Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II

Taming the hydra: the Word Problem, Dehn functions, and extreme integer compression

For a finitely presented group, the Word Problem asks for an algorithm which declares whether or not words on the generators represent the identity. The Dehn function is the time-complexity of a direct attack on the Word Problem by applying the defining relations. I will survey these topics and their interrelationships. A "hydra phenomenon" gives rise to novel groups with extremely fast growing (Ackermannian) Dehn functions. I will explain why, nevertheless, there are efficient (polynomial time) solutions to the Word Problems of these groups. The main innovation is a means of computing efficiently with compressed forms of enormous integers. This is joint work with Will Dison and Eduard Einstein.

Date & Time

December 02, 2014 | 10:30am – 12:30pm




Cornell University; Member, School of Mathematics