
Text Editor Create your tex file using a text editor (vi, emacs, gedit). Then you use the latex command to tex the file. latex file.tex Use xdvi to view the file. xdvi file.dvi To print the dvi: dvips -Pf4 file.dvi To convert the dvi to...

At the command line, type:


You will be asked what you want your new shell to be:

New shell:[/bin/bash] Type, /bin/csh, then enter

You will be then asked for your password.

Changing shell for help Enter LDAP Password:

If your...

A snapshot of your home directory is periodically taken.
At a terminal prompt, type: cd .snapshot
If you type: ls
You will see a list of directories:
./ hourly.1/ hourly.4/ nightly.1/ nightly.4/ weekly.1/ ../ hourly.2/...