PU High Energy Theory Seminar

Holography on the AdS2 String and the Wilson Line dCFT

This talk will be held in-person in Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407 and on Zoom:
Zoom link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/97248927011?pwd=SWFiNWFwZWE5SUR4OUxvV0ZacVdWQT09

Abstract: In the gauge/string duality, Wilson loop operators are dual to open string minimal surfaces anchored on the loop at the boundary of AdS. In the simplest example, a circular Wilson loop corresponds to an open string worldsheet with AdS2 geometry. The scattering amplitudes of the worldsheet fluctuations are holographically dual to one-dimensional correlation functions in the defect CFT associated with the Wilson line. I will give an overview of recent progress on this system. The results have applications in various contexts, such as the conformal bootstrap, integrability, the g-theorem for defect RG flows, and chaotic behavior of out-of-time order correlators. 

Date & Time

February 24, 2023 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


Jadwin Hall, PCTS Room 407 & Zoom


Simone Giombi


Princeton University

