labor in South and Central America,1820-1870 Degung Santikarma 1998-99 [RA] ANT Tourism and Discourses of Sexuality in Bali J. David Sapir 1975-76 ANT Social Anthropology and Symbolism Louis A. Sass 1982-83 PSY Madness and Modernism, a Study of Psychotic, Modernist and Primitive Modes of Consciousness Benjamin C. Sax 1996-97 [V] HIS World and Time
Gary Saxonhouse 2002-03 [V] ECO The Evolution of Labor Standards in Japan Sylvia Schafer 1990-91 [RA] HIS Children and the Guardian State under the French Third Republic 2000-01 Law, Politics and the Administration of Difference in Modern France, 1840-1940 Frederic C. Schaffer 2003-04 POL The Hidden Costs of Clean Elections
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl 2017-18 HIS Economics and the Americanization of Western Europe Judith Scheele 2021-22 ANT Land of dissidence: towards a political anthropology of the Sahara Nancy Scheper-Hughes 2011-12 ANT The Ghosts of Montes de Oca: From Moral Therapy to Moral Collapse at the National Mental Colony, Argentina Kim Lane Scheppele 2013-14 LAW Counter-Constitutions Erwin K. Scheuch 1973-74 SOC Comparative Social Structures in Industrial Countries Ekkehart Schlicht 1985-86 ECO Theory of the Firm, Labor Markets Dominique Schnapper 1983-84 (I) [V] SOC Jewish Communities in India, China, England, France, Australia and the United States Jason Schnittker 2009-10 SOC The Sociology and Genetics of Disease in Human Populations Gordon Schochet 1998-99 POL Rights in Contexts: the Historical and Political Construction of Moral and Legal Entitlements Peter Schöttler 1990-91 HIS Historical Research in France and Germany Between the Two World Wars John E. Schrecker 1981-82 HIS Chinese Conceptions of Other Societies and Cultures Fritz H. E. Schütze 1984-85 SOC Sociological Biography Analysis Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff 1988-89 [V] ANT From Potlatch to Carnival: Ideology of Progress and Transformation of the Feast Joseph M. Schwartz 1984-85 [RA] POL Transcending Politics Roberto Schwarz 1979-80 LIT Literature and Ideology in 19th-Century Brazil David Scott 2006-07 ANT In Bandung's Wake James Campbell Scott 1986-87 POL The Hidden Transcript of Subordinate Groups Joan W. Scott 1978-79 HIS Working Class Culture and Working Class Family in 19th-Century France Laura Secor 2010-11 [V] Journalist Ilya Segal 2002-03 ECO Prior Knowledge and Communication Constraints in the Design of Multi-Unit Auctions Wolfgang Seibel 1989-90 POL Comparative Analysis of Institutional Elasticity in Western Welfare States Valentin Seidler 2014-15 [V] ECO Bureaucrats, Transplant Effect and Institutional Quality Jerrold Seigel 1987-88 (V) HIS Modern French Social History Annamaria Seleny 1994-95 POL The Institutions and Culture of Work and Enterprise in Post-Socialist, Mixed Economies Andrea Sempértegui 2021-22 [V] SOC and ANT Weaving Resistance between Worlds: The Amazonian Women’s Struggle against Extractivism in Ecuador Richard Sennett 1973-74 SOC Urban Sociology 1979-80 [V] The Urban Family Choon-Leong Seow 1997-98 REL The Social World of Qohelet José Serra 1976-77;1977-78 ECO Latin American Economies 2002-03 [Dir V] Roberto Serrano 2002-03 ECO Cooperation, Fairness and Incentives under Asymmetric Information Rajiv Sethi 2008-09 ECO Group Inequality Jessica Ellen Sewell 2011-12 American Studies Manly Things: Masculine Interiors and Domestic Objects in the Postwar United States William Sewell, Jr. HIS [Long-term Member] 1971-72 European Urbanization: 17th-19th Centuries 1975-76 European Urbanization: 18th-20th Centuries 1976-77;1977-78;1978-79; 1979-80 Social History of Modern Europe 2002-03 Historiology: Social Theory and Historical Transformation Yüksel Sezgin 2016-17 [V] (II) POL Muslim Family Laws, Human Rights and Democracy Ayelet Shachar 2000-01 LAW Law and Diversity: A New Approach to Accommodation
Mehdi Shadmehr 2017-18 ECO Contentious Politics Matthew Shafer 2021-22 POL SCI From the Language of Violence to the Violence of Language Farzana Shaikh [V] 2006-07 POL Making Sense of Pakistan
