Historical Studies - Social Science Library Journals S-Z
Journals are arranged by title on the shelf and in this list:
A-AK, AL-AU, B-D, E-H, I-M, N-R, S-Z
Journals List: S - Z
Saalburg Jahrbuch.
Holdings: v.1- , 1910- . Index v.17-42.
Lacks: v.4.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1950- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Saint-Étienne. Université. Centre Jean Palerne. Mémoires.
SEE: Mémoires (Centre Jean-Palerne).
SAIS review (John Hopkins University. School of Advanced International
Studies: 1981).
Holdings: v.1- , 1981- . Includes cumulative index.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie.
Holdings: v.4- , 1960- .
Continues: Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Psychologie.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie und Psychologie.
Holdings: v.1-3, 1957-1959.
Continued by and shelved with: Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sbornik statei po arkheologii i vizantinoviedieniiu.
SEE: Seminarium Kondakovianum.
Schriften der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
Philosophischen-Historische Klasse.
SEE: Academy. Heidelberg. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Schriften.
Schweizer Munzblätter: Gazette numismatique suisse.
Holdings: v.1- , 1949- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau.
Holdings: v.33- , 1947- . Index, v.25-40.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Schweizerische philosophische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch.
Holdings: v.1-5, 1941-1945.
Continued by and shelved with: Studia philosophica.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Science & society.
Online access via Guilford Press; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.35-, 1971- . Index v.26-50, 1962-86/87.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Science in context.
Holdings: v.l- , 1987- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Science studies.
Holdings: v.l-4, 1987-1974.
Continued by and shelved with: Social studies of science.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sciences philosophiques et théologiques.
SEE: Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques.
Holdings: v.1- , 1946- . Index v. 1-40, 1946-86.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Seminar for Arabian studies. Proceedings.
Holdings: v.23- , 1993- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Seminarium Kondakovianum.
Holdings: v.1-11, 1927-1940.
Lacks: v.2.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.3-33, 1956-2019.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Silk Road.
Online only since 2018, access via Silkroad Foundation
Holdings: v.1-15, 2003-2018.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.7- , 1974- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Simmel newsletter.
Holdings: v.1-9, 1991-1999.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sixteenth century essays and studies.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1-2, 1970-1971.
Continued and shelved with: Sixteenth century journal.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sixteenth century journal.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.3- , 1972- .
Lacks: v.54.
Continues: Sixteenth century essays and studies.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athens.
SEE: Svenska institutet i Athens. Skrifter utgivna.
Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom.
SEE: Svenska institutet i Rom.
Slavery & abolition.
Holdings: v.1- , 1980- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social analysis.
Holdings: v.13- , 1983- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social anthropology.
Online access via Berghahn Journals
Holdings: v.1- , 1992- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social forces.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.48- , 1969/70- . Index v.1-58, 1922-1980.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social history.
Online access via Taylor & Francis; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1976- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social philosophy and policy.
Holdings: v.1- , 1983- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social policy and society.
Holdings: v.3- , 2004- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social politics.
Holdings: v.1- , 1994- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social research.
Holdings: v.1- , 1934- .
Lacks: v.l:1, 3, 1934.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social science information.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.13- , 1974- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social science research.
Holdings: v.1- , 1972- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social studies of science.
Online access via Sage; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1971- . Indexes v.1-20.
Continues: Science studies (v.1-4).
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social text.
Holdings: v.1- ,1979- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Social theory and practice.
Holdings: v.11- , 1985- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Socialist review.
Absorbed: Marxist perspectives.
Holdings: v.11-28, 1981-2001.
Continued by and shelved with: Radical society.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Società Magna Grecia, Rome. Atti e memorie.
Holdings: n.s. v.1-25, 1954-1984; ser. 3 v.1- , 1992- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Société de l'histoire de l'art français, Paris. Bulletin.
Holdings: 1972- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Société égyptienne de papyrologie, Cairo. Études de papyrologie.
