Historical Studies - Social Science Library Journals N-R
Journals are arranged by title on the shelf and in this list:
A-AK, AL-AU, B-D, E-H, I-M, N-R, S-Z
Journals List: N - R
Nan nü: men, women, and gender in early imperial China.
Online access via Brill
Holdings: v.4- , 2002- ..
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Nations and nationalism.
Online access via Wiley
Holdings: v.1- , 1995- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Near Eastern archaeology.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.61- , 1998- .
Continues: Biblical archaeologist (v.1-60, 1938-1997).
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Neos Hellenomnemon.
Holdings: v.1-21, 1904-1927. Index v.1-21, 1904-1927.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online only via: https://classics.uc.edu/nestor/pages/issues
Continues: Mycenaean bibliography.
Neue Jahrbücher für deutsche Wissenschaft.
Holdings: v.1-13, 1925-1937.
Continues: Neue Jahrbücher für Wissenschaft und Jugendbildung.
Continued by: Neue Jahrbücher für Antike und Deutsche Bildung,
of which this library owns no issues.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Neue Jahrbücher für Wissenschaft und Jugendbildung.
Holdings: v.1-12, 1925-1936.
Continued by and shelved with: Neue Jahrbücher für deutsche Wissenschaft.
New Arabian studies. see DS201.N39
New criterion.
Online access via New Criterion
Holdings: v.1- , 1982- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New formations.
Holdings: No.1- , 1987- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New German critique.
Holdings: No.1- , 1973- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New left review.
Holdings: No. 101- , 1977- . Index no.1-184, 1960-1990.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New literary history.
Holdings: v.10- , 1978- . Index v.1-21, 1969-1990.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Bulletin.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: n.s. v.1, no.1, 1942; v.5, no.3- , Nov. 1946- .
Lacks: n.s. v.1, no.2-v.5, no.2, Summer 1942-Oct. 1946; v.5, no.4, Dec. 1946.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan Museum journal.
Holdings: v.1- , 1968- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
New York review of books.
Holdings: Current three years.
Location: Periodicals Reading Room
News bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations).
Archival access via JSTOR
Continued by: Pacific affairs.
Nomadic peoples.
Holdings: No.5- , 1980- .
Continues: Newsletter (Commision on Nomadic Peoples).
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
North American archaeologist.
Holdings: v.1-12, 1979-1991.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Notizie degli scavi di antichità.
SEE: Academy. Rome. Notizie degli scavi di antichità.
Online access via Brill; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.42- , 1995- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Numismatic chronicle.
Holdings: ser.3, v.1-20, 1881-1900; ser.4, v.1-19, 1901-1919;
ser.5, v.1-20, 1921-1940; ser.6, v.1-20, 1941-1960;
ser.7, v.1-20, 1961-1980; N.S. v.141- , 1981- .
Lacks: ser.4, v.20, 1920.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Numismatic chronicle(,) and journal of the (Royal) Numismatic Society.
SEE: Numismatic chronicle.
Numismatica e antichità classiche.
Holdings: v.3-9, 1974-1980; 14- , 1985- .
Index 1-20, 1972-1991. Supplement no. 3.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Numismatische Zeitschrift.
Holdings: v.1, 1869; v.8-10, 1876-1878; v.17-25, 1885-1893;
v.36-37; 1904-1905; v.39-40, 1907; v.48-49, 1915-1916;
v.57- , 1924- . Index, v.1-38, 1869-1906.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Nuova rivista storica.
Holdings: v.44- , 1960- . Index 1917-1991.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Nuovi studi medievali.
Holdings: v.1-3, 1923-1927.
Preceded, continued by, and shelved with: Studi medievali.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via MIT Press; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: no.119- , 2007- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Almanach.
SEE: Academy. Vienna. Almanach.
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse.
SEE: Academy. Vienna. Anzeiger.
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschsften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse.
SEE: Academy. Vienna. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte.
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Tätigkeitsbericht der
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
SEE: Academy. Vienna. Tätigkeitsbericht.
Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch.
Holdings: v.1-17, 1951-1968.
Continued by and shelved with: Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria). Grabungen.
Holdings: 1965-1997. 1982-1997 bound and shelved with the Jahreshefte;
1965-1981 bound independently, but shelved with the Jahreshefte.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria). Jahresbericht.
Continues: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria). Grabungen.
