Symplectic Dynamics Working Group

Quasiconformality and the Lyapunov spectrum

I will show that a closed, negatively curved Riemannian manifold of 1/4 pinched negative curvature has constant negative curvature if and only if the Lyapunov spectrum of its geodesic flow is the same as that of a hyperbolic manifold. The Lyapunov spectrum describes the asymptotic behavior of vectors under the derivative action of the geodesic flow; the main step of the proof is to convert this asymptotic control into uniform control. I'll also discuss some connections of the techniques used to quasiconformal mapping theory. No background in these topics will be assumed for the talk.

Date & Time

February 05, 2019 | 1:30pm – 3:00pm


Simonyi Hall Classroom 114


Clark Butler


Princeton University; Veblen Research Instructor, School of Mathematics