Holdings: v.1-9, 1932-1971.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale [(S.I.E.P.M.)]. Bulletin.
SEE: Bulletin de philosophie médiévale.
Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie. Bulletin.
Holdings: no.3-42, 1900-1967. Index no.1-29 in v.29.
Lacks: no.4-10, 30.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: no.39-54, 1993-1996.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Society for Ancient Medicine review.
Holdings: nos.1-24, 1976-97.
Continues: Newsletter (Society for Ancient Medicine).
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Notes: "suspend[ed] . . . for the indefinite future".
Society for Libyan Studies (London, England). Annual report.
SEE: Libyan studies.
Society of Architectural Historians. Journal.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.25- , 1966- . Index v.1-20, 1941-1961.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociological analysis.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.35-53, 1974-1992. Index v.1-50, 1940-89.
Lacks: v.38:1.
Continued by: Sociology of religion.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociological methods and research.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.3- , 1974- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociological perspectives.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.26- , 1983- .
Continues: Pacific sociological review.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociological quarterly.
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.16- , 1975- . Index 1974-1983.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociological review.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: N.S. v.28- , 1980- . Index 1953-82.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociological theory.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.1- , 1983- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociologie et sociétés.
Open access 2023-, online access via Érudit
Holdings: v.10-54, 1978-2022.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.8- , 1974- . Index v.1-20, 1967-1987.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociology lens.
Holdings: v.36- , 2023-.
Continues and shelved with: Journal of historical sociology.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sociology of religion.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online only 2025-, access via Oxford
Holdings: v.54-85, 1993-2024.
Continues: Sociological analysis.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sonderbände der Antike Welt.
SEE: Antike Welt.
Sonderhefte der Antike Welt.
SEE: Antike Welt.
Sondernummern der Antike Welt.
SEE: Antike Welt.
Holdings: v.1-41, 1933-1973.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Source: notes in the history of art.
Holdings: v.1- , 1981- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
South Atlantic quarterly.
Holdings: v.87- , 1988- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
South East Asia research.
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.1- , 1993- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Southeast Asian affairs.
Holdings: 1975- .
Lacks: 1978, 1982.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Southeast Asian journal of social science
Holdings: v.10-28, 1982-2000
Continued by Asian journal of social science, 2001-
Southeast Asian Serials Index: http://anulib.anu.edu.au/sasi/
Southwestern journal of anthropology.
Holdings: v.24-28, 1968-1972.
Continued by and shelved with: Journal of anthropological research.
Location: Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1926- . Index v.1-49, 1926-74.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Storia della città.
Holdings: no.1-56, 1976-1990. Index, v.1-50, 1976-89.
Lacks: no.28.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: no.1-16, 1988-2003.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi classici e orientali.
Holdings: v.1- , 1951- . Index v.1-40, 1951-1990.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi etruschi.
Holdings: v.1- , 1927- . Index v. 1-50, 1927-1982.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi etruschi. Supplemento.
Holdings: v.25-26, 1957-1958.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi italiani di filologia classica.
Holdings: N.S. v.1-54, 1920-1982; Index, v.1-n.s. v.54, 1893-1982. ser.3, v.1- , 1983- .
Lacks: N.S., v.16:4-18:2; v.19:1-3.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi medievali.
Holdings: v.1-4, 1904-1913; n.s. v.1-18, 1928-1952; ser. 3, v.1- , 1960- .
Index v.1-20, 1960-79.
Precedes and continues: Nuovi studi medievali.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi romani.
Holdings: v.2, 1954; 3:1-3, 1955; 4-28, 1956-1980; 35- , 1987- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi secenteschi.
Holdings: v.47- , 2006- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi urbinati di storia, filosofia e letteratura.
Holdings: N.S.-B, v.24-54, 1950-1980.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studi veneziani.
Holdings: v.1-18, 1959-1976; N.S. v.1-32, 1977-1996.
Continues: Bollettino dell'Istituto di storia della società
e dello stato veneziano (v.1-6, 1959-1964).