Holdings: 1998. Bound and shelved with the Jahreshefte (v.68, 1999).
Continued as a section within: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria). Jahreshefte.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria). Jahreshefte.
Holdings: v.1- , 1898- . v.32-33 (1940-1941) and v.35 (1943): Wiener Jahreshefte.
v.34 (1942) never published. Bound with v.54 (1983)-v.67 (1998)
are the 1982-1997 Grabungen, and with v.68 (1999), the 1998 Jahresbericht.
-v.68 (1999): Hauptblatt, Beiblatt, Grabungen (or Jahresbericht); v.70 (2000)-:
Jahresheft only, with a section headed Jahresbericht.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria). Jahreshefte. Ergänzungshefte.
Replaces: Berichte und Materialen (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (Vienna, Austria)).
Holdings: no.1- , 2001- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
Combines: Opuscula Atheniensia and Opuscula Romana.
Holdings: v.1- , 2008- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Opuscula Atheniensia.
Holdings: v.1-32, 1953-2007. Vols.1-20 shelved under:
Svenska institutet i Athen. Skrifter utgivna, 4° [Series prima];
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Opuscula Romana.
Holdings: v.1-32, 1954-2007. Vols.1-20 shelved under:
Svenska institutet i Rom. Skrifter utgivna, 4°[Series prima];
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Oral tradition.
Available through the web from v.22, 2007- http://journal.oraltradition.org/
Holdings: v.1-21, 1986-2006.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.42-68, 1998-2024.
Lacks: v.64:4, 2020.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.23-36, 1974-2001; v.37- ,2009- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Oriens antiquus.
Holdings: v.1-29:2, 1962-1990. Index v.1-25, 1961-86.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: N.S. v.1- , 1932- .
Lacks: v.1:2-3; v.3:1.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Orientalia christiana periodica.
Holdings: v.1- , 1935- . Index. v.1-50, 1935-84.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1-15, 1936-1968; N.S. v.1- , 1984- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-21 , 1992-2012 .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Oud Holland.
Holdings: v.88- , 1974- . Index v.1-100, 1883-1982.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Oxford art journal.
Holdings: v.1- , 1978- .
Lacks: v.3: no.1, v.4-v.5: no.1, v.6: no.2, v.12: no.2, v.15: no.1.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Oxford Slavonic papers.
Holdings: v.1-13, 1950-1967; N.S. v.1-33,1968-2000. Index, v.1-13, 1950-61, in N.S. v.12.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Oxford studies in ancient philosophy.
Holdings: v.1- , 1983- .
Location: Current issue in Periodicals Reading Room
Past issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pacific affairs.
Archival access via JSTOR
Continues: News bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations).
Holdings: v.43 , 1970/71- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pacific historical review.
Online access via University of California Press
Holdings: v.54- , 1985- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pacific sociological review.
Holdings: v.17-25, 1974-1982.
Continued by and shelved with: Sociological perspectives.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Padua. Università. Istituto di filologia greca. Bollettino.
Holdings: v.1-5, 1974-80.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Palestine. Department of Antiquities. Quarterly.
Holdings: v.1-14, 1932-1950.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Palestine Exploration Fund. Annual.
Holdings: v.1-6, 1911-1953.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Palestine exploration quarterly.
Holdings: 1869- . Index 1869-1963.
Continues: Quarterly statement (Palestine Exploration Fund).
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: N.S., anno 23-25, 1973-1976; ser.3, 1978-1980;
N.S., anno 1- , 1988- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.23, no.1, 1965; v.27-29, 1969-71; v.30, nos.1, 3-6, 1972;
v.31-33, nos.1-3, 1973-75; v.43-56, 1985-1998; v.57-58, 1998-2000.
Continued by Bruckmanns pantheon (v.38-56, 1980-1998).
Continues Bruckmanns pantheon (v.57-58, 1998-2000).
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Papers in money, macroeconomics and finance: proceedings of the Money,
Macroeconomics and Finance Research Group.
Holdings: 1990-
Supplement to: Manchester school of economic and social studies, 1990-1997;
and to: Manchester school (Oxford, England: 1998), 1998-
Location: Bound with and shelved with Manchester school of economic and
social studies, 1990-1997; with Manchester school (Oxford, England: 1998), 1998-
Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
SEE: American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Papers.
Papers of the British School at Rome.
SEE: British School at Rome. Papers.
Holdings: v.1- , 1976- . Index 1-20, 1976-95.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Paragone. Arte.
