Physics Group Meeting

Black Hole Images and the Photon Ring

The EHT Collaboration has recently published images of the supermassive black hole in M87. The images are dominated by a bright ring-like structure with an angular brightness asymmetry. While the diameter of this ring is resolved by the EHT, its thickness and detailed substructure are not. General relativity predicts that within this image lies a thin “photon ring,” composed of an infinite sequence of bright self-similar subrings. I will discuss the theoretical aspects of these general features of astrophysical black hole images, as well as the potential observability of the photon ring at extensions of the EHT.
Reading material:
arXiv:1907.04329, arXiv:1906.11242, arXiv:1905.11406

Date & Time

October 09, 2019 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


Bloomberg Hall Physics Library


Daniel Kapec


Member, School of Natural Sciences, IAS

Event Series