Amr Shalakany 2016-17 LAW Law and Society in Post Revolution Egypt Haim Shapira 2005-06 [RA] POL Jewish Political Tradition Harel Shapira 2021-22 SOC The Shooting: Living and Dying by the Gun in America Allan Sharlin 1980-81 SOC Historical Sociology, Historical Demography Tamsin Shaw 2004-05 POL The Secularization of Political Authority Martin A. Shefter 1977-78 POL Political Parties and Patronage Charles Shepherdson 1998-99; 1999-00 [V] PHI Insinuations: Encounters between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis George Sher 1987-88 PHI Values in Public Life Eytan Sheshinski 1980-81 (V) ECO Economics Moshe Shokeid 1999-00 ANT The Evolution of Gay Space and Gay Institutions Edward L. Shorter 1970-71 HIS Societal Attitude Changes in 19th-century France in Relation to Changes in Social and Industrial Structure Andrew Shryock 1995-96 ANT Historiography and the Formation of New Communities in Arab-Muslim Societies Vivienne Shue 1984-85 POL Peasantry and Polity in Contemporary China Richard A. Shweder 2008-09 ANT Customs Control: "Un-American Activities" and the Moral Challenge in Cultural Migration Fred Siegel 1989-90 HIS The Intellectual and Political History of Post-1968 America James T. Siegel 1972-73 ANT Relationship of Experience to Narrative Forms in an Indonesian 18th- and 19th-Century Muslim Sultanate Allan Silver 1982-83 SOC Historical Sociology of Friendship Institutions Hilary Silver 2007-08 SOC Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity
Dan Silverman 2005-06 ECO Willpower and Consumption Debora Silverman 1984-85 [V] HIS Art and Politics in Late Nineteenth Century France, Belgium, and Holland Christo Sims 2020-21 COMM and SCI STU The Garden in the Machine: Architectural Politics in an Age of Climate Catastrophe Carmen J. Sirianni 1985-86 SOC Work, Time and Equality John Tomas Sjöström 2004-05 ECO Applied Mechanism Design Quentin Skinner 1976-77;1977-78;1978-79 [Long-term Member] POL Political Thought of the16th and 17th Centuries Theda Skocpol 1980-81 SOC U. S. Politics and the Limits of Recovery and Reform in the New Deal Anna Marie Smith 2009-10 POL Distributive Rights and New York Constitutional Law: The State Education Funding Lawsuits Barbara Herrnstein Smith 1986-87 LIT Literary and Cultural Theory
Carel E. Smith 2017-18 [V] LAW Certainty in Law: Metaphors, Institutions, and Exemplars Peter H. Smith 1972-73 HIS Career Patterns of Mexican Politicians Carroll Smith-Rosenberg 1987-88 HIS History of Gender Rohini Somanathan 2010-11 ECO Group Inequality in Democracies: Lessons from India and the United States Lisa Son 2005-06 [V] PSY Metacognition and the Allocation of Time Konstantin Sonin 2004-05 ECO Limits to Dictatorship Sverker Sörlin 2013-14 HIS Re-thinking the Future History of Humanity: A Guide to the Environmental Humanities Gnoudanfoly Amadou Soro Summer Program 2015-17 Oscar Sosa López URB STUD 2020-21 The Politics of Immediacy: Citizenship, Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility in Mexico City Robyn C. Spencer 2020-21 HIS To Build the World Anew: Black Liberation Politics and the Movement against the Vietnam War, 1950-1975 Dan A. Sperber 1981-82 ANT Anthropological Theory of Culture Ran Spiegler 2000-01 ECO Incentives and Argumentation in Economic Interactions Jean-Fabien Spitz 1997-98 [V] (I) POL A Study of Liberating Dependence in Late Eighteenth Century Social and Political Thought Willfried Spohn 1988-89 SOC Religion and Working-Class Formation in Imperial Germany 1871-1914 in Comparative Perspective Zrinka Stahuljak 2005-06 LIT "Pornographic Archeology": A History of Medieval Sexuality in France (1810-1930) Christine Stansell 1990-91 HIS Gender, Politics and Modernism in the United States,1890-1910 Paul Starr 1984-85 SOC Social Theory: Public-Private Distinction, Social Organization of Memory Daniel Statman 1994-95 PHI Virtues and Ethics in a Changing World Michael E. Staub 