Holdings: v.1- , 1950- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Paragone. Letteratura.
Holdings: v.1- , 1950- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Paris. Collège de France. Annuaire.
Holdings: 1972/73-2006/07.
Lacks: 1976-77; 1978-80; 1983-84.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Parola del passato: rivista di studi antichi.
Holdings: v.1- , 1946- . Index v.1-50, 1946-1995.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Past and present.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1952- . Indexes v.1-150, 1952-1996.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Peasant studies.
Holdings: v.3-19, 1974-1992.
Continues: Peasant studies newsletter.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Peasant studies newsletter.
Holdings: v.3-4, 1974-1975.
Continued by and shelved with: Peasant studies.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1956- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pensiero politico.
Holdings: v.1- , 1968- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: Ser.2, v.1-27, 1967-2007. table of contents
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Perspective: la revue de l'INHA.
Holdings: 2006- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Perspectives in American history.
Holdings: v.2-12, 1967-1979. N.S. v.1-3, 1984-1986. 1980-1983 not published.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Perspectives on political science.
Holdings: v.19- , 1990- .
Continues: Perspective.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Perspectives on science.
Holdings: v.1-23, 1993-2015 ; Lacks: v.8:4, v.12:2-4 .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 2015- .
Continues in part: Gephyra
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-16, 1977-1984.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philologische Wochenschrift.
Holdings: v.1-60, 1881-1940.
Precedes and continues: Berliner philologische Wochenschrift.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1846- .
Lacks: v.40:1-2, 1881; v.85-87, 1930-32; 91-92:1-2, 1936-37;
94-95, 1939-[40]; 96:3(-4?), [1941].
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philologus. Supplementband.
Holdings: v.1-2, 5:1; 3:1; 4; 5:1,3; 6; 10:4; 12-22:2; 23; 24:l-3;
25-28; 29:2-4; 30:1-2,4; 31:2-4; 32:1-2; 34:3; 1860-1943.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1971- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophical forum.
Online access via Wiley
Holdings: N.S. v.1- , 1968/69- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophical investigations.
Online access via Wiley
Holdings: v.8- , 1985- . Index 12-15.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophical quarterly.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via Oxford University Press
Holdings: v.1- , 1950- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophical review.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1892- . Index v.1-35, 1892-1926. Supplement v.2:3, 1893.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophische Rundschau.
Holdings: v.15- , 1968- . Index v.1-40, 1953-1994.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger.
Holdings: v.1- , 1949- . Index, v.1-30, 1949-77.
Lacks: v.8-10.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophisches Jahrbuch.
Holdings: v.41- , 1928- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Cambridge University Press
Holdings: v.1- , 1926- .
Formerly: Journal of philosophical studies. (v.1, no. 1-v. 6, no. 21, 1926-1931).
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophy and literature.
Holdings: v.7- , 1983- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophy and public affairs.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1971/72- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophy of science.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1934- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Philosophy of the social sciences.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.5- , 1975- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Project MUSE; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1946/47- . Indexes v.1-40, 1946-86.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Phoenix. Supplementary volume.
Holdings: v.1- , 1953- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Brill
Holdings: v.1- , 1955- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1-27, 1959-1985; N.S. v.28- , 1991- . Index, ser. 1, v.1-27, 1959-85.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pisa. Scuola normale superiore. Annali. Lettere, storia e filosofia.
Holdings: ser.2, v.1-39, 1932-1970.
Continued by and shelved under: Pisa. Scuola normale superiore. Annali. Lettere e filosofia.
Pisa. Scuola normale superiore. Annali. Lettere e filosofia.
Open access via Scuola Normale Superiore; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: ser.2, v.1-39, 1932-1970; ser.3, v.1-25, 1971-1995;
ser.4, v.1-9, 1996-2004; ser.5, v.1-14; 2009-2022.
Continues: Pisa. Scuola normale superiore. Annali. Lettere, storia e filosofia.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pisa. Scuola normale superiore. Annali. Lettere e filosofia. Quaderni.
Holdings: ser.4, nos.1/2-18, 1996-2004.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Political power and social theory.
Holdings: v.1- , 1980- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Political quarterly.
Online access via Wiley
Holdings: v.16- , 1945- . Suppl. to v.60-61, 1989-1990.
Lacks: v.17:no.1.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Political studies.