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia albanica.
Holdings: v.5-26, 1968-1989.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia et documenta historiae et iuris.
Holdings: v.24- , 1958- . Supplement to 1985.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia islamica.
Holdings: v.1- , 1953- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia papyrologica: revista española de papirologia.
Holdings: v.1-22, 1962-1983.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia philosophica.
Holdings: v.6- , 1946- . Index, 1-52, 1941-1993.
Continues: Schweizerische philosophisches gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. v.1-5, 1941-1945.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia philosophica. Supplementum.
Holdings: v.1- , 1954- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia Spinozana.
Holdings: v. 13 -16, 1997-2008.
Lacks: v.8-9, 1992-93.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studia troica.
Holdings: v.1-17, 1991-2007.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in American political development.
Holdings: v.1-11, 1986-97.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in comparative international development.
Online access via Springer
Holdings: v.9- , 1974- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences.
Holdings: v.29C-84C, 1998-2020.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics.
Holdings: v.26B-72B, 1995-2020.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in history and philosophy of science.
Holdings: v.1-90, 1970-2022.
Continues in part: Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences, Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in iconography.
Holdings: v.28- , 2007- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in medieval and renaissance history.
Holdings: o.s., v.1-10, 1964-1973; n.s. v.1-14, 1978-1993 ; 3rd ser., v.1-11, 2001-2014.
Lacks:3rd ser., v.12, 2016.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in philosophy and social science.
Holdings: v.1-9, 1932-1941.
Continues: Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung (v.1-7, 1932-1938).
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in symbolic interaction.
Holdings: v.1- , 1978- . Suppls.1-3.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in symbolic interaction. Supplement.
Holdings: v.1- , 1985- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studies in the Renaissance.
Holdings. v.1-21, 1954-1974
Continued by Renaissance Quarterly
Studies on Persianate societies.
Holdings: v.1-3, 2003-2005.
Continued by and shelved with: Journal of Persianate Studies.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studii clasice.
Holdings: v.1-46, 1959-2010 .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studii si cercetari de istorie veche.
Holdings: v.1-24, 1950-1973.
Lacks: v.4, 1953.
Continued by and shelved with: Studii si cercetari de istorie veche si arheologie.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studii si cercetari de istorie veche si arheologie.
Holdings: v.25- , 1974- .
Lacks: v.57, 2006; v.58:1-2, 2007;v.61:3-4, 2010;v.62:1-2, 2011; v.63, 2012.
Continues: Studii si cercetari de istorie veche (v.1-24, 1950-1973).
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.10- , 2013- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Studium generale.
Holdings: v.1-24, 1947-1971. Index v.1-15.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Subaltern studies: writings on South Asian history and society.
Holdings: v.2-10, 1983-1999.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.13- , 1984- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sudhoffs Archiv.
Holdings: v.50- , 1966- .
Continues: Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften.
Holdings: v.32-49, 1939-1965.
Continued by: Sudhoffs Archiv.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Sudhoffs Archiv. Beihefte.
Holdings: v.1- , 1961- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Suplementos a MINOS.
SEE: Minos. Supplementos.
Supplément critique au Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Bude.
SEE: Association Guillaume Bude. Bulletin. Supplément critique.
Supplement to the Journal of the American Oriental Society.
SEE: American Oriental Society. Journal. Supplement.
Supplementary papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome.
SEE: American School of Classical Studies in Rome. Supplementary papers.
Supplementary volume (Aristotelian Society (Great Britain)).
SEE: Aristotelian Society. Proceedings. Supplementary volume.
Supplementary volume (Cambridge Philological Society).
SEE: Cambridge Philological Society. Proceedings. Supplement.
Supplemento al Bollettino dei classici.
SEE: Academy. Rome. Bollettino dei classici. Supplemento.
Supplementum epigraphicum graecum.
Holdings: v.1- , 1923- . Index v.11-20, 1950-64; index v.26-45, 1976-1995.
Not published from 1970-1976.
