Analysis, Spectra and Number Theory, a Conference in Honor of Peter Sarnak’s 61st Birthday

Some applications of trace functions to analytic number theory

In the lecture, we will describe several applications of the theory of trace functions (Frobenius trace functions associated to $\ell$-adic sheaves on the affine line over $\mathbb{F}_q$) to analytic number theory. This is a report of several recent works made by and with a variety of people including V. Blomer, E. Kowalski, E. Fouvry, D. Milicevic, W. Savin and D. H. J. Polymath.

Date & Time

December 18, 2014 | 11:10am – 12:00pm


Simonyi Hall 101


Phillippe Michel


École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