2008-09 American Studies Madness Is Civilization: A New Cultural History of the 1960s Mary Margaret Steedly 1988-89 [RA] ANT A Historical Study of Karo Batak Spirit Veneration Cécile Stehrenberger 2014-15 [V 1] HIS "Emotional Stress" and the US-Army: A History of Social Science Disaster Research (1949-1979) Alicia Steinmetz 2021-22 [V] POL SCI The Freedom of Unreason: Imagination, Skepticism, and Politics in Early Modern Thought George Steinmetz 2017-18 [Visiting Faculty] HIS, PHI, SOC The Social Sciences in a Changing World John D. Stephens 1998-99 POL Globalization and the Future of National Welfare State Regimes Fritz Stern 1996-97 [V] HIS Modern European History Zeev Sternhell 1983-84 POL The Rise of Fascist Ideology: A Comparative Study 1890-1940 Frank H. Stewart 1984-85 ANT Traditional Law of the Sinai Bedouin John O. Stewart 1979-80 ANT Socio-Economic Structure and Folk Culture and Religion in Trinidad Marc W. Stier 1981-82 [RA] POL Politics and Reason Joseph V. Stiglitz 1978-79 [V] (I) ECO Mathematical Economics and Applications George Stocking 1992-93 ANT On the Ground of Otherness: Toward a History of Anthropology through Ethnographic Fieldwork Jeffrey L. Stout 2010-11 REL Sacred and Secular Thomas Streeter 2000-01 SOC Personhood, Law and Communication Technology: Making Sense of (and with) Internet Commercialization Pontus Strimling 2008-09 [V 1] ECO A Unified and Predictive Theory of Human Cooperation Through Empirical Understanding of Social Contracts
Ellen Stroud 2013-14; 2015-16 [V] HIS Dead as Dirt: An Environmental History of the American Corpse Maka Suarez 2021-22 ANT Against the Odds: Activism, Debt, and Labor in Times of Crisis Carola M. Suárez-Orozco 2009-10 PSY Immigration, Schools and the State: Policy Misalignments and their Consequences for Immigrant Youth Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco 2009-10 EDU Immigration, Schools and the State: Policy Misalignments and their Consequences for Immigrant Youth Thomas J. Sugrue 2005-06 HIS Sweet Land of Liberty Michael Suleiman 1994-95 POL Arabs in America: A Social and Political History
Samaila Suleiman Summer Program 2018-19 Winnifred Fallers Sullivan 2010-11 LAW & REL Spiritual Governance: The New Establishment of Religion Frank J. Sulloway, II 1977-78 HIS Psychology and History of Science Anna Sun 2010-11 SOC Beyond the Secular and the Religious: The Revival of Confucianism in Contemporary China Wen-Ching Sung 2012-13 [V] ANT Producing Credits and Profits: Scientists' Moral Economies in China's Scientific Transformation Kristin Surak 2015-16 POL Guestworker Regimes: A Global Comparison Judith Surkis 2010-11; 2011-12 [V] SOC Scandalous Subjects: Intimacy and Indecency in France and French Algeria, 1830-1930 Kazuko Suzuki 2008-09 [V] SOC Topology of Race: "Race" Beyond the Western Paradigm Brian Z. Tamanaha 2007-08 LAW The Contrast Between Rhetoric and Reality in the Rule of Law Kabir Tambar 2011-12 ANT Parables of Karbala: Mourning, Morality, and Modernity in Turkey
Deborah Tannen 1991-92 [V] (II) OTH Rethinking Power and Solidarity Through Language, Gender, and Authority Latif Tas 2019-20 POL Parallel State Making: Alternative Govermentality Amongst Kurds Mateo Taussig-Rubbo 2002-03 [V] (II) ANT The Limits of Law
Charles Taylor 1981-82 POL Political Theory and Philosophy of Language Barbara Tedlock 1986-87 [V] ANT Interpretive Anthropology: The Zuni World Dennis Tedlock 1986-87 ANT Interpretive Anthropology: Oral Narratives Teng Biao 2016-17 [V] OTHER China’s Human Rights Movement Edward Tenner 1991-92 [V] HIS Unintended Consequences of Technological and Social Systems Olivier Tercieux 2007-08 ECO Robust Equilibria in Non-cooperative Games: Theory and Applications
Andreas Teuber 1980-81 POL Identity of the Citizen Required by Democratic Society Ralph Thaxton, Jr. 2002-03 (I) POL Beyond Redemption: Memory, Voice and Resistance in the Aftermath of China's Great Leap Famine Kimberly Theidon 2011-12 ANT Pasts Imperfect: Working with Former Combatants in Columbia