Location: Meritt Library
Svenska institutet i Athen. Skrifter utgivna, 4° [Series prima].
Holdings: v.1- , 1951- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
SEE ALSO: Opuscula Atheniensia
Svenska institutet i Athen. Skrifter utgivna, 8° [Series secunda].
Holdings: v.1- , 1951- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Svenska institutet i Rom. Skrifter utgivna, 4° [Series prima].
Holdings: v.1- , 1932- . Some volumes incomplete.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
SEE ALSO: Opuscula Romana
Svenska institutet i Rom. Skrifter utgivna, 8° [Series secunda].
Holdings: v.2- , 1946- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Symbolae Osloenses.
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.1- , 1922- . Index 1922-59.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Symbolae Osloenses. Supplement.
Holdings: v.1- , 1925- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Symbolae philologorum posnaniensium graecae et latinae.
Holdings: v.1-16, 1973-2005.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1920- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Systems research and behavioral science.
Holdings: v.14/42, 1997.
Continues: Behavioral science.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Székesfehérvár, Hungary. István Király Múzeum közlemenyei. D sorozat.
Holdings: no.115, 1977; 131, 1979; 137, 1980; 148, 1982; 154, 1983; 158, 1984.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-39, 1969-2007. Index, v.1-31, 1969-1998/99.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Tanner lectures on human values.
Holdings: v.2, 1981; v.4- , 1983- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Tatti studies (I).
Holdings: v.1- , 1985- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Technology and culture.
Holdings: v.20- , 1979- . Index 1-25, 1959-1984.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Journal online only after 2021; Teiresias Supplements online access
Holdings: v.1-51:2 , 1971- 2021. Suppl. 1-3.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level.
Online access
Holdings: v.1-12, 1995-2014.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.51- , 1982- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Temps modernes.
Holdings: v.306-700, 1972-2018.
Lacks: v.402-473, 1980-1985; v.674-675, 2013.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Texte zur Kunst.
Holdings: v.22- , 2012- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-12, 1934-1966.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Continued by: Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications, v.23-.
Theologie und Philosophie.
Holdings: v.45-95, 1970-2020.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Theory and society.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1974- . Index, v.1-19, 1974-1990.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1962- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Thesis eleven.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: No.30-103, 1991-2010.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Thessalika chronika.
Holdings: v.1-10, 1930-1971.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Thessaliko hemerologio.
Holdings: v.2-58, 1981-2010. Index, v.1-40, 1980-2001.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Thessalonike. Aristoteleio Panepistemio. Philosophike Schole. Epistemonike epeterida.
Continues: Thessalonike. Aristoteleio Panepistemio. Philosophike Schole. Epistemonike epeteris.
Holdings: v.15-22, 1976-1984. Periodos B, t.1, 1985/88 .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Thessalonike. Aristoteleio Panepistemio. Philosophike Schole. Epistemonike epeteris.
Holdings: v.9-14, 1965-1975.
Lacks: v.11.
Continued by and shelved with: Thessalonike. Aristoteleio Panepistemio. Philosophike Schole.
Epistemonike epeterida.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Thessalonike. Panepistemio. Philosophike Schole. Epistemonike epeteris.
See: Thessalonike. Aristoteleio Panepistemio. Philosophike Schole. Epistemonike. . . .
Holdings: v.1- 9, 1963-1977/82.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-15, 1978-2005/07.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis.
Open access via Amsterdam University Press
Holdings: v. 115-135 , 2002-2022.
Lacks: v. 133:4, 2020.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Times higher education supplement.
Online access via the Times higher education supplement
Times literary supplement.
Online access via the Times literary supplement
Toledo, Ohio. Museum of Art. Museum news.
Holdings: N.S. v.3:4, 1960; v.7:1,4, 1964; v.10:2, 1967; v.11:1, 1968;
v.12:3-4, 1969; v.13:1, 1970; v.14:3, 1971; v.15:3, 1972;
v.17:1-2, 1974; v.18:1,4, 1977; v.20:1-4, 1977/78; v.21:1-4,
1978/79; v.22:1-2, 1980; v.23:1, 1981.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Topoi orient-occident.