Online access via Wiley
Holdings: v.18-58, 1970-2010.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Political theory.
Online access via Sage; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1973- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Politics & society.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.8- , 1978- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.17- , 1984- . Indexes v.16-21.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pontificia accademia romana di archeologia. Memorie.
Holdings: v.1- , 1923- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pontificia accademia romana di archeologia. Memorie. Ser.3, in 8.
Holdings: v.1- , 1975- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Pontificia accademia romana di archeologie. Rendiconti.
Holdings: v.1- , 1921/23- . Index 1821-1966.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Population studies.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.26- , 1972- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Prähistorische Zeitschrift.
Holdings: v.1-95, 1909-2020. Index 1909-1980.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Praktika tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias.
SEE: Archaiologike Hetaireia, Athens. Praktika.
Praxis international.
Holdings: v.3-13, 1983-1994.
Continued by: Constellations.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: No.1-15, 1987-1989.
Location: Shelved under Z2174.B6P73
Print quarterly.
Holdings: v.23- , 2006- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Proceedings of the African Classical Association.
SEE: African Classical Association. Proceedings.
Proceedings of the American Numismatic Society.
SEE: American Numismatic Society, New York. Proceedings.
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society for the Systematic Study of Philosophy.
SEE: Aristotelian Society.
Proceedings of the British Academy.
SEE: British Academy. London. Proceedings.
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society.
SEE: Cambridge Philological Society. Proceedings.
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Minutes of the proceedings.
SEE: Academy. Dublin. Proceedings. Minutes. Annual.
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B. Biological, geological and
chemical science.
SEE: Academy. Dublin. Proceedings, Section B.
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C. Archaeology, Celtic studies,
history, linguistics, literature.
SEE: Academy. Dublin. Proceedings, Section C.
Holdings: v.9-30, 1984-2005.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1975- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.4:2-40, 1972-2008. Supplements 1981, 1988, 1994, 1998, 2001 and 2003.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Przeglad archeologiczny.
Holdings: v.4- , 1928- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
PS: Political science & politics.
Holdings: Current year.
Location: Displayed with American political science review, Periodicals Reading Room.
Psychoanalytic review.
Online access via Guilford Press
Holdings: v.59- ,1972- .
Continues: Psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic review.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Psychological review.
Holdings: v.77- , 1970- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Public culture.
Holdings: v.1- , 1988- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Publications of the American Economic Association.
Archival access via JSTOR
Continued by: American Economic Association quarterly, then American economic review.
Quaderni (Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa, Classe di lettere e filosofia).
SEE: Pisa. Scuola normale superiore. Annali. Lettere e filosofia. Quaderni.
Quaderni dell'Istituto di storia dell'architettura.
SEE: Rome. Università. Istituto di storia dell'architetuttura. Quaderni.
Quaderni di archeologia della Libia.
SEE: Quaderni di archeologia della Libya.
Quaderni di archeologia della Libya.
Holdings: v.2- , 1951- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Quaderni di storia.
Holdings: v.1-100, 1975-2024.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Quaderni storici.
Holdings: 20:no. 58- , 1985- . Vols. for 1970- also called
anno 5:no. 55- called Nuova serie.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Quarterly journal of economics.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via Oxford University Press
Holdings: v.61- , 1946- .
Lacks: v.61:2-3; 63:2; 70:2; 73:3; 83:1.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine.
SEE: Palestine. Department of Antiquities. Quarterly.
Quarterly statement (Palestine Exploration Fund).
SEE: Palestine exploration quarterly.
Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken.
Holdings: v.1- , 1898- . Index v.1-75, 1898-1995.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik.
Holdings: Abt.A, v.1-4, 1929-1936; Abt.B, v.1-4, 1929-1938.
Location: Shelved under call number:QA1.Q4
Radical history review.
Holdings: no.32- , 1985- . Includes newsletter.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.1- , 1981- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Online access via Wiley
Holdings: v.1-29, 1957-1987; N.S. v.1- , 1988- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Recherches Augustiniennes.
Continued by: Recherches Augustiniennes et Patristiques.
Holdings: v.1-33,1958-2003.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Recherches Augustiniennes et Patristiques.
Continues: Recherches Augustiniennes.
Holdings: v.34- ,2005- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale.
Holdings: v.1-63, 1929-1996. Index v.1-55.
Merged with: Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévale to form
Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales.
