Institute for Advanced Study / Princeton University Joint Astrophysics Colloquium
Stars Disrupted, Destroyed and Coalesced
Supernovae, tidal disruption events and merging neutron stars can provide a wealth of physical insights from nuclear physics to cosmology; they can teach us about the creation of the elements, the formation of compact objects, accretion processes, feedback, galaxy evolution, and more. I will present how my research group is investigating the nature of tidal disruption events and their surprising emission properties; how we are using supernovae to constrain late-stage stellar evolution and explosion, and asteroseismology to constrain the inner structure of massive stars; and how we are hoping to find more gravitational-wave counterparts through multi-observatory coordination.
Date & Time
Bloomberg Lecture HallSpeakers
Event Series
10:30am Coffee Rubenstein Commons
11:00am Lecture in Bloomberg Lecture Hall