Joint IAS/Princeton/Rutgers Analysis Seminar

A Deterministic Control Based Approach to Motion by Curvature

In a joint work with Bob Kohn, we give a new control-type interpretation on the level-set approach to motion by curvature and related interface motion laws. More precisely, we give a family of discrete-time, two-person games whose value functions converge in the continuous-time limit to the solution of the motion-by-curvature PDE. The value function of a deterministic control problem is normally a first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equation, while the level-set formulation of motion by curvature is a second-order parabolic equation.

Date & Time

November 18, 2004 | 3:30pm – 4:30pm


Princeton University, Fine Hall 214


Sylvia Serfaty


Courant Institute

Event Series