Holdings: v.1- , 1991- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Toulouse. Université. Faculté des lettres. Annales.
Holdings: v.2-7, 1952-1958.
Lacks: v.6:5; v.7:5.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Toung pao.
Holdings: v.89- , 2003- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Tourist studies.
Holdings: v.1-4:1, 2001--2004.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-5, 1989-1993.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1943- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association.
SEE: American Philological Association. Transactions.
Transactions of the American Philological Association.
SEE: American Philological Association. Transactions.
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society.
SEE: Cambridge Bibliographical Society. Transactions.
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society.
SEE: Charles S. Peirce Society. Transactions.
Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian
and Archaeological Society.
SEE: Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. Transactions.
Holdings: v.1- , 2017- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.8- 50, 1994-2017.
Lacks: nos. 36,38, 2009.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Travail, genre et sociétés.
Online only, via Cairn Journals
Holdings: v.21-46, 2009-2021.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Travaux et mémoires.
SEE: Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance.
Trends in history.
Holdings: v.1-4, 1979-1990.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1969- . Index, 1-30, 1969-99.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Türk arkeoloji dergisi.
Holdings: v.22:1, 1975; 25:1, 1980; 27-31, 1988-1997.
Continued by and shelved with: Türk arkeoloji ve etnografya dergisi.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Türk arkeoloji ve etnografya dergisi.
Continues: Türk arkeoloji dergisi (and Türk etnografya dergisi).
Open access via AWOL
Holdings: v.1-9, 2000-2009. Open access from v.10
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Türk Tarih Kurumu. Belleten.
Open access via Turkish Historical Society
Holdings: v.1-71, 1937-2007.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1986- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Tyche. Supplementband.
Holdings: v.1- , 1992- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
UFSI Reports.
Holdings: 1982-1987.
Continued by and shelved with: Field staff reports.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Uj folyam.
SEE: Folia archaeologica.
Ultimate reality and meaning.
Holdings: v.3-14, 1980-1991. Index v.1-10, 1978-87.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Université de Saint-Etienne. Centre Jean Palerne. Mémoires.
SEE: Mémoires (Centre Jean Palerne).
Urban life.
Holdings: v.3-15, 1974-87. V.3 called Urban life and culture.
Continued by and shelved with: Journal of contemporary ethnography.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Urban life and culture.
SEE: Urban life.
Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving. Bulletin.
Holdings: v.16-44, 1941-1969.
Continued by and shelved with: BABESCH. Bulletin antieke beschaving.
Annual papers on classical archeology.
Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel.
Holdings: v.13-44, 1901-1933; v.47-52, 1935-1942; v.55-56,
1943-45; v.59-67, 1948-1956.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vestnik drevnei istorii: journal of ancient history.
Holdings: 1938:2; 1940:3/4; 1946:4; 1947:3; 1948:1-2, 4; 1956:3; 1957:1, 3; 1981:2- .
Index 1981-85.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1970- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-6, 1964-1969; N.S. v.1-18, 1972-1989; ser.3, v.1-5, 1990-1994;
ser.4, v.1-12, 1999-2010.
Location:Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte.
Holdings: v.57- , 1970- . Index to v.51-75 and Beiheft 55-86, 1964-88.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte.
Holdings: v.1- , 1953- . Index, v.1-45, 1953-1997.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Beilage: Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte.
Holdings: 1945/50; v.1- , 1953- (but for the Beilagen to v.9-28,
1961-80, see those volumes of the journal proper).
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vigiliae Christianae.
Online access via Brill; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1947- . Index, v.1-50, 1947-96.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Brill; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1963- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vizantiiskii vremennik.
Holdings: v.1- , 1947- .
Lacks: v.34-37, 41, 52-53.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg.
SEE: Warburg Institute. Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg.
Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1937- . Index v.1-37, 1937-74
Continues: Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg Institute..
