How do I add a printer on Ubuntu?

Go to the top-left of your screen and click on "Activities". Then type "printers" in the "Type to search" field.

Click on printers (next to settings). Click on "Add Printer...".

Type in For example, if you want to add the s0d printer, type in Scroll to the bottom and you should see a few printers with the address that you searched for. Wait a few moments and another printer should appear with an IP address. For example, with s0d the printer that should appear is "HP-LaserJet-M608" with "Address:". Click this printer and click on the Add button.

The new printer should now appear in your list of printers. For clarity it is recommended to rename the printer. Click on the cog to the right of "No Active Jobs". Click on "Printing Details.". Rename the printer to the hostname. In our example, we would rename the printer to s0d.