

Before printing anything, please consider whether it is necessary. Printing costs money, and destroys valuable natural resources. Please consider printing multiple pages per sheet in order to save paper, or read the documents on the screen.

Printer List

The following is a list of SNS printers located in Bloomberg Hall. All are network printers and can be accessed from any SNS computer. All printers support PostScript. and print duplex by default. Their supplies are in close-by cabinets, and are also available from the administrative staff and computing staff. Please be sure not to use the wrong supplies!





HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet M611dn



HP LaserJet 603M



HP LaserJet 603M

BH Common Room


HP Color LaserJet M553



HP Color LaserJet M553



HP Color LaserJet M553



HP Color LaserJet M553



HP Color LaserJet M553



HP Color LaserJet M553



HP Color LaserJet M553


A public printer is located in the laundry area of the housing activities center. Follow these instructions to use it.

Linux Desktop Printing

Your default printer is set in your .cshrc or .bashrc file. To change your default printer, edit these files and change the LPDEST and PRINTER lines to indicate the new printer. Log out and back in for the change to take effect.

Following are some basic linux print commands:

To find out what your current default printer is:

lpstat -d

To view available print queues:

lpstat -a

To display the print queue:

lpstat [printername]
The command without printername option will list your default printer queue.
To display queue of a printer other than your default indicate the printername.

To cancel a print job:

Get the job-id from the output of lpstat command.
cancel job-id

To print a postscript document:

To print a text document:


To specify single-sided printing:

All SNS printers print double-sided by default.

To force single-sided printing:
lpr -o sides=one-sided

To print more pages per side

To print more than one page per side, e.g.
lpr -o number-up=4
which prints 4 pages per side.


Use the 2up(d)or 4up(d)commands.

2up filename.pswhich prints 2 pages per side to your default printer.

4upd col3which prints 4 pages per side & double-sided to print queue col3.

Windows Desktop Printing

The nearest printer to your office will be automatically configured and set as your default printer. Normally, you can simply click File then click Print from any Windows application.

You can add other printers if you want. See the printer list for a description of printers and their capabilities.

  1. Click Start, then click Settings (the gear icon), then click Devices, then Printers & Scanners on the left pane.
  2. Click Add a printer. This will scan the network for network printers.
  3. Once the desired printer is found, select the it and click Add printer.

Setting Default Printer Options

You can change a printer's default options. For example, you may want to enable or disable duplex (two-sided) printing for all documents.

  1. Click Start, then click Settings (the gear icon), then click Devices, then Printers & Scanners on the left pane.
  2. Click the printer you wish to change and choose Manage.
  3. Select Printing preferences.
  4. Make any desired changes and click OK.

Linux Laptop Printing

In order to print from a Personal Linux Laptop, you must configure LPR printing. All Linux editions can print in this manner.

First test your network connection by opening in an Internet browser. You should then see a CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) server welcome page. If you see anything else, you have a network problem that must be fixed first. Usually these take two forms: wrong DNS servers or a VPN client is running.

You will have to locate the graphical tool for adding printers that your operating system provides. When you choose to add a printer, select "unix style printing", or "LPR/LPD" (these names will vary, but you should see something similar). Select for the print server host and the queue (printer) name from the printer list.

Windows Laptop Printing

To setup printing wirelessly on a Windows device:

A. Use PaperCut.

B. Alternatively, setup printing wirelessly using TCP/IP:

  1. Open a command prompt and ping the printer you wanted to add. If you wanted to add bw5 from the printer list above do ping from the command line and hit enter.
  2. This will display pinging followed by an IP address that starts with  Take note of this IP address. Do this for all the printers you wanted to add. Ping from the command line.
  3. From the Start Menu / Windows Logo, go to Settings.
  4. In Settings, locate Printers and Scanners.
  5. On the right pane click Add a printer.
  6. Once it is done scanning, click on The printer that I want isn't listed.
  7. In the Find a printer by other options screen, select Add a printer using IP address and click Next.
  8. Then populate the following requested fields:
  • Device Type: TCP/IP
  • Hostname / IP Address: (this is an example using bw5). Using the hostname fails. So use the IP address obtained in step 2 above.
  • Port Name is automatically populated based on the Hostname / IP address field. 
  • Put a check next to query the printer and automatically select the driver to use
  1. Detecting TCP/IP port will take awhile and fail with a message, additional port information required. The device is not found on the network.  Just select Custom below the Device Type and click NextNote:  Selecting custom will default to using RAW protocol and use port 9100.
  2.  To install the printer driver,  select PaperCut under the manufacturer and PaperCut Global PostScript from the right pane under Printers and click Next.
  3. For the Printer Name, type the name of the printer under the name column from the printer list above, for example bw5. 
  4. Click next and select do not share this printer.
  5. Click Print a test page button, click Finish.


Macintosh Laptop Printing

In order to print from a Personal Macintosh Laptop, first determine the printer(s) you want from the printer list. Note the name and model of the printer(s). You will need this information below. To add a printer follow this procedure:

  1. First test your network connection by opening in an Internet browser. You should then see a CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) server welcome page. If you see anything else, you have a network problem that must be fixed first. Usually these take two forms: wrong DNS servers or a VPN client is running.
  2. Open System Preferences.
  3. Click Printers & Scanners.
  4. Click the + symbol to add a printer and click the IP tab or the globe icon for MacOS Monterey or newer.
  5. Enter the following:
    • Address:
    • Protocol: Line Printer Daemon - LPD
    • Queue: (enter here the printer name from the printer list)
    • Name: (enter the printer name again)
    • Location: (enter the location of the printer here)
    • Print Using: (select the correct printer model here) NOTE: Generic PostScript driver can also be used
  6. Enter the Installable Options based on the printer you choose. All printers in SNS have a duplex unit.
  7. Click Continue, the printer will be ready.