Holdings: v.64- , 1997- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Recherches philosophiques.
Holdings: v.1-6, 1931-1937.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'encyclopedie.
Holdings: v.36- , 2004- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. Acta.
Holdings: v.1-41, 1958-2010. Index 1-24.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. Acta. Supplementa.
Holdings: no.1-9, 1974-2000.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. Communicationes.
Holdings: v.I:1-6, 1960-1965; v.II:7-14, 1966-1973; v.III:1-2, 1974-1975;
v.IV:1-6, 1978-1992; Biblio.1992-1993; Autumn 1994; Summer 1995-1996;
no.39-52, 1997-2010.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Ubique Consistentes.
SEE: Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores.
Holdings: v.2- , 1972- . Index, v.1-10, 1971-80.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Renaissance news.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1-19, 1948-1966.
Continued by: Renaissance quarterly.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Renaissance quarterly.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.20- , 1967- .
Continues: Renaissance news.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Renaissance studies.
Holdings: v.1- , 1987- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rendiconti (Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, Milan).
SEE: Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere, Milan. Rendiconti.
Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus.
SEE: Cyprus. Department of Antiquities. Report of the Department.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via University of California Press
Holdings: v.1- , 1983- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Res: a journal of anthropology and comparative aesthetics.
Holdings: no.35- , 1999- .
Continues: Res: anthropology and aesthetics.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Res: anthropology and aesthetics.
Holdings: no.1-34, 1981-1998.
Continued by and shelved with: Res: a journal of anthropology and comparative aesthetics.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Research in economic anthropology.
Holdings: v.1- , 1978- . Supplement 2-7, 1986-1993.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Research in economic history.
Holdings: v.1- , 1976- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Research in economic history. Supplements.
Holdings: v.1- , 1977- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Review of economic statistics.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.28 no.4-29, 1946-1947.
Continued by: Review of economics and statistics.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Review of economics and statistics.
Archival access via JSTOR; Online access via MIT Press
Holdings: v.30- , 1947- . Index 1979-89.
Lacks: v.30:3; 32:1; 35:2; 40:4; 42:2; 45:3; 50:4.
Continues: Review of economic statistics.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Review of Indonesian and Malayan affairs.
SEE: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian affairs.
Review of Indonesian and Malaysian affairs.
Holdings: v.11-48, 1977-2014 . Index 1967-96.
Continues: Review of Indonesian and Malayan affairs.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Review of metaphysics.
Holdings: v.1- , 1947- . Index v.1-20, 1947-67.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Review of political economy.
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.1- , 1989- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Review of radical political economics.
Online access via Sage
Holdings: v.8- , 1976- . Includes newsletter.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Reviews in American history.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.1- , 1973- .
Lacks: v.3:1, 1975.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Reviews in anthropology.
Online access via Taylor & Francis
Holdings: v.1-52, 1974-2023. Index v.23-26, 1994-1997.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue archéologique.
Holdings: v.1-16, 1844-1859; N.S. v.1-44, 1860-1882; ser.3, v.1-41, 1883-1902,
Index 1870-1900; ser.4, v.1-24, 1903-1914; ser.5, v.1-36, 1915-1932;
ser.6, v.1-50, 1933-1957; ser.7, 1958-1965; ser.8, 1966- . Index, 1870-1890;
Lacks: N.S., v.2-4; ser. 5, v.7-8.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue archéologique de l'est.
Open access via OpenEdition Journals
Holdings: v.46-53, 1995-2004.
Continues: Revue archéologique de l'est et du centre-est.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue archéologique de l'est et du centre-est.
Holdings: v.1-45, 1950-1994. Index v.1-10.
Continued by and shelved with: Revue archéologique de l'est.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise.
Holdings: v.1- , 1968- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise. Supplément.
Holdings: v.1- , 1969- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level (for Suppl. 30, Atlas topographique
des villes de Gaule méridionale, see OVERSIZE G5832 .S68A74 . . . ++)
Revue archéologique du centre.
Holdings: v.1-16, 1962-1977.
Continued by: Revue archèologique du Centre de la France.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue archéologique du centre de la France.
Open access via OpenEdition Journals
Holdings: v.17-43, 1978-2004. Tables 1972-81.
Continues: Revue archèologique du Centre.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art.
Holdings: v.42- , 1973- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire.
Holdings: v.1- , 1922- . Index, v.1-20, 1922-1941.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue biblique.