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg Institute.
SEE: Warburg Institute. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes.
Warburg Institute. Mediaeval and Renaissance studies.
Holdings: v.1-6, 1941-1968.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Warburg Institute. Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg.
Holdings: 1921/22-1928/29, 1930/31.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: no.16- , 1997- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
West European politics.
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.1- , 1978- . Index v.1-4, 1978-81.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte.
Holdings: v.25- , 1972- .
Lacks: v.26, 1973.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Wiener Jahreshefte.
Continues: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Vienna. Jahresheft (1898).
Continued by and shelved with:
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Vienna. Jahresheft (1946)
Wiener Studien.
Holdings: v.1- , 1879- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Wiener Studien. Beiheft.
Holdings: v.1- , 1969- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Winckelmannsprogramm der Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin.
SEE: Archäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Winckelmannsprogramm.
Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und der Herzegowina.
Holdings: v.1-9, 1893-1904.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen des Bosnisch-Herzegowinischen Landesmuseums.
Heft A: Archäologie.
Holdings: v.1-6, 1971-1979.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.23- , 1967- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
World archaeology.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.1- , 1969- . Index 1-20, 1969-89.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
World development.
Holdings: v.1:5-12, 1973; v.5:3-10, 1977; v.6:1-6, 1978; v.7:6-12, 1979; v.12:1-8, 1984;
v.25:11-12, 1997; v.26:1-8,10-11, 1998; v.27:10, 1999; v.28:1,3-12, 2000; v.29:1-6, 2001.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
World politics.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1948- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft.
Holdings: v.1-4, 1946-1949; N.F. v.1- , 1975- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
XVIIe siècle
SEE: Dix-septième siècle
XVIII siècle
SEE: Dix-huitième siècle
Yale classical studies.
Holdings: v.1- , 1928- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Yale journal of criticism.
Holdings: v.1-18, 1987/88-2005.
Lacks: v.11:1, 1998 (photocopy supplied).
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Yale review.
Holdings: N.S. v.1- , 1911- .
Lacks: v.27.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie.
SEE: Antike Welt.
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.
SEE: Deutsche Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung.
Holdings: v.75- , 1989- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung.
Holdings: v.70-75, 77, 79, 85-86, 90-, 1953-. Index v.51-100, 1931-83.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, Berlin. Zeitschrift.
SEE: Deutscher Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, Berlin. Zeitschrift.
Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde.
Holdings: v.1-78, 1863-1943; v.96-147, 1969-2020. Index 1863-1943.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrifit für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft.
Holdings: v.39- , 1993- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften.
Holdings: v.1- , 1984- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für historische forschung.
Holdings: v.30- , 2003- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte.
Holdings: v.1- , 2007- .
Lack: v.1:2.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte.
Holdings: v.37- , 1974- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik.
Holdings: v.1-64, 1856-1917. Index v.1-50.
Lacks: v.1:3; v.4; v.8; v.17; v.64:3-6.
Location: shelved under call number QA1 .Z38
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik.
Holdings: v.1- , 1967- . Index v.1-100, 1967-94.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung.
Holdings: v.1- , 1946- . Index v.1-30.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. Beihefte.
Holdings: v.l4, 1962.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archaeologie und Kunstgeschichte.
Holdings: v.1- , 1939- . Index v.1-46.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeitschrift für Socialforschung.
Holdings: v.1-7, 1932-1938.
Continued by and shelved with: Studies in philosophy and social science.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeventiende eeuw.
Holdings: v.18-32, 2002-2016.
Continued by and shelved with: Zeventiende eeuw. Jaarboek.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Zeventiende eeuw. Jaarboek.
Holdings: v.1- , 2017- .
Continued by and shelved with:Zeventiende eeuw.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Ziva antika.
Holdings: v.1- , 1951- . Index v.21-30.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access: https://www.zygonjournal.org/issues/
Holdings: v.5-45, 1970-2010. Index v.1-20, 1966-1986.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level