Princeton University Galread [Galactic/Extragalactic Reading Group]
The mass profiles of dwarf galaxies from Dark Energy Survey lensing
Each week, we hold a relatively informal seminar/discussion series with an emphasis on extra-galactic and large-scale structure astrophysics.
During Galread a leader/visitor presents a recent paper to the discussion group. The PDF of the paper is projected onto a large screen, and a guest explains the paper, section by section, in greater detail than may be explained within the text of the article. To aid with discussion, only the article PDF is presented -- no powerpoint-style slides. Galread discussions are very friendly and interactive.
Date & Time
April 22, 2024 | 11:00am – 12:00pm
Zoom and Peyton Hall, Grand CentralSpeakers
Joseph Thornton
Additional Info
Discussion paper: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023arXiv231114659T/abstract