Special Year Workshop on p-adic Arithmetic Geometry

Laumon Sheaf and the Mod p Langlands Program for GL_2 of a Finite Degree Extension of Qp

Let $E$ be a finite degree extension of $Qp$. Given a mod p representation of the absolute Galois group of E we construct a sheaf on a punctured absolute Banach-Colmez space that should give the first step in the construction of the mod p local Langlands correspondence as a representation of the mirabolic subgroup of $GL2(E)$. We will explain the construction of this sheaf, its conjectural properties and the link with the recent work of Breuil, Herzig, Hu Morra, and Schraen about local-global compatibility.

Date & Time

November 14, 2023 | 2:30pm – 3:30pm


Simonyi 101 and Remote Access


Laurent Fargues, CNRS/Columbia University