Holdings: v.53- , 1946- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue canadienne d'economique.
SEE: Canadian journal of economics.
Revue celtique.
Holdings: v.1-51, 1870-1934.
Continued by: Ètudes celtiques.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale.
Holdings: v.68- , 1974- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale.
Holdings: v.8, no. 29-31, no. 124, 1958-1981. Index v.1-100, 1949-1975.
Continued by: Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale et
des conflits contemporains.
Shelved with: Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale et des conflits contemporains.
Holdings: v.32, no. 125-36, no. 144, 1982-1986.
Continued by and shelved with: Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire de la philosophie et d'histoire générale de la civilisation.
SEE: Revue des sciences humaines.
Revue d’histoire des mathématiques.
Online access via SMF
Holdings: v.1- , 1995- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire des sciences.
Holdings: v.25- , 1972- .
Continues: Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications.
Holdings: v.1-24, 1948-1971.
Continued by and shelved with: Revue d'histoire des sciences.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire des textes.
Holdings: v.1- , 1971- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire diplomatique.
Holdings: v.79- , 1965- . Index 1962-86.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique.
Holdings: v.1- , 1900- . Index v.1-70, 1900-1975.
Lacks: v.52-55.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire économique et sociale.
Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: v.51-55, 1973-1977.
Continued by: Histoire, Économie et Société
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire maghrebine.
Holdings: v.10- , 1978- . Index, v.1-50, 1974-1988.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine.
Holdings: v.1-5, 1954-1958; v.7- , 1960- .
Lacks: v.6, 1959; v.10, no.3, 1963.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue de l'art.
Holdings: no.1/2- , 1968- . Index no.1-106, 1968-94.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée.
Holdings: no.17-20, 1974-75; 23-47, 1977-1988.
Continued by: Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée and
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue de l'orient latin.
Holdings: v.1-12, 1893-1911.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue de métaphysique et de morale.
Holdings: v.1-17, 1893-1909; v.47-48:1-3, 1940-41; 52:1, 1947; v.53- , 1948- .
Index, v.1-97, 1893-1992.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue de philologie.
Holdings: v.1-2, 1845-1847; N.S. v.1-50, 1877-1926; ser.3, v.1- , 1927- .
Index, v.41-65, 1967-1991.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue de philologie de littérature et d'Histoire Anciennes.
SEE: Revue de philologie.
Revue des études anciennes.
Holdings: v.1- , 1899- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des études byzantines.
Holdings: v.4- , 1946- . Index v.1-40, 1943-82.
Continues: Études byzantines, v.1-3, 1943-1945.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des études grecques.
Holdings: v.1- , 1888- . Index v.1-73, 1888-1960.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des études juives.
Holdings: v.135- , 1976- . Index v.126-138, 1967-79.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des études latines.
Holdings: v.1- , 1923- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée.
Continues: Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée.
Holdings: nos.79- , 1996- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des sciences humaines.
Holdings: N.S., v.25- , 1939- .
Lacks: no.78, Apr.-Jun. 1955.
Continues: Revue d'histoire de la philosophie et d'histoire générale de la civilisation.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques.
Holdings: v.1- , 1907- . [v.30], 1941-1942 called Les sciences philosophiques et
théologiques; title changed back to Revue des sciences... with v.31, 1947.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue du Louvre.
Holdings: v.41- , 1991- .
Continues: Revue du Louvre et des musées de France.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue du Louvre et des musées de France.
Holdings: v.25-40, 1975-1990.
Continued by and shelved with: Revue du Louvre.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée.
Holdings: no.48-78, 1988-1995.
Continues: Revue de l'Occident musulman et de le Méditerranée.
Continued by and shelved with: Revue des mondes musulmans et de la méditerranée.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue française de science politique.
Holdings: v.20- , 1970- . Index 1970-1974.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue française de sociologie.
Holdings: v.14- , 1973- . Index 1986-1990.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue historique.
Holdings: v.193- , 1942/43- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue historique de droit français et étranger.
Holdings: v.51- , 1973- . Index 1975-90.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue hittite et asianique.
Holdings: v.1-5, 1930-1940.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue (International Organization for Ancient Languages Analysis by Computer).
SEE: International Organization for Ancient Languages Analysis by Computer. Review.
Revue internationale de philosophie.