Dieter Thomä 2018-19 PHI Dissent and Deviation in Times of Crisis: A Typology Anisha Thomas 2019-20 [V] (2) GEN STU The Erasure of “Normal” Violence in the Production of Rape as a Crisis: A Study of Reported Cases in India Chantal Thomas 2010-11 [V] (II) LAW Law and Economic Development: A Critical Intellectual History Caroline Thomas 2012-13 ECO Congestion in Matching Markets and Electoral Competition Peter D. Thomas 2012-13 [V] POL Politics in its Limits 2017-18 When the Subaltern Speaks Charis Thompson 2020-21 [Visiting Faculty] SOC Getting Ahead: Science, Technology, and the State in an Age of AI, Genome Editing, and Inequality Dennis F. Thompson 1979-80 [V] POL Political Theory, Political Ethics and Public Policy Michael Thompson 2002-03 PHI The Problem of Other Wills: Conditions of the Possibility of Justice and Recognition Robert Thornton 1989-90 ANT Time, Content, and the Interpretation of Violence Sylvie Thoron 2005-06 [V] ECO Formation and Role of Coalitions and Agreements in Economics
Shatema Threadcraft 2017-18 POL Race, Gender and Necropolitics: #blacklivesmatter and Black Femicide Chloe Thurston 2019-20 POL The Dividing Welfare State: Politics, Policy, and Asset Inequality after the Minority Rights Revolution Miriam Ticktin 2015-16 ANT Containment Politics Helen Tilley 2004-05 [V] HIS Africa as a Living Laboratory Charles Tilly 1970-71 HIS Evolution of Industrial Conflict and Changes in the Pattern of Collective Violence in Western Europe Louise A. Tilly 1987-88 HIS Gender Inequality in Families and Labor Markets 1998-99 [V] (II) Industrialization, Family Gender Inequality, and Emancipatory Movements: A Comparative Global History Stephen Tobias 1975-76 [RA] ANT Chinese Culture in Thailand Joanna Tokarska-Bakir 2013-14 [V1]; 2014-15 [V] ANT Pogrom as Social Drama: Anti-Jewish Incidents in Central/Eastern Europe in 1945-46 Massimiliano Tomba 2016-17 PHI Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy Juan Carlos Torre 1991-92 POL The Alfonsin Years: Argentina's Transition to Democracy,1983-1989
Veronica Toste Daflon Summer Program 2018-19 Eve Troutt-Powell 1999-00 HIS Slaves, Human Rights and Nationalism in the Nile Valley Martin Trow 1976-77 SOC Studies in Higher Education Fabien Truong 2020-21 SOC The Making of Ordinary Resistance Henning Trüper 2013-14 HIS Real-Life Orientalism : Objects of European Semitic Philology, ca. 1850-1930 Anna Tsing 1994-95 ANT Forest Collisions: The Construction of Nature in Indonesian Rainforest Politics Robert A. Tucker 1975-76 [V] POL Modern Political Thought Leigh Turner 2003-04 REL The Promise of Bioethics: Argumentation and Reasoning in Contemporary Bioethics John Turner 1982-83 PSY Social Cognitive Theory of the Social Group Mark Turner 1996-97 COG SCI Cognitive Science and Social Science Victor W. Turner 1975-76 ANT Cross-Cultural Study of Symbolic Systems in Preliterate and Literate Societies Denis Twitchett 1973-74 (II) HIS Social History of Medieval China A. L. Udovitch 1976-77 [V] HIS Middle Eastern Studies Richard H. Ullman 1982-83 [V] POL Problems of International Security Edna Ullmann-Margalit 1995-96 PHI A Philospher Looks at the Dead Sea Scrolls Studies Nadia Urbinati 1992-93 POL Historical Socialism: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives
Simón Uribe Summer Program 2018-19 Joëlle Vailly 2019-20 SOC Genetic Databases and Witnesses: Biopolitics at the Intersection of Science, Police Work, and the Justice System Lucette Valensi 1976-77 HIS Rural Sociology of North Africa Valerio Valeri 1990-91 ANT The Production and Communication of Knowledge in Huaulu Society Pieter van der Veer 1995-96 ANT Modernity, Nation and Religion: A Comparative Study of Colonizers and Colonized Sonja van Wichelen 2020-21; 2021-22 (1) SOC Biosovereignty in Indonesia: The Legal Governance of Human Biological Material in a Postcolonial Context Timothy Van Zandt 2003-04 [V] ECO Complexity and Incentives in Markets, Mechanisms, and Organizations Peter Vanderschraaf 2011-12 PHI Morals by Convention Deborah R. Vargas 2021-22 SOC Culture of Poverty Politics and Latinx Gender Sexuality Jean-Claude Vatin 1980-81 POL France's Impact on Maghreb Institutions Diane Vaughan 1996-97 SOC Theory Elaboration: The Heuristics of Case Analysis Sarah E. Vaughn 2020-21 ANT Scales of Reason: Data Sharing and Climate Models in the Caribbean Douglas V. Verney 1977-78 POL Canadian and European Political Traditions
