High Energy Theory Seminar

Size and Momentum of an Infalling Particle in the Black Hole Interior

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Abstract: The future interior of black holes in AdS/CFT can be described in terms of a quantum circuit. We investigate boundary quantities detecting properties of this quantum circuit. We discuss relations between operator size, quantum complexity, and the momentum of an infalling particle in the black hole interior. We argue that the trajectory of the infalling particle in the interior close to the horizon is related to the growth of operator size. The notion of size here differs slightly from the size which has previously been related to momentum of exterior particles and provides an interesting generalization. The fact that both exterior and interior momentum are related to operator size growth is a manifestation of complementarity.
Based on work with Felix Haehl, 2102.05697.

Date & Time

March 19, 2021 | 1:45pm – 3:00pm


via ZOOM


Member, School of Natural Sciences, IAS