Holdings: v.23- , 1969- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue numismatique.
Holdings: ser.5, v.2-19, 1938-1957; ser.6, v.1-36, 1958-94. V.150- , 1995- .
Index, 1916-1956, 1958-2000.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger.
Holdings: v.99- , 1925- . Index v.1-74, 1876-1912.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue philosophique de Louvain.
Holdings: v.44- , 1946- . Index v.44-68, 1946-1970.
Continues: Revue néoscolastique de philosophie.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Revue suisse de numismatique.
SEE: Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau.
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie.
Holdings: N.S. v.1- , 1842- . Index v.1-24, 1842-69.
Lacks: v.52-87, 1897-1938.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Ricerche di storia dell'arte.
Holdings: no.1-15, 1976-81; 17-19, 1982-83; 21-23, 1983-84;
25-27, 1985-86; 30, 1986; 32-33, 1987; 34-63, 1988-1997;
65-, 1998- . Index, 1978-94.
Lacks: no. 16, 20, 24, 28-29, 31, 64.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
SEE: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian affairs.
Rinascimento: rivista dell'Istituto nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento.
Holdings: v.1-11, 1950-60; ser.2, v.1- , 1961- . Index 1938-83.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista critica di storia della filosofia.
Holdings: v.5-38, 1950-1983.
Continued by and shelved with: Rivista di storia della filosofia.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista d'arte.
Holdings: ser.4, v.1-8, 1984-1992.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale.
Holdings: v.1- , 1959- .
Includes and continues: Rivista di filologia classica.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di filologia classica.
SEE: Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica.
Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica.
Holdings: v.74- , 1946- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di filosofia.
Holdings: v.31- , 1940- .
Lacks: v.74, 1983. Never published?
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di storia del diritto italiano.
Holdings: v.1-41, 1928-1968.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di storia della chiesa in Italia.
Holdings: v.1- , 1947- . Index v.1-30, 1947-1976.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di storia della filosofia.
Holdings: v.1-4, 1946-1948; v.39- , 1984- . v.5-38 published as
Rivista critica di storia della filosofia. Index v.1-35.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista di studi liguri.
Holdings: v.20- , 1954- . Indexes 1934-1974.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista storica dell'antichità.
Holdings: v.1- , 1971- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rivista storica italiana.
Holdings: v.75- , 1963- .
Lacks: v.75:1, 1963; 76:1, 1964; 77:3, 1965.
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana.
Holdings: v.25- , 1989- .
Continues: Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte.
Holdings: v.12-24, 1969-1988.
Continued by: Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Roma moderne e contemporanea.
Holdings: v.1-25, 1993-2017.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Holdings: v.47- , 1985- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rome. Commissione archeologica. Bullettino.
Holdings: v.73- , 1949- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Rome. Università. Istituto di storia dell'architettura. Quaderni.
Holdings: no.18-30, 1956-58; Ser.9-27, no.49-174, 1962-82;
N.S. fasc.1/10- , 1983/87- .
Location: Current issues in Periodicals Reading Room
Bound issues in Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Royal Historical Society. London. Camden series 3.
Holdings: v.25, 51, 70, 73, 78, 81-94; 1914, 1958-1963.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Royal Historical Society. London. Camden series 4.
Holdings: v.1-44, 1964-1992.
Continued by: Royal Historical Society, London. Camden series 5.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Royal Historical Society. London. Camden series 5.
Holdings: v.1- , 1993- .
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Royal Historical Society. London. Publications.
Holdings: v.6, 1839 and v.12, 1840.
Continued by and shelved with: Royal Historical Society. London. Camden series 3.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Royal Historical Society. London. Transactions.
Online access via Cambridge University Press; Archival access via JSTOR
Holdings: ser.4, v.21-32, 1939-1950; ser.5, v.1-40, 1951-1990;
ser.6, v.1-32, 1991-2022, ser.7 v.1- , 2023. Index for ser.1-5 in v.40, 1990.
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level
Royal Irish Academy. Annual Report.
SEE: Academy. Dublin. Annual report.
Royal Irish Academy. List of the council and officers, members, honorary members and Cunningham medalists.
SEE: Academy. Dublin. List of the council and officers.
Rural sociology.
Online access only via Wiley
Holdings: v.36-87, 1971-2022 . Index v.1-50, 1936-85.
Lacks: v.87:1
Location: Compact Shelving — Lower Level