Achim Vesper 2018-19 [V] PHI Debating the Foundations of Moral Objectivity: Constructivism, Constitutivism, and Realism in Kantian Metaethics Dana Villa 1998-99 POL Socratic Citizenship Joan Eveline Vincent 1985-86 ANT Social History of County Fermanagh, Ireland, 1800 to the Present Maurizio Viroli 1989-90 POL Humane Politics: The Civic Philosophy in Italian Political Thought (1300-1600) Mara Viveros Vigoya 2014-15 ANT Similarities and Differences among Afro-Colombian Social Mobility Processes Justus von Daniels 2011-12 [V] LAW Legal Pluralism Diego A. von Vacano 2008-09 POL Immigrant Identity in a Cosmopolitan World Michel Vovelle 1976-77 (I) HIS Modern French Social History Robert Wade 1992-93 OTH Politics of Managing the World Economy
Greta Wagner 2018-19 SOC Helping in Times of Crisis: The Normativity of Solidarity and Charity Peter Wagner 1990-91 POL Technology, Institution, and Discourse: A Perspective on the Long-Term Development of Modern Society
Sophie Wahnich 2018-19 HIS Consent, Belief and Truth: The Anxiety of the Enlightenment as a Field of Inquiry for Today Graham Walker 1995-96 1996-97 [V] POL The Mixed Constitution After Liberalism Judith Walkowitz 1989-90 HIS City of Dreadful Delight: Social Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late-Victorian London Ban Wang 2006-07 [V] (II) LIT Third World Culture and Uneven Development in Globalization and Geopolitics Arturo Warman 1974-75 ANT State and Peasant in Mexico R. Stephen Warner 1988-89 SOC Communities of Faith: An Essay on Religion in the U.S. Today Georgia Warnke 1991-92 PHI Justice and Interpretation Kay Warren 1996-97 ANT Mayan Public Intellectuals & the Production of Culture Wendy Warren 2019-20 HIS The Carceral Colony: Prisons and the Making of America Sari Wastell 2007-08 ANT When Justice at a Distance Comes Home: Humanitarian Law and International War Crimes Prosecutions in the Hague versus the National Jurisdictions of the ex-Yugoslav States
John Waterbury 1989-90 POL The Political Economy of Public Sector Enterprise: Egypt, India, Mexico, and Turkey Susan Cotts Watkins 1984-85 SOC The Tendency toward Demographic Uniformity in Modern Societies Margaret Watson 1994-95 SOC Gender and Globalisation: Understanding the Implications of Change in Eastern Europe Lisa Wedeen 2006-07 POL Peripheral Visions Elizabeth Weed 1998-99 LIT [V] (I) Reading the Light of Theory and Politics Ian P. Wei 2009-10 HIS Policy-Making and Decision-Making in Higher Education
David Weiman 1993-94 ECO The Political Economy of National Market Formation in the United States,1866-1914: Two Case Studies Annette B. Weiner 1980-81 ANT Comparative Model of Reproduction in Melanesian Societies Alex Weingrod 1990-91 ANT Israeli Arabs in Present Day Jerusalem: Paradoxes in Negotiating Identity Fred Weinstein 1970-71 HIS The Problem of Authority from Psychoanalytic and Sociological Points of View Jonathan Weinstein 2008-09 ECO Expert Testing and Robustness in Game Theory Margaret M. Weir 1988-89 POL Economic Restructuring and the Remaking of Class and Race in Britain and the United States Lenore J. Weitzman 1983-84 SOC An Examination of the Social Meaning on No-Fault Divorce Allen Wells 1995-96 HIS Towards a New Interpretation of the Latin American Export Boom (1850-1930) Alan Wertheimer 1984-85 POL Philosophy of Law: Theory of Coercion Henk L. Wesseling 1980-81 HIS Dutch Imperialism in a Comparative Perspective Frederick F. Wherry 2019-20 [V] SOC The Social Contract in Economic Life Michele White 2000-01 ART A Theory of Virtual Spectatorship Susan Whitney 1993-94 [RA]; HIS The Politics of Youth Jennifer Widner 2015-16 POL Politics and International Affairs
