Joint IAS Princeton University Astrophysics Colloquium


Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

Reconstructing the Formation Histories of Massive Galaxies
Mariska Kriek
11:00am|Princeton University, Peyton Hall, Auditorium, Room 145
In past years, large and deep photometric and spectroscopic surveys have significantly advanced our understanding of galaxy growth, from the most active time in the universe (z~2) to the present day. In particular, the evolution in stellar mass...

Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

Merger and Mass Ejection of Neutron-Star Binaries in Numerical Relativity
Masaru Shibata
11:00am|Princeton University, Peyton Hall, Auditorium, Room 145
On August 17th, 2017, merger of binary neutron stars was observed for the first time by gravitational-wave and electromagnetic telescopes. Optical and infrared observations in particular agree broadly with the prediction by numerical relativity...

Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

Machine Learning for the Universe: Steps Towards Opening the Blackbox
Shirley Ho
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Lecture Hall
To fully understand the structure formation of the Universe is one of the holy grails of modern astrophysics. Astrophysicists survey large volumes of the Universe and employ a large ensemble of computer simulations to compare with the observed data...

Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

On the Origin of Life: Major hurdles on the path from organic chemistry to biochemistry
Andrei Lupas
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Lecture Hall
From the first networks of organic reactions in the Hadean to the molecular complexity of life today, evolution encountered many hurdles, corresponding to transition points from a proto-metabolism to polymers, from polymers to networks capable of...

Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

Kinematics of Circumgalactic Gas
Crystal Martin
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Lecture Hall
Most of the baryons associated with galaxy halos reside in thecircumgalactic medium. A significant fraction of the mass is attemperatures well below the halo virial temperature. What holdsthe cool CGM up? I will present new measurements of the...

Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

Probing Behind the Man in the Moon: Results from NASA’s GRAIL Mission
Jay Melosh
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Lecture Hall
NASA’s GRAIL mission to the Moon was completed in 2012 when both spacecraft were intentionally “de-orbited” (i.e. crashed) into a nearside mountainside. This orbital mission measured tiny variations in the Moon’s gravitational field by continuously...

Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium

Entering an Era of Precision Stellar Astrophysics (or Fun with Stellar Radii)
Keivan Stassun
11:00am|Bloomberg Hall Lecture Hall
Until recently the number of "benchmark stars" --- stars having empirically measured radii, masses, and other properties with the few-percent accuracy needed to stringently test stellar models --- was of order 10^1. These crucial stellar benchmarks...