
If you are using module load texlive to use a newer TeX installation, Texmaker and TeXstudio may not be loading the correct environment, if you are launching it through the Applications menu (or through shortcut). You can follow one of the these...

The IAS School of Mathematics provides members with an Overleaf Pro Account. Please create a free account with Overleaf(Online LaTeX Editor) using your IAS email address for the account name. Please let us know when this is done so that we can...

Text Editor Create your tex file using a text editor (vi, emacs, gedit). Then you use the latex command to tex the file. latex file.tex Use xdvi to view the file. xdvi file.dvi To print the dvi: dvips -Pf4 file.dvi To convert the dvi to...

In order to use synctex, you need to load the module for texlive 2012. Our workstation build uses TL2007 by default.

In order to utilize it, type the following on a command line (or your login script):

module load texlive

If you type module...

Springdale Linux 8 comes with TeXLive 2018 (version 20180414) by default. In order to utilize TeXLive 2019 and newer, type the following on a command line:

module load texlive

If you type module list, you should see the following output:


You need to make sure the texlive packages are at the top of the path list.

Go to Edit->Preferences->Typesetting Under Paths for TeX and related programs, make sure that /usr/ias/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux is listed at the top. If this is not...

You accidentally hit the key shortcut for expert mode, which is 'x'. Just hit 'x' again and the sidebar should reappear. If this doesn't work, try '0x'. Or try 'q' to quit xdvi. Then open it again with "xdvi -expertmode 4"