Social Science Theme Collection, 2016-2017

Law and the Social Sciences, 2016-2017

Organizers - Didier Fassin, James D. Wolfensohn Professor in the School, and Visiting Professor Bernard E. Harcourt, Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor at Columbia Law School.


All titles are located on a shelf in an office in West Building, see Donne Petito or Nancy Cotterman for details.

School of Social Science Commons Library 2016-17

Lori Allen.
The Rise and Fall of Human Rights: Cynicism and Politics in Occupied Palestine. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013. JC599.P19 A55 2013

Ruha Benjamin.
People's Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier (Stanford Univ Press) QH588.S83 B46 2013

Celine Bessire.
Collectif Onze, Au tribunal des couples, enquête sur des affaires familiales, Odile Jacob, 2013. (Not yet received)

Amy Borovoy.
The Too-Good Wife, U.C. Press, 2005. HV5132.B67 2005 (online

Linda Bosniak.
The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership (Princeton U. Press 2006, 2008). K3224 .B67 2006 (online )

Nick Cheesman.
Opposing the Rule of Law : How Myanmar's Courts Make Law and Order
Cambridge, 2016. KNL3411 .C48 2015

Andrew Dilts.
Punishment and Inclusion: Race, Membership, and the Limits of American Liberalism (New York: Fordham University Press, 2014). JK1846 .D55 2014
(online )

Andrew Dilts and Perry Zurn, eds.,
Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). HV9667 .A28 2016

Karen Engle.
The Elusive Promise of Indigenous Development: Rights, Culture, Strategy (Duke, 2010) K3247 .E54 2010

*available in December: Anti-Impunity and the Human Rights Agenda (edited with Zina Miller and Dennis Davis)(CUP, 2016)

Lee Ann Fujii.
Killing Neighbors: Webs of Violence in Rwanda. (not yet received)

Hamzic, Vanja.
Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Muslim World: History, Law and Vernacular Knowledge (London: I.B.Tauris, Islamic South Asia series, 2016). KBP2467.5 .H36 2016

Bernard Harcourt.
Exposed : desire and disobedience in the digital age. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2015. HM851 .H3664 2015

Bernard Harcourt.
Illusion of Free Markets. already borrowed - in process

David Kazanjian.
The Brink of Freedom: Improvising Life in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World (Durham: Duke University Press, 2016). DT633 .K393 2016

David Kazanjian and David L. Eng, eds.
Loss: The Politics of Mourning (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003). HN16 .L67 2003
(online )

Jaeeun Kim.
Contested Embrace : transborder membership politics in twentieth-century Korea. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2016] JV8757 .K5454 2016

Donald Light.
The Risks of Prescription Drugs (Columbia University Press 2010). RA401.A3 R57 2010.
(online )

Donald Light and Antonio F. Maturo.
Good Pharma : the public-health model of the Mario Negri Institute. (Palgrave, 2015). RS67.I82 L55 2015

Benchmarks of Fairness for Health Care Reform by Normal Daniels, Donald Light, and Ron Caplan (Oxford University Press 1996). RA394.9 .D36 1996

Sida Liu.
*[on order] Criminal Defense in China: The Politics of Lawyers at Work. (Cambridge)

Pascal Marichalar.
Médecin du travail, médecin du patron?L'indépendance médicale en question, Presses de Sciences Po | Nouveaux Débats (on order)

Elizabeth Mertz.
The Language of Law School: Learning to 'Think Like a Lawyer (Oxford, 2007). KF279 .M47 2007

Translating the Social World for Law: Linguistic Tools for a New Legal Realism (Oxford, 2016) (ed. Mertz, Ford, Matoesian). K213 .T7363 2016

Sophie Meunier.
Trading Voices: The European Union in International Commercial Negotiations (Princeton University Press, 2005) HF1379 .M48 2007

The Politics of Interest Representation in the Global Age : identification, mobilization, and adjudication. Edited by Peter A. Hall, Wade Jacoby, Jonah Levy, Sophie Meunier. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. JF1051 .P5836 2014

Jonathan Morduch.
Portfolios of the Poor: How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day. Princeton : Princeton University Press, ©2009. HC79.P6 P67 2009 (online )

Juan Obarrio.
The Spirit of the Laws in Mozambique (Chicago, 2014) DT3389 .O34 2014

Peter Redfield.
Life in crisis : the ethical journey of Doctors without Borders / Peter Redfield. (Berkeley : University of California Press, c2013). HV687 .R43 2013

Space in the Tropic : from convicts to rockets in French Guiana. Berkeley : University of California Press, ©2000. GF532.F74 R43 2000 (online )

Forces of Compassion : humanitarianism between ethics and politics / edited by Erica Bornstein and Peter Redfield. Santa Fe, N.M. : School for Advanced Research Press, 2011. HV553 .F59 2011

Massimiliano Tomba. Marx's Temporalities, Haymarket Books 2013. HX39.5 .T5513 2013b
(online )

Michael Walzer.
The Paradox of Liberation : secular revolutions and religious counterrevolutions. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2015] JF60 .W35 2015

Linda Zerilli.
Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom (UChicago Press, 2005) (on order)
*early November release: A Democratic Theory of Judgment (UChicago Press, 2016).

Theme's from previous years:

Dewey Seminar : Education, Schools and the State, (2009-2010); Secularism (2010-2011); Moralities (2011-2012); Environmental Turn and the Human Sciences (2013-2014).
Complete listing of the School of Social Science Thematic Foci

Please report any problems with this list by sending email to , Marcia or Kirstie.