Seminars Sorted by Series

Working Group on Algebraic Number Theory

Working Group on Arnold Diffusion


Working Group on Arnold Diffusion

Arnold Diffusion via Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Cylinders and Mather Variational Method, Part III

In 1964 Arnold constructed an example of instabilities for nearly integrable systems and conjectured that generically this phenomenon takes place. There has been big progress attacking this conjecture in the past decade. Jointly with Ke Zhang we...


Working Group on Arnold Diffusion

Arnold Diffusion via Normally Hyperbolic Invariant Cylinders and Mather Variational Method, Part IV

In 1964 Arnold constructed an example of instabilities for nearly integrable systems and conjectured that generically this phenomenon takes place. There has been big progress attacking this conjecture in the past decade. Jointly with Ke Zhang we...

Working Group on Diophantine Analysis


Working Group on Diophantine Analysis

Steenrod operations and Tate's Conjecture on the Brauer group of a surface
4:45pm|Fine Hall 1201, Princeton University

There is a canonical pairing on the Brauer group of a surface over a finite field, which is the analogue of the Cassels-Tate pairing on the Tate-Shafarevich group of a Jacobian variety. An old conjecture of Tate predicts that this pairing is...

Working Group on Geometric Applications of the Langlands Correspondence

Working Group on Stratified Homotopy Theory