IAS Physics Group Meeting

The Geometric, Algebraic, and Transcendental Structure of Perturbative QFT

Abstract: I will address the question of: what are the mathematical/functional forms of predictions made using perturbative QFT? Beyond one loop, very little about this question has been known until quite recently, in part due to the appearance of non-polylogarithmic functions (often, if not always, involving Calabi-Yau geometries) which remain to be well understood. 

I will review the role and importance of such geometric structures, their complicating implications for the use of differential equations to "perform" loop integration, and describe how unitarity can be used construct (dramatically) improved bases of so-called "master integrals" in diverse applications. 

Relevant material related to this work can be found in: [arXiv:1712.02785], [arXiv:1810.07689], [arXiv:2007.13905], [2012.14438], and [22.07.00596].


Date & Time

October 25, 2023 | 11:00am – 12:15pm


Bloomberg Lecture Hall (IAS)


Jacob Bourjaily, Penn State University

Event Series

