Mathematics - Natural Sciences Library: Mathematical Resources
(updated: 03/01/24- ECM)
Core Resources
Other Resources
- GDZ (Gottingen Digitisation Centre) Mathematica
- NUMDAM - French Digital Mathematics Library
- Gallica : Presse Scientifique
- MathDOC (Cellule de coordination documentaire nationale pour les mathématiques)
- EMIS (European Mathematical Information Service)
- DART - Europe E-theses
- DBLP - Computer Science Bibliography
- EpiSciences Overlay Open Access Journals
- bdim: Biblioteca Digitale Italiana di Matematica
Finding Mathematical Periodicals
Books & Encyclopedias
- AMS Books Online
- SLMath Book Series
- The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
- Euler Archive
- Springer OpenAccess Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- Historical Math Monographs (Cornell)
Data Sources and Software
- Wolfram MathWorld
- The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations
- Univalent Mathematics
- CoCalc (formerly SageMath)
- NIST: Quantum Algorithm Zoo
- Knotilus ; The Knot Atlas
- LMFDB (L-functions and Modular Forms Database)
- Magma Computational Algebra System
- ICON - Colorado Index of Complex Networks
- SciPy
- Keradon (category theory)
- GroupNames
- The Manifold Atlas (MPIM)
Preprint and Open Access Archives
- arXiv: Mathematics
- arXivist (digest/alerting service)
- Advances in Combinatorics
- CoRR (Computing Research Repository)
- IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive
- Linear Algebraic Groups and Related Structures (Bielefeld)
- Mathematical Physics Preprint Archives (UT)
- Preprint Series in Mathematical Sciences (Nagoya University)
- Princeton Doctoral Dissertations: Mathematics
- RIMS Repository (Kyoto University)
- Oberwolfach Publications (MFO)
Associations and Research Centers
- American Mathematical Society
- Association for Women in Mathematics
- The National Alliance for Doctoral Studies
in the Mathematical Sciences - EMS European Mathematical Society
- International Association of Mathematical Physics
- MAA Mathematical Association of America
- Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematk
- SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- MathSeminars.Org
- ICM Proceeedings, 1893-2014
- IEEE Conference
- ACM Events (subscription access)
- Seminaire Bourbaki (1948-2006)
- Seminaire Dubreil. Algebre et theorie des nombres (1947-1975)
- Seminaire Equations aux Derivees Partielles (1974-2015)
- Seminaire de Probabilites de Strasbourg (1967-2002)
- Seminaire Pierre Lelong Analyse (1957-1967)
- Journees Equations aux Derivees Partielles (1974-2011)
- Seminaire de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (1971-1988)
- SIAM Proceedings (subscription resource)
- Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability (1949-1972)
- Project Euclid Open Access: Journals and Conference Proceedings
- ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys (EDP Open)
- PMLR (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research)
- Proceedings of the CMA (ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute)
- Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar
- Appalachian Set Theory
- MathNetRu: All Seminars
People & Personal Archives
- Combined Membership List (CML)
- MacTutor History of Mathematics
- Biographies of Women Mathematicians
- Archives Grothendieck
- Arne Beurling Archive (Uppsala U)
- The Euler Archive (MAA)
- The Friedrich Hirzebruch Collection (MPIM)
Discussion Websites for Mathematics
- Terry Tao
- Polymath1Wiki ; Polymath Blog
- Tim Gowers
- Secret Blogging Seminar
- MathOverflow
- CombinatoricsWiki