Geometry of Matroids Workshop
Sponsored by Dr. John P. Hempel
Organizers: Matt Baker, Chris Eur, June Huh, Oliver Lorscheid, and Felipe Rincon
This event aims to bring together leading researchers in different areas of combinatorial geometry. This workshop is a part of the special year Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics.
Invited Speakers:
Andrew Berget, Western Washington University/IAS
Tong Jin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Kiumars Kaveh, University of Pittsburgh
Donggyu Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Lukas Kuhne, Bielefeld University/IAS
Mario Kummer, Dresden University of Technology
Matt Larson, IAS/Princeton University
Shiyue Li, IAS
Mateusz Michalek, University of Konstanz
Mario Sanchez, Cornell University/IAS
Victoria Schleis, Durham University/IAS
Kris Shaw, University of Oslo
Cynthia Vinzant, University of Washington
Zach Walsh, Auburn University
Josephine Yu, Georgia Institute of Technology