calendar dates

Physics Calendar

The Physics calendar contains High Energy Theory events hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University. A condensed version of the calendar is sent to the general Physics mailing list on Friday afternoons. Reminder emails are sent the morning of the event. If you are a local faculty member, postdoc or graduate student and would like to be added to the general Physics mailing list, please contact Lisa Fleischer,


Princeton University High Energy Theory Seminar

Emanant Chiral Supersymmetry in 1+1 Fermions on Lattice
Yu Nakayama
2:00pm|Jadwin Hall, 4th Floor, PCTS Room 407

Abstract: The appearance of chiral symmetry from lattice fermions has been a non-trivial issue over many years. We apply the idea of "emanant chiral symmetry" by Seiberg and Shao to study the "emanant chiral supersymmetry" on the 1+1 dimensional...


Princeton University Gravity Initiative Spring Seminar Series

Formation of Shocks for the Einstein--Euler System
John Anderson
12:30pm|Jadwin Hall, Princeton Gravity Initiative, 4th Floor

Abstract: In this talk, I hope to describe elements of proving a certain stable singularity formation result for the Einstein--Euler system which is the topic of work in progress with Jonathan Luk. I will first describe some of the motivating...


IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

Cobordism Utopia
Jonathan Heckman
2:30pm|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS) & Zoom

Abstract: On general grounds one expects that global symmetries are absent in quantum gravity. We discuss some aspects of this issue, focusing on the recently proposed Swampland Cobordism Conjecture, and related conjectures connected with...


IAS Physics Group Meeting

An Energy Efficient way to send Qubits into Black Holes
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)

Abstract: Energy and information are deeply connected in quantum field theory and quantum gravity. I will describe an explicit protocol for an observer outside a black hole to send in quantum information at zero energy cost. This clarifies what sort...


IAS High Energy Theory Seminar

Supertranslation(s) from Scattering Amplitudes
Radu Roiban
11:00am|Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS) & Zoom

Abstract: On-shell methods have found a new application to local observables such as asymptotic radiation fields and gravitational waveforms. While these observables are invariant under small gauge transformations, they are known to depend on a...


Princeton University Gravity Initiative Spring Seminar Series

Modeling Relativistic Jet Emission Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Joana Anna Hoellmer
12:30pm|Jadwin Hall, Princeton Gravity Initiative, 4th Floor

Abstract: We focus on understanding how the synchrotron emission morphology of astrophysical jet phenomena is influenced by physical properties of the relativistic plasma within the jet stream. To achieve this, we compare observational data in multi...