Robert Wiebe 1969-70 HIS Relation between Culture and Politics in the United States through the Reconstruction Period Pierre-Etienne Will 1987-88 HIS Economic History of Late Imperial China Elizabeth A. Wilson 2003-04 PSY Affect and Evolution Richard Ashby Wilson 2014-15 ANT A Violent Instrument? The Social Science and Law of International Speech Crimes Donald N. Winch 1974-75 ECO History and Methodology of the Social Sciences
Jessica Winegar 2018-19 ANT Counter-Revolutionary Aesthetics: How Egypt's Uprising Faltered Gordon C. Winston 1978-79 ECO Temporality in Economic Theory Yves Winter 2021-22 POL SCI The Political Imaginary: Between Ideology and Utopia Robert Wokler 1994-95 POL Modernity, Post-Modernity and the Enlightenment Project Michael Wood 2001-02 [V] ENG A Biography of Marcel Proust Deva Woodly 2012-13 POL Changing Politics: New Issue Acceptance and the American Way Gavin Wright 1988-89 ECO The Rise of American Economic Preeminence, 1870-1940 E. A. Wrigley 1970-71 HIS Historical Demography and the History of the Family in England and Elsewhere Yang Xiao 2010-11 [V] PHI The Art of Observing Water: Confucian Virtue Politics and Its Discontents Menahem Yaari 2000-01 ECO The Role of Conventions in Economic Interactions Niza Yanay 2008-09 SOC The Workings of Collective Hatred Mayfair Yang 2000-01 ANT Redefining Modernity and Civil Society
Deborah J. Yashar 2018-19 [V] POL Developing Cities, (Public) Housing, and Ethnic-Racial Segregation John Yellott,Jr. 1970-71 PSY Models of Perception and Decision-Making Aram A. Yengoyan 1979-80 ANT Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australian Society Muhamet Yildiz 2008-09 ECO The Role of Systematic Biases and Incomplete Information in Reaching Cooperation Yuval Yonay 1992-93 SOC From Marshall to Samuelson: The Rise of Modern Economics Richard York 2013-14 HIS The Climate Change Crisis and the Limited Efficacy of “Green” Technology Alden H. Young 2019-20 HIS Neither Heroes nor Scoundrels: Changing Views of the Sudanese Private Sector Iris Marion Young 2003-04 POL Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice M. Crawford Young 1980-81 POL Colonial Experience and Post-Colonial Politics in Africa Emily Zackin 2016-17 POL The Honest but Unfortunate Debtor: The Political Development and Dismantling of American Bankruptcy Law Waqar H. Zaidi 2020-21 HIS Postcolonial Civil Aviation and the Cold War in West Asia, 1945-1960 Peter Zarrow 1996-97 HIS The Fall of the Emperorship and the Decline of Theocratic Thought in China, 1885-1924 Viviana Zelizer 1996-97 SOC Payments and Social Ties Linda M. G. Zerilli 1995-96 POL A Tower of Babel: Feminism, Democracy, and the Dream of a Common Language 2016-17 The Idea of a Critical Political Theory Everett Zhang 2012-13 ANT How Life Becomes Grievable: A Comparison between Two Earthquakes in China 2017-18 [V] Between and Beyond Two Earthquakes: Grieving, Trauma and Social Justice in China Ekaterina Zhuravskaya 2003-04 ECO Political Institutions and Economic Decentralization Jarrett Zigon 2011-12 ANT Moral and Political Subjectivities in Rights-Based HIV/AIDS Programs: A Study in the Anthropology of Moralities
Angela Zimmerman 2017-18 HIS Conjuring Freedom: A Subaltern and Transnational History of the American Civil War Anat Zohar 2009-10 EDU From Rote Learning to Higher Order Thinking: Implementing a National Educational Policy Noam J. Zohar 1991-92 [RA]; 1992-93 [RA] POL The Jewish Political Tradition 2003-04 PHI Cooperation Despite Disagreement in Healthcare 2009-10 [V] PHI The Jewish Political Tradition: Politics in History Aristide Zolberg 1972-73 POL Relationship between Culture and Political Structures in the U.S. and France
Agata Zysiak 2017-18 SOC Social Sciences, Working Class and Modernization: The Socialist University in Postwar Poland |